Is heat truly a killer of long hair?

Ever since stopping heat styling and brushing, my hair has reached never-before-possible lengths. Heat especially used to break my ends off really badly. More power to those who get good results with heat though.
Blossssom said:
What did I do? Started working blowouts and straightening my hair. The heat actually CURED my fried hair! Believe THAT!
I believe it. While I might not have been in the same situation as you, there was a time I got really lazy with my hair (especially when I got caught up in doing my medical research) and while I would still put oil moisturizer and such on my hair, I never used heat because I didn't have time to blow dry or flat iron and my hair looked a HOT MESS (no pun intended) and started breaking like crazy. Just look at the pic on my myspace:

The heat was definitely beneficial to my hair. It may not be for everyone's, but I know what worked for MY hair.
i think its a matter of different strokes for different folks. i dont use heat but i do not notice a difference in my hair when i don't use heat than when i do. i stopped using heat to retain length. i didn't retain anything (that could be moisture related) and i still have spilts even thought i dont use direct heat. i know soemone that used to blow dry and flat iron every week and their hair thrived.
I am surprised by this post. We should not compare our hair, skin, bones or genetic coding. Even the diseases we get act differently in our body. Our hair is very delicate and we can't act as though it is behaves and can be treated like any other race because it can't. It's not about the heat entirely it's about the temperature, frequency and manipulation. I don't know any white, black, asian or mexican (believe me I know plenty that would dare use heat daily on their hair. They know this would dry thier hair out. Spit ends are universal. Look african hair has a super tight curl pattern under a microscope you can see scales on our hair. Those scales are elevated on African hair. For every spot on your hair that is bent or elevated there is a weak spot.

This is African hair (as indicated by the groove along its length): this type of hair, more than any other, needs the protection of conditioning (


[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The cuticle of this hair has been significantly damaged by repeated and excessive perming [/FONT]

Our hair is strong but it needs specific care that. This includes limiting heat (especially without thermal protectant), not using oil when we heat our hair. This is cooking it just like you fry chicken. Limit manipulation because of the weak spots. Peace.
Blossssom said:
Just like heat, the comb is not your enemy either. It's the way you're combing your hair that is your enemy.

I don't know if Sylver's around today, but can someone post her regimen or direct me to it?


I've always wondered about the no combing thing. I hear people say you shouldn't comb your hair everyday. I have to comb my hair everyday. In fact, I run a comb through my hair several times a day without adverse effects. If I don't comb my hair, it knots terribly. I guess it's just depends on that particular person's hair.
Blossssom said:
I've actually taken to mixing my heat protectant with my oils.

I agree that using low heat is good for your hair. I don't use heat very often, but maybe I will see if your method works.

What heat protectant do you use? Thanks.
i too think its because black hair is more prone to dryness and therefore heat snaps and break the hair whereas other hair types retain more moisture and therefore have stronger strands. our hair is very delicate
Just wondering, do these observed people of other races have chemicals in their hair? I'm just asking because I know that chemicals weaken the hair structure by permanently breaking its bonds. If this is the case, maybe if your hair is unprocessed (no matter what your race) you can get away with using lots of heat without adverse effects.

I also think that, as someone else already said, it may be frequent use of high heat that kills hair. What would kill one person's hair may not do a thing to someone else's hair and vice versa.
Qetesh said:
I don’t agree I think our hair is stronger thus able to put up with all the relaxing flat ironing ext in nature, but of course we pay the price for that as well.

I don’t think our hair is any weaker, but more prone to tangles if left the way other races can leave there hear with no heat ext. basically our hair IMO is dryer needs more moisture and is more prone to tangles breakage, but in its natural state is NOT weaker than other races.

To the topic of this thread I feel too much heat is defiantly bad for your hair I stunted my growth from hot curling daily just because my hair can “hold” a lot of heat in no way means its good for it.

