Is it 10% of each pay check or 10% a month?


Well-Known Member
I've been kind of confused about this. I get paid every 2 weeks and I need to know should I be tithing 10% of each pay check or 5% every 2 weeks which equals 10% for the month. I admit I don't tithe 10% but I'd like to. I just want to budget properly for it. Not that I'd have an issue tithing 20% a month but if its really suppose to be 10% I'd like to know.
It is 10% of your increase. If you pay tithes bi-weekly or monthly it will still be 10% :yep: Don't add the percentages together, the Math would be incorrect.

Let's say you make $100 every two weeks. If you decide to tithe every paycheck, you would tithe $10 the first paycheck and $10 the next paycheck of $100. Total tithe paid would be $20 for the month.

Now if you decided to tithe monthly then your total increase for the month, getting paid twice per month at the same rate, would be $200 ($100+$100). So you would pay 10% × $200 = $ 20.

It would be the same.

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Thx. Ok I did the math it comes out correctly whether I do bi weekly or monthly. The amount is so high, I'm wondering if I can even afford it into my budget. There's no negotiating so ill suck it up but it's gonna be tough.
It's the same whether you tithe 10% of each check or 10% of your monthly income. You'd still only be tithing 10% either way. But we are called to give the firstfruits, so giving as you get it is generally the way to go.
You will be blessed for your sacrifice. I know for me, my money seems to stretch further or something when I tithe. When I wasn't a tither, I'd have those "where did my money go?" moments a lot! I don't anymore :yep:.

For me, things just work out for the better budget-wise...I have found a cheaper place to rent, I find good deals when I shop for groceries, my family and I remain in good health, my gas lasts, old car keeps on keeping on (I'm believing God for a new car though, cuz folks are starting to worry. Even strangers I meet at the gas station:lol:).

And if you are still being pushed to the limit, ask God to bless you with an increase in pay (raise or a new job), where you can be comfortable living off 90% :yep:.

Maybe others can chime in, but all I can say is not only have I not lost, but I have actually gained financially as a tither.

I pray God will honor your sacrifice and you will receive all the blessings that come with being a tither :yep:
10% is 10% no matter if you get paid weekly or bi monthly, you are taking 10% out of your total earnings before deductions.

If you look at how 'high' the amount is you wont ever tithe, more than likely you will pay all your bills first and tithe based on what is left over, whatever is left over will still not seem sufficient to you, (speaking from experience), once you know who your 'source' is your mind set will change.

First pray, tell Lord that you really want to be a faithful tither, ask Him for wisdom regarding your finances ask Him to teach you to trust him to continue to provide for you.

Think about it, we spend that and more on hair products, clothing, the movies, activities, make-up, etc., w/o batting and eye.

Thx. Ok I did the math it comes out correctly whether I do bi weekly or monthly. The amount is so high, I'm wondering if I can even afford it into my budget. There's no negotiating so ill suck it up but it's gonna be tough.
Its worth the sacrifice.

I dont include tithes in my budget. When I do the budget it is with the money that is left over after taxes and tithes come out. So for me it is very easy because I've been doing it so long and I automatically take it out (just like Uncle sam automatically takes his out lol)

be encouraged!
Thx. Ok I did the math it comes out correctly whether I do bi weekly or monthly. The amount is so high, I'm wondering if I can even afford it into my budget. There's no negotiating so ill suck it up but it's gonna be tough.
I remember when my dh and I purchased our first home....girl, after we calculated all the expenses, my husband said that we would only have $10 left. He said..."maybe I won't tithe for a few months." Chile, I lost it...I said to him "that's the last thing we are going to do...we will tithe and cut out something else...but not tithing...that's gets a huge NO from me."

We tithed and the first month, he came home and said "hon, I trusted God and I just got overtime where they were not giving overtime to anyone at the job" AND he was the ONLY ONE getting it! We only needed 9 months to be able to pay our cars off and once we paid it off....THE OT STOPPED!:lol: The Lord knew exactly what to do and when to do it! I KNOW its because we continued to tithe out of our need and didn't quit believing that God will take care of us.

