Is anyone experiencing 1.5 to 2 inches of hair growth per month?


New Member
Greetings to You All,
I am curious to know how many ladies are gaining 1.5 to 2 inches of new growth a month. I've read that a few women here and on K.I.S.S have but I just wanted to ask the question as well as ask if you are one of these ladies, what in your regimen do you attribute your growth and retention to? Thanks for your responses and happy healthy hair growing to you all!
Some people claim to get, but I don't think its even humanly possible. I am used to centimeters so when ever I see people talking about getting 2 inches a month my mind think of centimeter. Two inches is equivalent to 5.1 cm, to grow this amount of hair in one month ...... I don't know. To each her own
I don't think I know any ladies that have achieved that growth without the use of growth aides. You might be able to find some that get 1inch to 1 1/4 inches a month. If I remember right there is a poll somewhere about how much growth ladies get
I believe there were a few people in the Chlorella thread who experienced that, may want to check in there. And some people say Asians do. :look:
I also wish that I could obtain this much growth in a month, My 8 week NG is probably 1/2 inch!!!!!

I am also interested in a regime to get me on track to grow this much, hopefully from someone who is 4b...Thanks!!!
I don't believe anyone has on LHCF. Never seen proof of 24 inches a year, let alone 12 inches a year, on this forum; not even with growth aids.
I've heard the claims but never seen any pictures. That's not to say it isn't true.
Personally I average .5-.75 inches a month.
May I say this sounds like a 1 in million woman... Regardless of your race, it is highly improbable that your hair will grow that fast... And like lipati said, that's 5.1cm in a month! (I'm more familiar with the cm too :look:)
I've never personally seen my hair grow that fast. But I do think its possible, very possible. January and so far in Feb I have seen over and inch, I was aiming for 2 but I haven't done a length check yet.
I've only had it happen to me ONCE at one time for one month. I never saw it happen again.

There was one girl I knew about 10 years ago who's hair did grow that fast. She didn't really do a lot to her hair (don't remember her regimen), but I DO remember that she didn't mess with her hair too much. For the most part she just kept it back in a low ponytail. She was a hairy girl overall, though. She had a lot of hair on her legs, arms, etc.

ETA: My bad. I only got one inch in a month.
But the girl I knew still had fast hair growth...unbelievably fast.
I only average .5 inch a month. When I was pregnant many years ago, I averaged a lot more but I never measured the growth at the time. I think the hormones and the prenatal vitamins made the difference.
Greetings to You All,
I am curious to know how many ladies are gaining 1.5 to 2 inches of new growth a month. I've read that a few women here and on K.I.S.S have but I just wanted to ask the question as well as ask if you are one of these ladies, what in your regimen do you attribute your growth and retention to? Thanks for your responses and happy healthy hair growing to you all!

I doubt is true. i am 6 weeks post and i am like .5 inch:nono:
I don't even get .5 inches a month. Some people hair naturally grow at a faster rate than others. And some are able to get more growth by using growth aid.
Shoot, I would be satisfied if I could get 1 inch a month. Right now, I'm only getting about 1/2 inch a month. I'm working on changing my diet and adding a few suppliments to see if that helps with my growth rate.
Wishing on a star...
I only get 1/2" a month. Once I got 1/2" in two weeks because of protein powder and high intake of other protein foods. Oh yea and I got it again in another two week stint. Other than that, Idk who else has. Oh I think Ekomba had managed close to that growth when she was on a high protein diet along with growth aides. I'm aiming for 1" a month right now. Anything else would be a blessing.
If anybody here got that type of growth they would've bottled up the formula and sold it to us! I would be the first customer in line LOL
It is possible. My sister gets two inches (not centimeters) a month. She doesn't do anything in particular to her hair; she's just lucky.

ETA: No hair vitamins, no exercise, unhealthy diet/lifestyle. She did take sulfur for a while, but I don't think she does anymore.
The only time my hair ever grew that fast was when I was pregnant. I took it for granted and kept cutting it off though. :wallbash: When I have another baby, I'm going to be sure to retain as much length as possible.

I've read with growth aides a few people have claimed to obtain this much length in one month.

If you find a tried & true regimen that really works, please let me know!
Not even the "supergrowers" on this board get that much in a month.
I don't think it's possible.

I don't think you can change your growth rate, I think it's your retention that improves with supplements..not the growth.

I personally dont know of anyone who has acheived that much growth.I am not sure how many inches i get a month. but, i do know that my hair is currently 20 inches and i just need 5 more inches until im bsl.....and i have been doing variety of techniques...i am a recovering product junkie and vitamin
There are a few members here who have said that they do but I have not seen photogrpahic evidence of it yet. I think it is possible.
You would need the "mutant" hair gene for that like the women who can grow their hair to the ankles with absolutely no problems at all.