Is Dating an In-Law Normal???


Deep Thinker
A co-worker asked me a question about dating someone and I couldn't answer so I thought I'd come here to ask you ladies.

She asked if it's okay to date a brother-in-law. I'll spell it out a little better.

Her brother's wife has a brother who likes her. They're both single now. Her brother and his wife have been married 15-20 yrs and have no biological children together (in case that matters).

I told her I didn't think it was morally correct in my opinion but thought about it and I'm not so sure. Since there is no blood relation????

What do you all think?
Theres no moral reason they are not related. To me its more an issue if it doesn't work out does it put strain on the family relationships. Can make family functions awkward
Theres no moral reason they are not related. To me its more an issue if it doesn't work out does it put strain on the family relationships. Can make family functions awkward

Good point. My problem would be having the family all up in your business too!!
I don't see a problem with them dating except for as mention above if things don't work out.

Plenty of sibling sets date and marry other sibling sets. There are even cases of a sibling marrying a siblings MIL or FIL. Weird at family gatherings to have your sister who is also your MIL. Hey, anything goes now except incest. Dating an in law is not incest.
This is not the norm nor is it usual, but I don't see where there is anything wrong it. Two brothers marrying two sisters....
I don't see a problem with them dating except for as mention above if things don't work out.

Plenty of sibling sets date and marry other sibling sets. There are even cases of a sibling marrying a siblings MIL or FIL. Weird at family gatherings to have your sister who is also your MIL. Hey, anything goes now except incest. Dating an in law is not incest.

I agree. My grandfather's brother married my grandmother's sister.

Simliar thing on my father's side of the family.
My grandmother and her sister were married to my grandfather and one of his brothers. My aunt's 3 girls married 3 brothers and her son married their sister. (we use to joke with them about this)
I just told my co-worker what you ladies said and she seems really relieved to know that most people think it's not freaky.

Thanks bunches!
That seems fine I see nothing wrong with it....
OT @ Dlewis your new siggy pic makes me say AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW! every time I see it and read the words. I have a twin brother and we have been associates since birth.
Nothing wrong with it. My cousin married his brothers wife's sister. Two brothers marrying two sisters.

Now what is kinda strange - my friend's mother married her (the daughters) husband's father.
I do not see anything wrong with it.

I believe that used to be more common in the US even among blacks.
Other than awkward post-break up, IMO there's nothing wrong with it.

In my culture it is not okay.