Also...tithing now will take care of you later on for sure.:yep:

Our faithful tithing caused us to be able to purchase our second home and pay for two new cars cash....all at the same time! We don't have any major bills so we can do ministry without thinking about what we gonna do! God is so good!
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Thx ladies. I definitely will start tithing like I should. I have been in a state of worry lately regarding money. Seems like there's always something to pay and its getting annoying. I know it's cause I've been cheap with God.
Kinkyhairlady, if you're having financial difficulty then don't tithe. That's not a requirement for new testament believers. Its not wrong to use that money to take care of the things required for your household. The belief that you're experiencing financial hardship because of a lack of tithing is false.
God bless you, Kinkyhairlady and what God is about to do in your life! He wants the best for you and has given you testimony after testimony from Women of God who He has shown Himself strong in. The Holy Spirit has already confirmed it to you even before you started this thread...we just shared our testimonies!

Looking forward to hearing your testimony too about the goodness and blessings of the Lord in your life by tithing to HIM!!!

It is in our times of lack that we learn that He is our provider. :yep: We may have jobs and various sources of income, but He is our ULTIMATE provider. And He will provide. We can never see Him work unless we let go and trust Him.
Kinkyhairlady, if you're having financial difficulty then don't tithe. That's not a requirement for new testament believers. Its not wrong to use that money to take care of the things required for your household. The belief that you're experiencing financial hardship because of a lack of tithing is false.

I don't mean like I'm struggling to pay bills cause that's not the issue. I just feel I am always paying bills and not much is left for me to really enjoy. After bills and savings I am not impressed with what's left but then again I tend to spend what left on nonsense so I rather tithe it. Like I used to have a car note and though I no longer do I can't figure out where that money goes now. Smh
I don't mean like I'm struggling to pay bills cause that's not the issue. I just feel I am always paying bills and not much is left for me to really enjoy. After bills and savings I am not impressed with what's left but then again I tend to spend what left on nonsense so I rather tithe it. Like I used to have a car note and though I no longer do I can't figure out where that money goes now. Smh

There is nothing wrong with tithing. The doctrine taught today is false though and no believer is bound to do it. Pray and ask the Lord where He would have you use it. There may be an elderly person around you who needs groceries or a sister or brother in Christ around you that's struggling and you could be a blessing to them. The idea that God requires 10% of your income be given to a church is a lie. Pray about it, that the Lord Jesus will give you wisdom on where it needs to go.
I am a tither and I do believe in tithing, both me and my husband. We give generously to the church. BUT I also agree with you that there are a lot of false teaching about tithing and giving to the church. I believe that "God loves a cheerful giver"..... and you should not be stressed in your giving. It really bothers me when people have lost their jobs and incomes drop substainualy low and yet the pastors expect them to tithe. They are already struggling to make ends meet. Example if my income was $3000 monthly and now it is $1500, I AM NOW STRUGGLING because I have the same expenses that I had at $3000 monthly income. The bills did not get reduced!!!! The money has to come from somewhere. God gives us wisdom, so please use it when giving and you know you need the money to pay the light bill. It is all about good stewardship and God will not allow you to suffer because you do not pay your tithes. He is a God of grace. I just wanted to add my little 2 cents to this.
I think the hardest part of tithing is faith. You do have to use common sense and if there isn't enough to cover the necessities - say, medical or housing etc., then one should not tithe 10% at the moment. But....there are plenty of examples of G-d blessing people when they stood out on a ledge of faith. It's case-by-case. Our church is a tithing church but understands that people aren't always able to do so. Nonetheless, I've heard countless homilies about tithing in faith that G-d will provide the rest. In addition to all that, there are seemingly countless other needs on top of tithes and we are often asked to contribute to a traveling priest's ministry to the poor, a sister, an orphanage or church building funds for repairs or new additions. Church is not that free and we are all in charge of helping it to help us. Faith in doing it is the hardest.
OP don't tithe 10% if you need the money. What Christians called "tithing" was originally a way of taxation, enclosed in religious rhetoric to mandate people to pay money. God doesn't need our money.