Now because our hair is prone to tangles which leads to breakage if you can keep it untangled without heat that is the best route BUT if you must use heat I can understand why some find better results from this, this and if done sparingly and properly I feel your hair can manage it.
I know white girls who have broken their hair off from heat as well so it’s not only AA that this can happen to, too much heat is not good for any hair type.

I agree with much of what you said but I've woken up numerous times after a full combout and a wrap and woke up with tangles.

How that happened? I don't know because I do the satin bonnet when I go to bed at night.

It doesn't happen often but the next day if I encounter, I think to myself, "What went on right here?"
navsegda said:
I'll admit I used to have this problem--not knowing how to comb my hair. But I've gotten much better at it now and I have almost no breakage when I comb.

Thank you... and for the woman who was using heat and had broken hairs on her back, I can almost guarantee it wasn't the heat but your combing technique.

I have next to no breakage, combing or hot curling.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
I don't agree. I remember when I used to comb my hair daily, I combed it the 'right' way and my ends were always limp and straight. Since I don't comb often now, my ends are so thick and healthy. Sylver2 barely combs her hair too and just look at it!

Sylver, GET IN HERE! :lol:

Miss*Tress said:
Ever since stopping heat styling and brushing, my hair has reached never-before-possible lengths. Heat especially used to break my ends off really badly. More power to those who get good results with heat though.

Brushing? I would never brush black hair. Natural, chemically straightened or otherwise!
During my learing process, it seems that my hair reacts better when I use minimal heat. I have trid the air dry thing on several occassions, but once my hair is completely dry from the air my strands are weak, limp and brittle.

However, if I apply a leave in detangler conditioner, apply heat protectact then blowdry on minimal heat, I get NO BREAKAGE! I beleive at the begining of my journey 3 months ago the airdrying set me back because it wasnt for me. I got LOADS of breakage....once I started using the blowdryer, I have noticed that I am able to rettain my hairs length. My hair is also much much stronger when I go it this way. I know it sounds weird...but I guess the old saying is "Different Strokes for Different Folks."
Blossssom said:
Sylver, GET IN HERE! :lol:


LMFAO! I know Sylver's regimen like the back of my hand. She doesn't comb. She ties her hair up at night and in the morning she takes off the scarf and used her fingers to fix her hair. She doesn't comb. I am such a stalker!:lachen:
LocksOfLuV said:
LMFAO! I know Sylver's regimen like the back of my hand. She doesn't comb. She ties her hair up at night and int he morning she takes off the scarf and fixed her hair. She doesn't comb. I am such a stalker!:lachen:

So how does she "style" her hair? Just with her fingers? A careful "arrangement", if you will? Heehee! :)
Treasure2k6 said:
I know it sounds weird...but I guess the old saying is "Different Strokes for Different Folks."

You got it, girl, because my hair loves indoor hair drying with minor manipulation to speed it up (thickness you know ;) )... I can't air dry outdoors unless it's a hot day... my hair doesn't do cold air drying.
Blossssom said:
So how does she "style" her hair? Just with her fingers? A careful "arrangement", if you will? Heehee! :)

Well her hair is already styled before she puts on the scarf. It is usually parted and down. She just puts the scarf on at night to protect it and lay it flat and she tucks the ends inside the scarf. So, in the morning she just used her fingers to kinda get it together. She wears her hair down straight or in a braidout most of the time.

Gawd, I need a life.:look:
For me constant heat thinned my hair. It remained shiny, bouncey and strong but it wasnt as thick as Im used too. I love the flat iron look and would "refresh" every 2 days and only wash once a week but would use heat protectants. My sister who has the same hair type as me loves flat ironing too. Her hair remained thick with constant heat usage. We have discovered the difference between our flat iron regimens is that my sister would moisturize and condition more frequently than I would. She flat ironed every other day but would wash, mositurize and condition every 3-4 days.

I didnt moisturize because I felt moisture would destroy my flat iron look. But
I can say her method proved to be successful for me.

