Is chivalry necessary?

I had the pleasure of witnessing chivalry in a couple of young boys. I made me smile, because it made me think/assume that they are seeing this kind of behaviour at home.

It was raining very hard and then there was pea sized hail. Upon going into the library, they opened they door for me. They were already inside. They were telling me to hurry up so that I would not get “drenched”.

When I left, they were still there, because the weather had not cleared up yet. They opened the door for me again and a few seconds out of the door one of them said, “Please be careful out there.”

To answer the question … chivalry and a sense of decorum should be expected. At the rate society is going, if something does not change, the “gentleman” will soon be extent.
But I don't demand it and if you aren't chivalrous get the side eye. Thats just how I roll.

How nice. The few that dont open the door or at the very least hold when Im RIGHT behind them, I call them mannerless douchebags which has caused them to apologize.

It's like I shouldnt have to say anything for pete's sake
Yes...and it feels great to be treated like a lady. But I don't expect it to last too much longer. Times are changing. Men don't even get up for pregnant women or the elderly on the trains anymore.

Kids learn mostly through what they see - not just what they are told. My husband treats me like a queen and I treat him like a king and I am sure that is what my son will expect from and give to his future wife. However, from what I've seen from many others, common courtesy is going out the window.