On the other hand, I do give as much as I can to the church I go to as a way of supporting the Black church and helping pay their bills. And also because the church I attend is really active in the Black community and helping their members, both of which I think are great reasons to give money to a church. I give to my church as a way of helping them carry out their mission...not because I think God requires me to.
I have done an extensive study on this ladies (and I encourage you to do the same) and let me tell you, tithing is an old testament law, and we are not required to tithe.

To 'obey the Law of Tithing' we would have to do the following:

1) Become an Israelite...the tithing Law was given to them only (Lev 27:34)

2) Own land in the borders of the 'Promised Land'.....only tithes from the promised land are acceptable to God (Deut 4:1-2)

3) Give 'grain from the soil or fruit from from trees'... animals from 'the herd or the flock' (Lev 27:30-32)....Money from income earned was NEVER to be tithed

4) Only ever give it to a LEVITE....Number 18:21-24...this is a lasting covenant God made with Levi

5) The Levites ONLY got the tithe because they first forfeited their inheritance in the promised land (see above and Deut 24:27-29 and Deut 26:13)...Preachers today still own houses!

6) Eat your tithe with your family and friends for 2 years at festivals....(Deut 14:22-27)

7) Share the tithe with the POOR in the third year (Deut 14:28-29 and Deut 26:12-15)

There were many times when I would give the 10 %, then turn right around and borrow money to by groceries for me and my children. I also kept waiting for my big Pay Day, when I would be rewarded for all my money that I gave, but when I looked honestly at the big picture, I had no money in savings, yet I had given my church over 4,000 and I had to take out a Care Credit credit card in order to pay for my sons emergency surgery.

We as New Testament believers are not required to tithe, in fact look at the fact that JESUS NEVER PAID A TITHE, nor did he command his disciples to tithe!

Read Nehemiah 10: 35-39 Tithe was NEVER currency, and there was currency in exchange back then!

We should be giving to the poor, taking care of the widow, the orphan the foreigner.

Let me ask this question, what did the fisherman tithe, or what about the leatherman (tent makers)?
I have done an extensive study on this ladies (and I encourage you to do the same) and let me tell you, tithing is an old testament law, and we are not required to tithe.

To 'obey the Law of Tithing' we would have to do the following:

1) Become an Israelite...the tithing Law was given to them only (Lev 27:34)

2) Own land in the borders of the 'Promised Land'.....only tithes from the promised land are acceptable to God (Deut 4:1-2)

3) Give 'grain from the soil or fruit from from trees'... animals from 'the herd or the flock' (Lev 27:30-32)....Money from income earned was NEVER to be tithed

4) Only ever give it to a LEVITE....Number 18:21-24...this is a lasting covenant God made with Levi

5) The Levites ONLY got the tithe because they first forfeited their inheritance in the promised land (see above and Deut 24:27-29 and Deut 26:13)...Preachers today still own houses!

6) Eat your tithe with your family and friends for 2 years at festivals....(Deut 14:22-27)

7) Share the tithe with the POOR in the third year (Deut 14:28-29 and Deut 26:12-15)

There were many times when I would give the 10 %, then turn right around and borrow money to by groceries for me and my children. I also kept waiting for my big Pay Day, when I would be rewarded for all my money that I gave, but when I looked honestly at the big picture, I had no money in savings, yet I had given my church over 4,000 and I had to take out a Care Credit credit card in order to pay for my sons emergency surgery.

We as New Testament believers are not required to tithe, in fact look at the fact that JESUS NEVER PAID A TITHE, nor did he command his disciples to tithe!

Read Nehemiah 10: 35-39 Tithe was NEVER currency, and there was currency in exchange back then!

