Is Anyone Else Slow To Love? Or Even Like?


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who met a man last week and all her tweets are about how wonderful he is, how happy he makes her, how sexy he is, how she wants to please him......which is all well and good! But as far as I'm concerned, a week in, you still don't really know this man. Not saying she's wrong and I'm right, just wondering if others are equally as hesitant about singing praises, baby names, sweet nothings, etc so early on.

I realize that I tend to have a more practical view of relationships than most, but I feel like I can't get to that gushy gushy stage until a bit later in the relationship. Everything a person does is great at the beginning because it's new, and its easy to get caught up in that. I need you to prove yourself to me before you get free reign of my affection. Does anyone else operate like this?
My SO just got off of probation and its 4 months in. I feel more comfortable now singing his praises openly. But a week or a month in seems premature. Let's give him/her a chance to demonstrate some level of consistency. Let's see how they handle different or difficult types of situations.
I'm like this too. It's part of an overall personality trait of being more reserved for me though. I don't wear my emotions on my sleeve for anyone and depending on my dynamics with a person, the rate at which I'm more open with them varies.

I feel sometimes that it can be a hinderance in relationships. I have had guys feel unsure about whether I'm into them or not, even if I've reassured them that I do and by making time for them (the latter is a big deal to me). Typically in the early stages, I'm feeling a suitor out and I hang back more emotionally, as such it takes a little while for me to get to a level where being moe affectionate physically and verbally comes naturally. These days, I try to trust my intuition more about whether I can see something progressing with someone so that the feeling them out stage doesn't drag on longer than it needs to before I realise it may not be a long-term match.
I realize that I tend to have a more practical view of relationships than most, but I feel like I can't get to that gushy gushy stage until a bit later in the relationship. Everything a person does is great at the beginning because it's new, and its easy to get caught up in that. I need you to prove yourself to me before you get free reign of my affection. Does anyone else operate like this?


I find the lovey dove people to be corny but I don't fault them for it. They were just born under the wrong sign :look:

That said you don't need to be in love or whatever to find someone sexy
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In the past I have fallen very fast. However I am very private so would never put pictures on social media sooner than 6 months in or so. I also refuse to express my feelings until I have heard the man tell me how he feels (i.e. he must say I love you first). That said I would like to adopt a more practical/less emotional dating style.
My bff falls for men quickly. I mean she's will cancel outings with her friends to date a random. Hayel, she moved in with one guy in 6 weeks of knowing him.

As for myself, I'm not as quick to love someone or like them. My first thought is what is your objective and why are you acknowledging my existence.
I honestly don't understand how women fall for men so quickly. o_O It takes me a while to decide if I even like a man let alone am in love. And even if I have feelings there's no guarantee I'll act on them. :look: I'm very capable of developing feelings then forgetting ol dude even exists if he does something to turn me off. :lol:
I honestly don't understand how women fall for men so quickly. o_O It takes me a while to decide if I even like a man let alone am in love. And even if I have feelings there's no guarantee I'll act on them. :look: I'm very capable of developing feelings then forgetting ol dude even exists if he does something to turn me off. :lol:

LOL, typical Scorpio.