3 inches of growth in one month...is it even possible?

prettypuff1 said:
I think it would take a lot of nutrients and some growth aides to get it to go at that rate... I think 2 ins is a lot a month... I am HOPING for .75 in ches a month.. that would put me very close to my goal.. but i dont know.. I am trying to be ok that i may not see my goal as soon as i want

I agree. I was just reading that while you can increase your growth rate, you can only meet your hairs genetic growth maximum but never exceed it. So if you're genetically determined to get 3/4 of an inch a month, that's all you'll get, no matter how many supplements or growth aides you use.
I don't think it's impossible. someone in this world has had it happen. Just not me or anyone on lhcf.I wish it did though.
B_Phlyy said:
I agree. I was just reading that while you can increase your growth rate, you can only meet your hairs genetic growth maximum but never exceed it. So if you're genetically determined to get 3/4 of an inch a month, that's all you'll get, no matter how many supplements or growth aides you use.

I think this is a very good answer
LondonDiva said:
I'm not saying it's impossible for 2 inches a month, I'm saying I just choose not to listen to those that claim it, and consistenly every month but have no photos to show for it, If they get a whopping 20-24 inches a year then brilliant for them. 3 inches IMHO is impossible.

Im with LD on this one...Ive heard claims before of 1.5"+ a month but rarely if ever have seen pictures for proof. Im sure some may get extraordinary growth just SHOW ME please. Im not into growth aides at all and get 1/2" a month, good enough for me.
Blossssom said:
Blame your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents... I don't know what your age is but blame that too ;)

Everything is hereditary!

I truly agree with this. I only gained a inch in three month. I started taking the prenatal pills a few days ago and I think they are helping, hopefull this summer I can get a inch a month.
LondonDiva said:
I'm not saying it's impossible for 2 inches a month, I'm saying I just choose not to listen to those that claim it, and consistenly every month but have no photos to show for it, If they get a whopping 20-24 inches a year then brilliant for them. 3 inches IMHO is impossible.


I get about 5" a year. Could probably get the standard 6" if I ate more protein as I rarely eat enough of it.
I'm not going to kid myself that if I OD on supplements I'll get 12" a year. It's not in my genes.
Without MTG, I only get 1/4". And with MTG, vitamins, MSM, etc, I get what everyone's "normal" is, which is only 1/2". So with me doing all that, I do increase my growth, but only to a 'normal' rate. Now it's really hard for me to imagine growing hair that's 5 times as much! :eek:

I only wish! But I do think that some ppl are blessed with faster growths than others. My friend who's like a type 1 or 2 has hair that grows super duper fast. She just cut her hair in November from tailbone to brastrap and she is already at waist!! Like I said, I only wish!!!
LocksOfLuV said:
Blossssom, you know better than that! Hair type doesn't plays a function in how fast the hair grows. I know some type 1s that grow like snails and type 4s that grow like the speed of lightening.:cool:

And I think she is a 3c/4a or something like that. She is relaxed too. She has a fotki too.

True... and corrected ;)
prettypuff1 said:
I tried that Biotin... Man I saw some extra growth and i am sure i woulda had an inch/month. however the acne that i saw with it was UNBEARABLE.. My skin has never broken out as bad as when i took that Biotin... I took 3000 mcg.......... It sucked cuz i know i would see a lot of extra inches....

See!!!!! I had rough patches in my skin (body) when I took the Biotin.
Blossssom said:
Blame your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents... I don't know what your age is but blame that too ;)

Everything is hereditary!

Bloss... since I have been on this board and learned so much about hair, my hair is longer than my mother's, both grandmother's and great grandmother's. (Note: the longest length was APL, the shortest was SL) I didn't include the father since most of them were bald. LOL It's been amazing...

But there could be some ancestor I don't know who had some banging hair. Perhaps I am channeling her spirit for hair growth. :look: :lachen:

3 inches a month?? I think Ekomba/Den1 reported 2 inches with their hair care routine. Those ladies are serious! Don't know if I have the dedication to do more than what I am doing now...
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3 inches in one month, maybe for someone but not this girl. :nono:

I think I've managed 1 full inch a few times while on the board but generally it's around 1/4" to 1/2" without growth aids and supplements. This year I'm focusing on consistency and would be grateful for 3/4" to 1 full inch. :look:
I would think that's very unlikely if not impossible. Hair grows 6 inches a year which is one half inch a month.

LondonDiva said:
I'm not saying it's impossible for 2 inches a month, I'm saying I just choose not to listen to those that claim it, and consistenly every month but have no photos to show for it, If they get a whopping 20-24 inches a year then brilliant for them. 3 inches IMHO is impossible.

I know that this is a bit controversial but I agree with London Diva. I am skeptical of claims of
2" and more. Until I see a pic, I not going to believe it and that is my right. If I am wrong..PROVE IT! As much as everyone here is on the growth bandwagon, there would be plenty more of us w/ hair down to our waist if someone had the magic "regimen" I am not going to say its impossible because there are rare cases in medical history where such things happen. However, its not common.
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I won't say it's impossible, but it certainly isn't the norm. Average hair growth is 1/2 in. per month, so some get more and some less, and 3 in. would certainly be on the high end of average.

Personally, I would not want to grow 3" per month. Why? Because I need time to adjust to taking care of longer hair. The moisture requirements are different, especially on the ends. My arm muscles need time to adjust, and my mind needs time to adjust. My finances need time to adjust. Having enough product for a foot of new hair in a year is no joke. If my hair was 6" longer every two months I'm not certain I would know what the heck to do with it.:D
Blossssom said:
See!!!!! I had rough patches in my skin (body) when I took the Biotin.
Yeah i didnt know it would do anything like that to my skin.. My skin looked like LEATHER at some spots
zailless said:
Been taking 10 mg of biotin for about 5 months now and i got an extra inch in a few strands. everything else grew .5 inches and just a few strands grew an inch. i think its very difficult to push your body beyond what its capable of. my hair was 9 inches on jan 1 and as of march first my hair was all around 10 inches with some weird strands stretching beyond 11 inches by a point or so. the strands dont count. they are not enough.

On one board, I think it was longhairlovers.com, one of the women used to take 10mg of Biotin and she said that she got about nearly 3 inches. It really depends on circumstances, for some people who are living in very humid condition, they can get that. It really depends nothing is impossible.
I also agree with LD on this. I mean heck, it took me 13 weeks to get nearly 2 inches and that was just a growth spurt which I can't regulate (I WISH!)

An inch a month? sure, I can actually see that, but three inches? oooo:confused: thats just nuts. It would have to be more than topical growth aids at work at that point.

I've got nearly 6 inches in a year (a year will be April; I'm at a little past five inches now) and for a while I really wasn't taking care of my hair. I totally believe 2 inches is possible.

3? No way.