We should be giving to the poor, taking care of the widow, the orphan the foreigner.

Let me ask this question, what did the fisherman tithe, or what about the leatherman (tent makers)?

Thank you. I wasn't going to go deep into why tithing as taught today is a false doctrine but until a person has had to trust the Lord through getting their things put out on the street while having been a faithful tithe payer I don't want to hear anything about it.... I have been through some things that made me study everything about church as we know it today. There is a lot I could go into about new testament giving and what it is but I am on my phone. I may just do that real soon. Until then, this was a good start.
???? If people do not contribute to the operation of the church, then you'd be meeting in tents? What about those churches with schools? Who pays for the operation of them? And their kids attend but they never contribute in way, even if it's to bake cookies for after a play? Doesn't Jesus call us to contribute our time and talents and $$$ to the operation of the church? Weren't the disciples taken care those who provided for them? Being in a faith community requires people to take full part in it, even $$$ if they are so blessed to do so.
First of all, we are the church (another thread for another time) lol

If you want to give to support a ministry then decide in your heart on how much to give.

Read 2 Cor 8: 12-14. Give a equally and not according to what you don't have (if you need to pay your light bill then that money is to pay the lights).

I wonder why many churches don't practice what they preach. I'd love to see them empty out the accounts, give all the money to the people in the pews, and trust God to make a way for them to pay their bills.
???? If people do not contribute to the operation of the church, then you'd be meeting in tents? What about those churches with schools? Who pays for the operation of them? And their kids attend but they never contribute in way, even if it's to bake cookies for after a play? Doesn't Jesus call us to contribute our time and talents and $$$ to the operation of the church? Weren't the disciples taken care those who provided for them? Being in a faith community requires people to take full part in it, even $$$ if they are so blessed to do so.

JaneBond, there is nothing wrong with giving. Giving is Spirit led. Putting a tithe doctrine in place to support a church is wrong and basically says the church does not trust the Lord. Offerings in church are not to be given to make the church rich while the members are suffering. The first believers met in houses though they did use temple before it was destroyed. There is nothing wrong with supporting churches and their functions when they are ordained by God and not men simply trying to get rich. People paying money into churches and it's used for wickedness are partakers in the wickedness, that's why believers need to be led by the Lord. Yes the disciples were taken care of, but so were ALL poor saints. Collections and offerings were for all who had need. The apostles weren't sitting on thrones getting wealthy off the believers.
First of all, we are the church (another thread for another time) lol

If you want to give to support a ministry then decide in your heart on how much to give.

Read 2 Cor 8: 12-14. Give a equally and not according to what you don't have (if you need to pay your light bill then that money is to pay the lights).

I wonder why many churches don't practice what they preach. I'd love to see them empty out the accounts, give all the money to the people in the pews, and trust God to make a way for them to pay their bills.

You said a whole lot here. Most churches would not do this though they preach such lies to the members.
I personally made a commitment to tithe 10% (or more) of my annual salary. But I have been fortunate to have found a church that gives to the poor and does alot of worldwide efforts, etc.

I do enjoy reading the truth regarding tithes. I HATE when preachers force tithing and "being cursed for not tithing" to their members. I left a church like that, thank God my new church isn't like that.
I personally made a commitment to tithe 10% (or more) of my annual salary. But I have been fortunate to have found a church that gives to the poor and does alot of worldwide efforts, etc.

I do enjoy reading the truth regarding tithes. I HATE when preachers force tithing and "being cursed for not tithing" to their members. I left a church like that, thank God my new church isn't like that.

I would love to believe that Holy Spirit has put that ten percent mandate on your heart but I feel that the "minimum of 10%" giving has been pushed down our throats so much that there is a guilt that comes if we give less.

Telling people who are desiring to please God, that God will curse them is a wicked act. I know because that was, at times my motivating factor in tithing. God blesses us because he is faithful, not a characteristic of him, but its who he is, he cannot be anything but faithful.

