Is it 10% of each pay check or 10% a month?

Hi Everyone,

I come to you all in love:-) Interpretations about Christianity and politics can bring out some very strong feelings in all of us including me. I encourage everyone to seek God and under his word for yourself, he left it for all of us to understand it.

I believe no one can get into the kingdom by any works. Yes I do believe in supporting the church financially, and also helping those in need. I also know from my understanding of the word that it will rain on the just as it does the unjust. It is apart of this life and being a human being. Jesus had to suffer because he came in the form of a man, however he was the only man that lived on earth without sin. The one thing that I pretty comfortable in knowing to understand for sure that the commandments that God set out in my life are to love him and have no other Gods and to love my fellow man. I believe if you follow those commandments that God set out in the New Testament with a pure heart and to the best of your ability , then how you give will ultimately be reflected in a way that is pleasing to God.

Just by being a human being your life won't simply just be better because you tithe and that will not get you to heaven. Being heaven bound is the thing we should care about most. I encourage everyone to seek the Lord on your own, by prayer AND STUDY, not by what any person tells you.

The church and spiritual leaders are very valuable for inspiration and deeper understanding and if you find the right church home it should draw you closer in your walk.

God speaks several times throughout the bible about seeking wisdom. So I encourage everyone to seek Gods instruction for our lives daily by reading and studying his word.

Personally I found it hard to read a regular bible straight through, I found The One Year Bible a helpful starting point -

I am a witness to say if you seek you will find. Hopefully we can all encourage one other in the lord. We all have enough struggles dealing with non believers so we should strive not need to be divisive among ourselves.

I hope those who were offended could apologize to each other and love each other as Christ calls us to do. If we don't do so we will be guaranteed not to get into heaven, this is the only thing I can be sure of as this is his commandment which is to love God and have no Gods before him and Love one another. If we do these things, all should fall into place.
Thank you for always being the voice of reason and for this gentle rebuke. I appreciate your words, knowing that it comes from a heart of love and unity. :bighug:

I apologize for my part in this thread. I certainly do not want to cause any confusion or disruption in what the Lord is doing in this forum with other members. As I continue to post during my last few months here, I will make sure to keep myself in a spirit of unity and love and only look to encourage and uplift the members of this forum with my posts.

God bless you, always.

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Love you too sis!
Thank you for always being the voice of reason and for this gentle rebuke. I appreciate your words, knowing that it comes from a heart of love and unity. :bighug:

I apologize for my part in this thread. I certainly do not want to cause any confusion or disruption in what the Lord is doing in this forum with other members. As I continue to post during my last few months here, I will make sure to keep myself in a spirit of unity and love and only look to encourage and uplift the members of this forum with my posts.

God bless you, always.

Posting using Samsung Admire
beverly I too appreciate what you wrote.

I too would strongly encourage those who have never taken the time to study and are only going by what those in the pulpit or those you look up to spiritually told them.

Look for these answers:

1. Did Jesus pay a tithe and did he instruct his disciples and those he taught to pay a tithe.

2. Do the Jews who follow all of the rituals today pay a tithe. Why or why not?

3. How did the early believers support one another. (Read the book of Acts)

4. What was the purpose of the tithe (and was it ever mentioned in the book of Acts as it relates to supporting one another)?

5. Why did Abram give Melchizedek the tithe and what did he tithe from.

6. Why out of all of the levitical laws is tithing the ONLY one enforced today?

7. Who could collect the tithe?

8. What were the different mandates to pay a tithe and the instructions regarding it?

The Word says that Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. Believe it as you study even if it shakes up some beliefs you've always had.
beverly I too appreciate what you wrote.

I too would strongly encourage those who have never taken the time to study and are only going by what those in the pulpit or those you look up to spiritually told them.

Look for these answers:

1. Did Jesus pay a tithe and did he instruct his disciples and those he taught to pay a tithe.

2. Do the Jews who follow all of the rituals today pay a tithe. Why or why not?

3. How did the early believers support one another. (Read the book of Acts)

4. What was the purpose of the tithe (and was it ever mentioned in the book of Acts as it relates to supporting one another)?

