Is bra-strap length hair possible?


New Member
Has anyone that has 4a/b hair and wears a relaxer has hair that is bra-strap length now, but has never had hair that long before?
How did you achieve this?
You know I have asked this too and I am very skeptical of my hair getting that long. It was not even long when I was a child. You sound similar to me. Same type hair and same hair goal. I hope someone answers you. That will give me some sort of encouragement.
Same here. The longest my hair has ever been is 8-9 inches only in some areas. I haven't been the best at sticking with a routine though. From last summer to maybe November I got a routine down and my hair grew about 3 inches!! But I fell off of that bandwagon and my hair thinned out due to getting my hair blown out a few times by the Dominicans, (I love how my hair looks when they do it, but it is just too much stress for my hair).

Anyway, some thoughts from other ladies would be encouraging to me also.
When I was relaxed, my hair was bra-strap length. What helped me was shampooing with CON, deep conditioning with Queen Helene Cholesterol Conditioner and "HAIR" protein pack conditioners, applying a leave in and using basically no heat. I would either let my hair air dry or rollerset it. I generally wore it either in a bun, rod set or french rolled. I rarely wore my hair out....
Rabia--A tip for you for the Dominicans. I go weekly and my hair is thin. I don't let them blow my hair all the way out. I only let them do the roots and then I wrap it. I go when I know I'm not going anywhere afterwards so then my hair is wrapped for the remainder of the day. It straightens out and and comes out the same as if they blew it to the roots. Since your hair is permed the ends are going to be straight anyway. So you might wanna try that. Also when I have a fresh perm. Maybe the first 3 weeks I go I don't let them blow my hair AT ALL just wrap it. It comes out the same too.
I'm a 4b relaxed and on the same journey as the rest of you - Bra Clasp length. My hair has never been that long. As a child and teenager, I can only remember my hair growing to about a little past shoulder length. Which is approximately where I am now, about three inches past shoulder length in the back. That was my main reason for joining the board recently. Now that I have reached this length, I am determined to not only keep it, but surpass it by leaps and bounds. What I do know is that I have never before been this "hair focused" and did not really take care of my hair in the past, so I think I drastically contributed to not moving past this point in prior years. My attitude about my hair has changed and I'm on a mission. The one other inspiration I have besides all of you is that my sister is also a 4a/b and her hair is about an inch or 2 below her bra clasp. Her hair has always been longer than mine but I came to the conclusion that since we have the same dang parents that I should genetically be able to do the same thing. My hair just needs a little more pampering than hers and I intend to give it what it needs this time around.
Adrienne, Jainy and Supergirl are all 4a/b and have brastrap or longer hair length, and those r just the ones off the top of my head!
Yes ma'am it is possible. Let me preface by saying it was long (length unknown) when I was a child and I regularly got press n' curls. However, from Junior high through adulthood
my hair ranged anywhere between my neck to shoulder blade.

After I started getting my hair dusted every 4-6 months by a white sylist and began getting my hair relaxed 80%, I began to collect growth. People are amazed that my hair has grown this long because of the myths that black can't grow hair. Let me tell you, I don't wear protective styles, I don't do conditioner washes, I go to the salon every two weeks and roll my hair with pillow soft rollers in the morning and allow the steam from the shower to curl my hair. I stole a hair style from SherryLove, with the ponytail look. If I swim, I wear the wash n' wear style introduced to the forum by Tracy.

I take 1/2 teaspoon of powdered MSM and One a Day Weight Smart. I was taking biotin (I think that with MSM does help with growth) but they side-effects were too much for my skin. I am too shallow and was about to lose it over these little marks that I got from those break outs.

My ends are thin looking but are easily camoflauged because I wear my hair curled. I suggest you read SuperGirl's post on end trimming--I'll try to find it for you. That post along with Cathy House's tips was instrumental in me changing old habits and it has worked.
CheerBear said:
Adrienne, Jainy and Supergirl are all 4a/b and have brastrap or longer hair length, and those r just the ones off the top of my head!

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Yeah I know those have that length hair but I believe they had some type of length when they were children or someone in their immediate family has this length or something. I mean when I was a child my hair was not even shoulder length.
Wolftrap said:
CheerBear said:
Adrienne, Jainy and Supergirl are all 4a/b and have brastrap or longer hair length, and those r just the ones off the top of my head!

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Yeah I know those have that length hair but I believe they had some type of length when they were children or someone in their immediate family has this length or something. I mean when I was a child my hair was not even shoulder length.

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Ditto Wolf.
It seems that most folks that have really long hair had that length as children and due to relaxers, color, heat, appliances, etc.....lost that length. And have no problems getting that length back once they stopped doing the thing that was damaging their hair.
My hair has for the most part always been past the shoulders, but never to the mid-back. And I'm hoping I can get to bra-strap by the end of the year. I'm getting discouraged, especially since I HAD to cut a lot of my hair due to coloring damage.
Adrienne, I think, is the exception!
When my hair was first relaxed it was 2 or 3 inches past Bra Strap. Every one thought I was indian ( which I am but only like one eight) Righ know it's 2 or 3 inches past my shoulder and this is the shortest it has ever been, and I am trying to get it back to that length by mabe My brith day which is in March. My hair is type 3c but my baby cousin has type 4a and when straightened is very long (on her)20 inch about which is very long for a 4 foot child.
When I was about 6 or seven I had shoulder length hair and then my mother started putting chemicals in it. In a few months my hair broke off to about ear length.

