Is He Being Fair?

Is he being fair?

  • Yes. Give him some time. He wants it to work this time around.

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • No. I don't see why he can't continue talking to you during all of this.

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 23.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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Update on: Is He Being Fair?


I called him (to tell him that I can't do this break thing) only to find out that he blocked my phone number. So tell me, did he really want a break or was he just leading me on? I think the latter. I was duped. This is the same dude who claimed I was the "love of his life". I'm sad and over it.


My ex and I were in a relationship for 8 months before I broke up with him during Valentine's week. He was just being too weird. He didn't buy me any gifts/cards. He wasn't answering his phone. He was hanging out frequently with a girl whom he knew from college. When I tried to communicate with him about all of this, he was nowhere to be found. So I broke up with him over email. (Valentine's week was the icing on the cake; there were things building up to the breakup.)

Fastforward to 6 months after our breakup, I get an email from him essentially reaching out and asking for forgiveness. He was still in love with me. We talked about that Valentine's week and cleared everything up. We decided to open up communication again, take things slow, and eventually, if possible, renew our relationship.

So we've been talking for a month now, and the conversations have been going well. But then I get an email from him yesterday saying that he's going to speak with a therapist because some things are still bothering him about our past relationship. The "things" he's referring to are ugly arguments we used to have. He can't get them off his mind and feels like it's holding him back from giving our relationship a fresh start. The therapist he spoke to told him to basically "take a break" from us until he can give us a clean slate. No communication. No seeing each other.

When I heard this, I was hurt. I wondered if he was just copping out. I wondered why we were even talking again if he was just going to cut communication like that. I wondered why he couldn't put the past behind him as we continued to talk. I told him that I disagree with the therapist's advice, but that I would try to be supportive. He says that he hopes for this break to be temporary and productive so that our relationship can reach it's full potential.

Is he being fair?
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OP, sorry you are going through this :hug:
I don't think this person is worth it. That sounds like a cop-out to me. It is way too convenient for a therapist to step in and request such a break. He "hopes" this break will be temporary?? Please do not allow him to put you "on pause" as he figures this out. He is not being fair. He is being manipulative.
I can definitely see why you are hurt after he left you hanging and starting hanging out with some other girl, then he came back to confess how wrong he was and he wanted make it work....only to say that he needs to do the no contact so he can get himself together.

That is definitely a emotional rollercoaster. It is not fair to you.

Well see it as him doing you a favor. Don't contact him and focus on yourself (easier said than done I know). I agree with Windsy that is backwards he should have gone to the therapist before contacting you. I don't know the situation, only you truly know but the next time he decides to contact you and you don't mind responding, tell him that he has to be ready and follow your terms or to stay out your life forever. Or you may not even want to do that, you may just want to cut him off completely. All I know is that I can't stand when guys do that popping in and out of people's lives. Whatever you choose get your power back and let him know through your actions that he can't do that merry-go-round with you.
Seeing a therapist over some arguments y'all had 6 months ago? Yeah ok.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was messing with ole girl, that started to fall apart so he came running back to you and now they're trying to work things out again.

I'd need to see some receipts for this supposed therapist.
Also, therapists are big on communicating and trying to work things out. It surprises me that one would suggest he cut you off, as opposed to you all sitting down and having a heart to heart about these issues.
I think he either changed his mind or was unsure about wanting to renew the relationship... and after the way he previously acted, he couldn't simply tell you that. He felt the need to put the blame on others... his "therapist" and you (since he made it about past arguments)

If this is the case, he's a coward. You had the right instinct the first time around. Find someone who doesn't play games.
I don't trust him. How did he clear up ignoring you during Valentine's week and hanging out with another girl? I think he is manipulative and a liar. Don't waste your time unless you like riding an emotional rollercoaster.
Seeing a therapist over some arguments y'all had 6 months ago? Yeah ok.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was messing with ole girl, that started to fall apart so he came running back to you and now they're trying to work things out again.

I'd need to see some receipts for this supposed therapist.



OP, he's playing mind games. Why are you being supportive of his foolishness? Leave that dude alone and keep it moving.
These are the types of things that gets so frustrating and annoying....why is it so hard for grown men and women to just say, I don't want to date you anymore or I made a mistake and don't want to do this anymore.

Why the crazy excuses....UGH!!!!!
I wouldn't give him the time of day.

I'm sorry your hurt, but dude is playing a game.

Sounds like he came back to you after messing around and is now trying to dip out again because another "opportunity" has presented itself.

What non-married grown man goes to a therapist an argument?

Somethings not kosher in that salt. :nono:
These are the types of things that gets so frustrating and annoying....why is it so hard for grown men and women to just say, I don't want to date you anymore or I made a mistake and don't want to do this anymore.

Why the crazy excuses....UGH!!!!!

People are afraid to keep it 100.
Poll should be:

1. Yes. Give him some time. He wants it to work this time around.
2. No. I don't see why he can't continue talking to you during all of this.
KIM, he was fishing to see how you felt about him. Just an ego stroke. He either just broke up with the other girl friend or was thinking about breaking up with her and they made up.
He wants his ego stroke,narcissist supply, that is why he is back. Girl, if I were you I will keep it moving. This is not a mentally healthy relationship.
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Sounds like he was pissed that you broke it off first and wants to "redo" the situation so he can hurt you instead.