5. Why did Abram give Melchizedek the tithe and what did he tithe from.

6. Why out of all of the levitical laws is tithing the ONLY one enforced today?

7. Who could collect the tithe?

8. What were the different mandates to pay a tithe and the instructions regarding it?

The Word says that Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. Believe it as you study even if it shakes up some beliefs you've always had.

ETA. Why is it taught that whenever the words "increase, reap, give, sow" it is ALWAYS taught as money? Could it be give love, give mercy, give compassion?

For example Luke 6:38
38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
I think this thread has run it's course. Time to close it.


Thank you beverly for sharing your message of love in this thread. Your heart is full of compassion with the intent of being fair to all.

This particular thread is not open to letting it all go in the direction you have suggested.
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I think this thread has run it's course. Time to close it.


Do you feel that my post is beating a dead horse? Why?

All I did was share some info to study. If the person still chooses to tithe after coming into a full understanding of tithing wouldn't that be better?
I feel passionate about this topic. I don't the issue with what I posted.
Do you feel that my post is beating a dead horse? Why?

All I did was share some info to study. If the person still chooses to tithe after coming into a full understanding of tithing wouldn't that be better?
I feel passionate about this topic. I don't the issue with what I posted.

sunnysmyler , how are you? How is Prince William?

As for this thread being closed, it's not related to you, personally. It's the entire thread. I just started reading it yesterday and it's a mess. It needs to end...all of it.

It became a dead horse long before you posted. It needs to close. The flame is still burning, especially since it was thought that I was singling out your post. This will only start a new string of offense/defense postings from others, as the spirit of offense is still hovering in this thread.

It's time for this thread to close.

Hey Shimmie girl, William is doing great, just started 1st grade and so excited. Thanks for asking.

Thanks for bringing clarity to your post.

Regarding the thread, I don't think it should be closed simply because we see things differently.

Regarding people being offended, MrsH clarified who she was referencing in her post shouldn't that be enough?

I see tithing as one of those doctrines that need to be investigated because it has been used as a tool to take advantage of people.

Yes it is a touchy subject but does that mean we never address it? I know for me I didn't study it, I just gave because my momma tithed and constantly said "pay your tithes so god can bless you" and every church I have attended have supported and encouraged tithing. I also attended a ministry that said, we are to give 10% of every "increase of our hand" birthday money, child support, everything.

After conducting my study I spoke to my pastor regarding some of the same questions I posted here and it was not received well at all.
Hey Shimmie girl, William is doing great, just started 1st grade and so excited. Thanks for asking.

Thanks for bringing clarity to your post.

Regarding the thread, I don't think it should be closed simply because we see things differently.

Regarding people being offended, MrsH clarified who she was referencing in her post shouldn't that be enough?

I see tithing as one of those doctrines that need to be investigated because it has been used as a tool to take advantage of people.

Yes it is a touchy subject but does that mean we never address it? I know for me I didn't study it, I just gave because my momma tithed and constantly said "pay your tithes so god can bless you" and every church I have attended have supported and encouraged tithing. I also attended a ministry that said, we are to give 10% of every "increase of our hand" birthday money, child support, everything.

After conducting my study I spoke to my pastor regarding some of the same questions I posted here and it was not received well at all.

:yay: for First Grade :yay: Please send me a picture of his first day at school. He's still my sweetheart. :love2:

As for this thread (not the posters) but the thread its self, there's too much 'heat'. Money is a very heated topic, especially when it comes to 'giving'.

If you notice, my first post was to put this horse out of it's misery. :lol:

My love to you and Prince William and the rest of your family. I mean this and I apologize that my post was unclear. As I shared I started reading through it for the first time yesterday and after reading the rest of it today, it was time to put it to an end. Again because there's too much 'heat'.