Think on this...... If paying tithe (10% of earnings) is one requirement of God blessing you with good things in your life, then what about that believer in North Korea (no religious freedom) or that believer in Saudi Arabia (where there is Sharia Law) who cannot attend a church, but is hiding and reading their bible, they have come to the knowledge of the truth of Christ, who do they pay tithe to so that they can receive the blessings. God is no respect of persons right, so if he expects it of us here in North America then he expects it of believers everywhere. Even those downtrodden in economic and political situations.

Let me ask you something, could you take that same 10% amount and say for 6 months I'm going to give this amount to a family/person who you know is having a rough time making it through. Would you feel the same feeling inside versus giving it to the church to disperse as they see fit?

You see, when we do something that we feel "moves the hand of God" it allows us to boast. It is simply a work (this is how God has revealed it to me, please study for yourself). God wants us to rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ.

If you want to give and support your church then do so, but not because God would in some way withhold any good thing from you. I believe we all go through tight seasons and bountiful seasons, it's all apart of God working it out for our good.
I believe I'm looking at great differences between some churches here and mine regarding tithing. It is an opportunity to serve G-d, not a requirement that brings on curses if one doesn't. People can give if they want to help spread the gospel and help the poor, which G-d does require for all christians. Everyone must help the poor in some way. It's charity. The greatest charity was that which was done for us. But if I'm understanding correctly, some of you are afraid not to tithe or have become incensed and rebel against that rule of the tithe because of the abuse of it? We give because we love to give...which is biblical. Be a cheerful giver. I had no clue that some of your churches say that you will be cursed or use emotional tactics to get you to tithe when you cannot afford to. That is religious abuse. What I was referring to was the necessity of the members of the church to support the cause of the church. As far as I know, we do not have a law in our church to tithe 10 percent but that that serves as a general good rule for those who CHOOSE to give. Shrugs. It can also be divided between diff. organizations to help the needy etc.

That being said, Malachi does assure us that G-d makes a way, no matter which amount, I suppose. We have to have faith and common sense. For Nice & Wavy's family, they have chosen to tithe the standard and they put forth their faith effort and G-d gave back, just as He said He would. I don't personally believe G-d will hate you or curse you for not tithing or supporting your church. But where our money is reveals much about where our hearts are. If we say we support the gospel, then do we? What you all are referring to is religious and financial abuse, not the necessity of supporting by the members of the body. Again, my church doesn't issue out curses. I'd change, if it did. Have any of you who unfortunately witnessed this travesty of "faith" gone to the pastors for an explanation of such abuse?
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I believe I'm looking at great differences between some churches here and mine regarding tithing. It is an opportunity to serve G-d, not a requirement that brings on curses if one doesn't. People can give if they want to help spread the gospel and help the poor, which G-d does require for all christians. Everyone must help the poor in some way. It's charity. The greatest charity was that which was done for us. But if I'm understanding correctly, some of you are afraid not to tithe or have become incensed and rebel against that rule of the tithe because of the abuse of it? We give because we love to give...which is biblical. Be a cheerful giver. I had no clue that some of your churches say that you will be cursed or use emotional tactics to get you to tithe when you cannot afford to. That is religious abuse. What I was referring to was the necessity of the members of the church to support the cause of the church. As far as I know, we do not have a law in our church to tithe 10 percent but that that serves as a general good rule for those who CHOOSE to give. Shrugs. It can also be divided between diff. organizations to help the needy etc.

That being said, Malachi does assure us that G-d makes a way, no matter which amount, I suppose. We have to have faith and common sense. For Nice & Wavy's family, they have chosen to tithe the standard and they put forth their faith effort and G-d gave back, just as He said He would. I don't personally believe G-d will hate you or curse you for not tithing or supporting your church. But where our money is reveals much about where our hearts are. If we say we support the gospel, then do we? What you all are referring to is religious and financial abuse, not the necessity of supporting by the members of the body. Again, my church doesn't issue out curses. I'd change, if it did. Have any of you who unfortunately witnessed this travesty of "faith" gone to the pastors for an explanation of such abuse?