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These are the types of things that gets so frustrating and annoying....why is it so hard for grown men and women to just say, I don't want to date you anymore or I made a mistake and don't want to do this anymore.

Why the crazy excuses....UGH!!!!!

People are afraid to keep it 100.

Right. Like the world is going to end if you tell the truth. Wimpy people, men and women, get on my nerves. Say what you need to say and KIM.
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Seeing a therapist over some arguments y'all had 6 months ago? Yeah ok.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was messing with ole girl, that started to fall apart so he came running back to you and now they're trying to work things out again.

I'd need to see some receipts for this supposed therapist.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Fo' sho!

ITA with the rest of the post!
These are the types of things that gets so frustrating and annoying....why is it so hard for grown men and women to just say, I don't want to date you anymore or I made a mistake and don't want to do this anymore.

Why the crazy excuses....UGH!!!!!

I SOOOO agree with this. Don't patronize the other person. Say what's on your mind! Keep it all the way 100. If you don't want to do it, say that. Don't fabricate elaborate vignettes to try and get out of something. It cheapens the friendship/relationship. Grow a pair and speak out. I don't understand why this is so difficult to do in all sorts of relationships. People patronize, lie, exaggerate, disappear without notice. It's really juvenile and disrespectful to everyone involved.

Anyway, I doubt his therapist told him to take a break. I thought they just kind of ask leading questions to help the patient work out their issue?

Either way, OP, I'm sorry this happened. I'm relieved it didn't happen later on down the line once you put in more time on a renewal. But, I know it still hurts. :hug2:
These are the types of things that gets so frustrating and annoying....why is it so hard for grown men and women to just say, I don't want to date you anymore or I made a mistake and don't want to do this anymore.

Why the crazy excuses....UGH!!!!!
Cause they want their cake and eat it too! Clean breaks mean they may not be able to come back if and when they feel like it.:nono:
Seeing a therapist over some arguments y'all had 6 months ago? Yeah ok.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was messing with ole girl, that started to fall apart so he came running back to you and now they're trying to work things out again.

I'd need to see some receipts for this supposed therapist.

I think he either changed his mind or was unsure about wanting to renew the relationship... and after the way he previously acted, he couldn't simply tell you that. He felt the need to put the blame on others... his "therapist" and you (since he made it about past arguments)

If this is the case, he's a coward. You had the right instinct the first time around. Find someone who doesn't play games.

KIM, he was fishing to see how you felt about him. Just an ego stroke. He either just broke up with the other girl friend or was thinking about breaking up with her and they made up.

He wants his ego stroke,narcissist supply, that is why he is back. Girl, if I were you I will keep it moving. This is not a mentally healthy relationship.

Cause they want their cake and eat it too! Clean breaks mean they may not be able to come back if and when they feel like it.:nono:

Ole girl and ego stroke. I didn't see that before, but it all makes sense now. He had plans for us to have a big trip in November. Then after the whole therapist thing, he said he hopes the break will end before then so we can have our big trip without any problems. What I don't understand is why we can't still talk up until then. Yea, it must be ole girl and an ego stroke.
I'm not sure if someone already said this, but I think he only got back in touch with you just so he can turn the tables on you so he could be able to say HE broke things off instead of the other way around. Who sees a therapist over something that ended 6 months ago? He's lying, but it's okay because guys like that ain't even worth it.
Maybe i'm the lone skeptic in this thread but perhaps being back with you triggered what was an issue for him to begin with.

I wonder how volatile these arguments really were. I think it's easy to trivialize because of the gender dynamic, but I do know that people react to aggression differently, and women can be quite aggressive (breaking ish, throwing, slapping, talkin about your mama, etc).

The bottom line is that if he says he needs a break, give him one. Don't argue him out of his request because it makes you look disrespectful.

Just don't go back afterwards and if the arguments truly were that bad, consider it a fair time to get in deeper touch with yourself about why you participated in things escalating to that level.

But I could be wrong.
Maybe i'm the lone skeptic in this thread but perhaps being back with you triggered what was an issue for him to begin with.

I wonder how volatile these arguments really were. I think it's easy to trivialize because of the gender dynamic, but I do know that people react to aggression differently, and women can be quite aggressive (breaking ish, throwing, slapping, talkin about your mama, etc).

The bottom line is that if he says he needs a break, give him one. Don't argue him out of his request because it makes you look disrespectful.

Just don't go back afterwards and if the arguments truly were that bad, consider it a fair time to get in deeper touch with yourself about why you participated in things escalating to that level.

But I could be wrong.

Completely agree with the bolded.
Sounds like he was pissed that you broke it off first and wants to "redo" the situation so he can hurt you instead.

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BEAUTYU2U-I co sign this one hunnit percent. He was on some get back time. Ole boy was good tho. He eased his way in and eased his way on out.

Chalk this one up to da game OP. It's a wrap! Game ova.
It seems like he comes around when he isn't "talking" to someone else. When someone else is in the picture, he puts his relationship with you on the back burner until that itself dies down.

I think that you deserve better and that you know that you deserve better.

Not calling, no bday gifts, valentines etc. especially if he knows that you celebrate these things (or even take it as a given) is unacceptable. It says that he doesn't value you in that way.