I also see my hair idol from One Life to Live (Renee Goldsberry) seems to keep a flat ironed look and her hair appears to be "healthy and thick". Maybe there is consistance hope as far as heat goes. But I dont disagree that the hair is much healthier with out it.
I think the true killer of long hair (or short) is DRYNESS not necessarily heat. When you start with dry hair and add heat, you end up with breakage. A few years ago, I experimented with washing my hair every other day thus blow drying every other day and curling every day. My hair actually grew during that time because of moisture. That was a little bit too much work for me so I stopped washing every other day, but my hair actually benefited. I believe if you can strike a balance with moisture and heat you will not experience breakage and your hair will remain in good condition. But that can be quite challenging considering that most AA hair is prone to dryness and dryness is exacerbated with climate changes, etc.
LocksOfLuV said:
Well her hair is already styled before she puts on the scarf. It is usually parted and down. She just puts the scarf on at night to protect it and lay it flat and she tucks the ends inside the scarf. So, in the morning she just used her fingers to kinda get it together. She wears her hair down straight or in a braidout most of the time.

Gawd, I need a life.:look:

Haha! You don't need a life.

But that doesn't make sense. I've seen Sylver's hair and it's very straight. It wouldn't be straight if she "tucked the ends" into the scarf.

How did she get the part down the middle? Sure I can manipulate my hair with my fingers to some degree, but I can't part it.
Blossssom said:
Haha! You don't need a life.

But that doesn't make sense. I've seen Sylver's hair and it's very straight. It wouldn't be straight if she "tucked the ends" into the scarf.

How did she get the part down the middle? Sure I can manipulate my hair with my fingers to some degree, but I can't part it.

Blossssom said:
Sylver, GET IN HERE! :lol:


did someone say my

Okay let me see...I use heat once a month summers and twice a month during the winter..blow dry and light flat iron. Braidouts all the other times.
... but other then on wash/dry days I do not touch my hair.
Locksofluv (hey girl:-) was right I never ever comb xcept on wash day.
When I get ready for bed my hair is already parted in the style I want.
I leave hair down and completely out. I tie Satin scarf on with the back of my hair hanging out and down. Then I swoop up the back of my hair and lightly tuck that part into an oversized Satin bonnet leaving the bonnet halfway on head..
I go to sleep. Wake up take off bonnet, take off scarf and hair is exactly like I left it. I pat over with hand and

eta: It doesnt matter if hair is tangled or whatever. As long as it LOOKS nice, smooth, Flat & sleek then thats all good with me. The tangles will come out next
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sylver2 said:
did someone say my

Okay let me see...I use heat once a month summers and twice a month during the winter..blow dry and light flat iron. but other then on wash/dry days I do not touch my hair.
Locksoflov (hey girl:-) was right I never ever comb xcept on wash day. When I get ready for bed my hair is already parted in the style I want. I leave hair down and completely out. I tie Satin scarf on with the back of my hair hanging out and down. Then I swoop up the back of my hair and lightly tuck that part into an oversized Satin bonnet leaving the bonnet halfway on head.. I go to sleep. Wake up take off bonnet, take off scarf and hair is exactly like I left it. I pat over with hand and

Thanks sylver, that doesn't sound excessive to me, especially for healthy hair. I plan to use heat about 2x a month once I reach my goal in 500 years.
sprungonhairboards said:
Of course she uses a comb for that blossom goodness:lol:

The thing is, after she washes and does her hair, combs, blow drys, parts, etc. she doesnt do it again until her next wash. I do the same thing, it's not as difficult as it sounds.

Exactly. I only comb my hair once a week.
DulceKisses said:
For me constant heat thinned my hair. It remained shiny, bouncey and strong but it wasnt as thick as Im used too. I love the flat iron look and would "refresh" every 2 days and only wash once a week but would use heat protectants. My sister who has the same hair type as me loves flat ironing too. Her hair remained thick with constant heat usage. We have discovered the difference between our flat iron regimens is that my sister would moisturize and condition more frequently than I would. She flat ironed every other day but would wash, mositurize and condition every 3-4 days.