I've never shared this here but I'll give a little tidbit of info... When I first came to the Lord I was eager to do whatever it took to please the Lord. I was saved in a prosperity church so money was talked about every single sermon. Well I started tithing, not looking for riches but to support the church and "be obedient". Well.... My finances fell apart for no apparent reason. I lost my apartment and all my bills fell behind. Whenever I went to church I kept hearing that lack was a result of lack of faith and the "Bishop" would say that if anybody came to him and said they were having financial issues the only thing he'd say is, "Are you tithing?". I started to feel like something was wrong with me and it made me really ashamed. I happen to know there were several people having financial difficulty though and you know what he used to do? They took up 2 offerings per service and he'd ask who didn't have money to give. Then he'd tell them to come up and give them money. Guess why though... So they could put it right back into the offering and "feel wealthy". That's why nobody can tell me anything about faith. I had faith even while my stuff was being put on the street while I was at work and people were riding around like vultures waiting on the sheriff to leave so they could take my things. Yes I have since recovered but after what I went through... It took faith for me to remain with the Lord despite feeling cursed and rejected. I have prayed for healing because yes that is abuse. And I have found balance so I am not against giving to the local church one attends. However, that situation put me in study mode and I found the tithe doctrine to be false. Giving is to be Spirit led and nobody can pay God enough for His blessings. He blesses because He is God. So, in a nutshell that has been my experience. I think its easy to read a persons comments and judge them not knowing what God has brought them through in life. He's brought me through and despite going through some difficult times financially I love him more now than I did before because I know he's faithful regardless of what "I" do.

ALSO, sinners have money. In fact, they have all the money, lol. Having financial blessings is nothing sinners don't get as well so it doesn't mean paying a "tithe" is the reason a person gets financial blessings. I have been far more blessed allowing the Lord to tell be what HE would have me do with what He blesses me to have.
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I believe I'm looking at great differences between some churches here and mine regarding tithing. It is an opportunity to serve G-d, not a requirement that brings on curses if one doesn't. People can give if they want to help spread the gospel and help the poor, which G-d does require for all christians. Everyone must help the poor in some way. It's charity. The greatest charity was that which was done for us. But if I'm understanding correctly, some of you are afraid not to tithe or have become incensed and rebel against that rule of the tithe because of the abuse of it? We give because we love to give...which is biblical. Be a cheerful giver. I had no clue that some of your churches say that you will be cursed or use emotional tactics to get you to tithe when you cannot afford to. That is religious abuse. What I was referring to was the necessity of the members of the church to support the cause of the church. As far as I know, we do not have a law in our church to tithe 10 percent but that that serves as a general good rule for those who CHOOSE to give. Shrugs. It can also be divided between diff. organizations to help the needy etc.

That being said, Malachi does assure us that G-d makes a way, no matter which amount, I suppose. We have to have faith and common sense. For @Nice & Wavy's family, they have chosen to tithe the standard and they put forth their faith effort and G-d gave back, just as He said He would. I don't personally believe G-d will hate you or curse you for not tithing or supporting your church. But where our money is reveals much about where our hearts are. If we say we support the gospel, then do we? What you all are referring to is religious and financial abuse, not the necessity of supporting by the members of the body. Again, my church doesn't issue out curses. I'd change, if it did. Have any of you who unfortunately witnessed this travesty of "faith" gone to the pastors for an explanation of such abuse?
I appreciate you mentioning me and my family and what God does for us as we continue to get blessed by tithing, in every area of our lives. We know what tithing does and how God uses our tithes to open up the window of Heaven and pour out blessings upon us...that we don't have room enough to we give even more.:yep: I also appreciate your entire post, as it is certainly on point and speaks truth!

Thank you again!