Well, sometimes a product will actually say it's a deep conditioner on the container or bottle. For instance, I have Doo Gro Deep Down Intense Penetrating Conditioner as one of my deep conditioners. For those that don't specifically say this, usually if something says to leave on 10 or 15 minutes, then it's a deep conditioner (like Motions Moisture Plus says to rinse with tepid water after 15 minutes). However, some deep conditioners work faster. For those that work in less than 10 minutes, you usually need confirmation on the bottle somewhere that it is in fact a deep conditioner and not just a regular moisturizing conditioner. I also have Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine Fortifying Deep Conditioner and it's a 3 Minute Masque. Other conditioners that are just moisturizing will usually say in the directions to leave on for approximately 2-5 minutes and then rinse out. If the moisturizing conditioner doesn't specifically say it's also a deep conditioner or give you further instructions for deeper conditioning, then it's safe to assume moisturizing is all it's gonna do.honeybadgirl said:thanks a million!! i have used the motions before and liked alot. the pre poo is the aphogee moisturizing conditioner. thanks for reposting. i couldnt get on until this eveninghow can you tell if a conditioner is both or just one (moisturizing and deep)? will it actually say it on the bottle?