I didnt moisturize because I felt moisture would destroy my flat iron look. But
I can say her method proved to be successful for me.

I also see my hair idol from One Life to Live (Renee Goldsberry) seems to keep a flat ironed look and her hair appears to be "healthy and thick". Maybe there is consistance hope as far as heat goes. But I dont disagree that the hair is much healthier with out it.

Yes, the OLTL lady's hair is very pretty. Her hair looks like my cousin's. Very straight, full and silky.

Well, as I've said, my regimen is even more different than yours and your sister's.

Wash, full flat iron and in between, low heat to shape. I did the last couple of weeks (once a week) redo the roots, but I'm not doing that anymore since the new growth just goes back.

I love that everyone has a system and if you "play around" with different techniques and products, you do EVENTUALLY find a happy medium. It can take a while but keep working with it, ladies, who continue to struggle to figure out what their hair likes :)

I was pretty concerned about shedding, which is more than likely contributing to the tangling I talked about, but it's not a big deal.
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sylver2 said:
did someone say my

Okay let me see...I use heat once a month summers and twice a month during the winter..blow dry and light flat iron. Braidouts all the other times.
... but other then on wash/dry days I do not touch my hair.
Locksofluv (hey girl:-) was right I never ever comb xcept on wash day.
When I get ready for bed my hair is already parted in the style I want.
I leave hair down and completely out. I tie Satin scarf on with the back of my hair hanging out and down. Then I swoop up the back of my hair and lightly tuck that part into an oversized Satin bonnet leaving the bonnet halfway on head..
I go to sleep. Wake up take off bonnet, take off scarf and hair is exactly like I left it. I pat over with hand and

eta: It doesnt matter if hair is tangled or whatever. As long as it LOOKS nice, smooth, Flat & sleek then thats all good with me. The tangles will come out next

I'm printing this OUT! LOL!

Who else is? Heehee!

Thanks, baby for sharing...

We needed this! I'm always looking for information regarding hair and you're an expert!
I've actually noticed some benefit to using med to low heat for touch ups. My hair is softer and shinier when I use low heat. I do have to use a higher temp when I first straigten my hair but after that, only med to low.
I feel you on everything but the halfway bonnet thing. Sounds good but I sleep wayyyyy too
My nape is a lot weaker than the rest of my hair. Constant heat thinned out and broke off my nape :( I should have known better. My nape can't tolerate anything!
sylver2 said:
did someone say my

Okay let me see...I use heat once a month summers and twice a month during the winter..blow dry and light flat iron. Braidouts all the other times.
... but other then on wash/dry days I do not touch my hair.
Locksofluv (hey girl:-) was right I never ever comb xcept on wash day.
When I get ready for bed my hair is already parted in the style I want.
I leave hair down and completely out. I tie Satin scarf on with the back of my hair hanging out and down. Then I swoop up the back of my hair and lightly tuck that part into an oversized Satin bonnet leaving the bonnet halfway on head..
I go to sleep. Wake up take off bonnet, take off scarf and hair is exactly like I left it. I pat over with hand and

eta: It doesnt matter if hair is tangled or whatever. As long as it LOOKS nice, smooth, Flat & sleek then thats all good with me. The tangles will come out next

See, I can't do that. My tangles will never come out. My hair ties itself into really tight knots within hours. I guess it's because my hair is fine. I usually have to sit and carefully loose out the knots with my fingers, just like I'm untying shoelaces, before I comb.
If I leave my hair until next wash day I'd have to cut all my hair off to get the tangles out.:lol:
Thanx so much for this thread, I am constantly debating this myself lol, I am transitioning 3b/c hair and i am able to go totally strait and silky with heat alone but i still get dryness tho my hair is naturally dry so im still worried abourt cuticle damage, becuz i must use heat at least once a week.....