There is no doubt in my mind that brastrap length can be achieved. I have the will the knowledge and the tools to get there. The same applies to you. Keep a positive attitude about your goals and they will be achieved.
I never had long hair as a child. 2.5 years ago my hair was Halle Berry short, now its just reached bra strap. Finding the products that work well with my hair as well as protective styles have helped in my search for growth.
I think I'll throw Den1 in the mix. She has pictures of herself as a child and it was very short. Before she cut it a couple of months ago, her natural 4a/b hair was almost at her waist.
I am not quite bra stra length yet, but I creepin' up on it. I am about 2.5 inches from bra strap and a little more on the sides and in the front. (my hair naturally grows in a v shape) I never had extremely long hair as a child but it has always been very thick.

I do believe my rate of growth is genetic. So I take some supplements for an added boost and here I am.

My best friend is 4b type and her hair has been bra strap legnth several times and has always found a reason to cut it and then grow it back. Her hair was short until she reached college.

Keep your eyes on the prize! You'll get there!
2 years ago halle berry now, brastrap length are you trying to make us hate you?
My hair has never been more than 1 inch pass my shoulders, and just to have midway to bra-strap length will be a great accomplishment for me. Mostly everyone in my family has short hair and 4a/4b hair, and my current length is about 1 1/2 pass my shoulders.And thanks to you ladies it has been the healthiest it has ever been.So hopefully I will reach my brastrap goal throug knowlege, vitamins and protective styles next year this time.
AnnDriena_ said:
2 years ago halle berry now, brastrap length are you trying to make us hate you?

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Ah, no... I am merely trying to tell you that it can be done... If I can do it, anyone can....
Ok so I guess my answer would be no or that it is rare if you did not have long hair as a child then your hair is not going to reach bra strap and beyond. Most of you ladies are trying to achieve this goal but I only actually see one person in this thread say that they actually did achieve it. I am still going to stick to my regimen and try to work VERY hard to get it to where I want it to be but I must say this thread is not giving me much hope. Maybe I am just getting frustrated.
I never had hair past my neck and 9 months after joining hairboards I really started taking care of it and it grew to past my shoulders, about 4 inches. Had I not had a bad stylist experience I would be at bra-strap by now.
I was amazed, because I never had long hair as a child or young adult. It can be done.
Wolftrap, I'll get back to you on this in a few years. Never had long hair as a kid but I have the faith that moves mountains so watch this space.
lonei, are you taking any vits? I tried taking biotin and it broke me out and I haven't tried MSM because of some of the side effects that I see on this board. Maybe one day I will try it.

My hair grows 1/4 a month, a little bit more when I use rosemary and surge. It is between 6 and 9 inches now. It would take me YEARS to reach bra strap. My goal is to retain the 4 to 5 inches that I can normally grow a year.
Even though my hair was a good length as a child, i just dont believe that it's not possible to grow hair long as an adult even if the case is that your hair has never been past a certain length. I'm not a believer in "maximum growth/length" and all that stuff. Like myself, yes my hair has always been thick and it does grow but my hair grows S-L-O-W. I know this and accept that a month with 1/4-1/3 inch of growth is a normal month for me. I'm pretty much realistic on what kind of growth i will be able to achieve in a certain amount of time. I had my hair in a toni/halle cut and started growing it out in November of 2000. That's almost 3.5 years. Yes it's past bra strap now but it took me just that long. And i only do dustings, not trims so what you see in my pics is just about what i grew during that time ..take an inch here or there -- So yes my hair definitely grows slow. I dont spend any time getting it to grow, i spend my time in "hair retention" not hair growth. Our hair is going to grow anyway.

The thing is keeping breakage to a minimum. That's where i think MOST attention should be placed. I think it's too time comsuming trying to speed up the natural growth process, then deal with everyday shedding, then deal with breakage that may occur (blah, blah, blah) i dont multi-task well at all so i put all my energy into just one thing-- retaining what i grow, that's it. HTH -- jainygirl
Wolftrap said:
Denali you had a Halle Berry cut two years ago but how long was you hair when you were a child?

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Watching hair grow, is almost worst than watching paint dry
Just stick to your regiem and you will see results

My hair was never long as a child. As a teenager it was bra-strap length.
I chopped all my hair off April '01 due to a coloring fiasco
. Keep in mind I didn't start taking care of my hair properly until Oct. '03. Since joining the forum I have retained 4 inches

I was wondering the same thing. But like you I never had long hair as a child. Very short, very coarse, I used to cry when it was getting comb. I cannot ever remember my hair being able to go into two. Now I am a couple inches from bra strap and by yearend, I will be there. I keep my hair moisturised, waer it down when I want but protective styles like buns really help, I notice that when I staretd wearing it down the growth decreased, so I will wear it up except in special occasions. What really healped is no trims. Absolutely none. My hair is not even, the ends maybe considered thin but I am retaining length. My objective is to even out with a good cut when I reach my goal.

So I guess you answered my question Denali. you had that length in H.S. Sooooo.....Yes I am still a skeptic and don't think it can really happen but rest assured that if I reach my goal. THIS WHOLEEEE BOARD IS GONNA KNOW!! I will DEFINITELY post pictures.