A lot of cultures do appreciate older women because they are not a threat sometimes it is because they are older and know things
But even some other societies people still crave younger women.
In America everything is so centered around youth. There is allure about being young anyway. But once the bloom is off the rose most of these people dont' have substance. Cause it is a terrible thing to see older women who have always gotten by on their looks and youth now older and cannot say for instance pull a man like before or keep a man or use her looks to get things. Cause pretty young people lets face it sometimes gets a slide. EVERY day in the world some young girl is turning 18 and another on is turning 21. Hell they are looking at you at 24 thinking that YOU are old. I remember when I was like 16 and I thought my 25 year old cousin was OLD.
Look at the TV and the magazines for plastic surgery working out until you are a size negative zero. Older women trying to act and dress like their daughters Pathetic. With Daffy duck lips and skin strecthed to the max.
Older women walking around in leggings and Yoga pants
IM SORRY when I can see you labia minora and your Labia Majora and you are fully clothed PLEASE go home and change. Moose knuckles and Camel toes are not fashion
It sends a message to younger women that getting old is bad. I makes older women feel like getting older is bad. It isn't it is life. LIfe your life to the fullest each and everyday.
THE orgasms get better with age It just seems like to some people when a women hits 40 her life is supposed to stop. and Sex is only for the young.
It sickens me to see older men running after young and VERY young girls because they are too insecure to find someone age appropriate.Cause they feel the need to have someone look up to them. Or they feel that they can take advantage of younger women because they have been around the block but I have seen in my day younger women that gave older men hell and left them broke busted and disgusted. Just becasue she young she is not necessarly stupid or naive cause she probably had some older chick under her wings like me saying NAW Baby don't believe that man he is talking mess. He is just trying to run game on you
Here is what you do for that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
But that is okay
But when a older woman is with a younger man people are all up in arms about it.
Don't even sweat it. Embrace the age that you are in.
I remember many years ago my DH joked that it was time to trade me up for a younger model.I said OKAY
Then I will find me a younger man better looking with a bigger Dykc. AND MO MONEY THAN YOU
He was like
He was like with the confidence you have you probably would too. I am like TRUST. OKAY TRUST.
If you keep living you are going to get older there are things about getting older that are not pleasant but LIVE baby LIVE.
TAKE care of YOU.
Handle your money and your business
Build your credit
Save your money
Get as much education as you possibly can
BE careful who you marry lay down and have children with.
Travel and see the world as much as you can.
Develop a character and confidence Humbly that NO man or women can match.
Be true to yourself.
Dont' let anyone steal your dreams
BE around exciting women who want to do exciting things
BE like my friend Patricia Laplante-Collins here is a women that moved from Atlanta to Paris back in 1987. OH yeah she had a few I hate to overuse the word "Haters" but she made it and now she is like one of the most popular society women in the Ex-pat community. Yeah now let admite that she came from one of those Talented Tenth families in Atlanta she could have just stayed there and lived her life married to a minister or someone in her community but she chucked it all and took a chance to move to Paris. Oh Patricia but you are OLDER WHY would you want to do something like that. WHY not. Oh you will be back. WELL 22 years later she is STILL there happily doing her things as an OLDER women. She did not sit back as some people would hope and let the world go by she grabbed life by the balls and made it coptiulate the HER whims.
Paris Soirees, About Patricia
This is the time to since you are 24 to make the right decisions in your life so you will have few regrets so I won't see another thread talking about the wrong life choices one has made.
There is NOTHING wrong with getting older and believe me Men like that are nasty. They just want one of 2 things
They screwed up their lives and they are looking for someone to take care of them.
Also they looking for someone to take care of them because THEY are getting older too. Men are just as insecure about getting older as women but society will give them a pass so you CAN look like the Crypt Keeper and have a 24 yo on your arm.
You don't want to die right now and that is the only solution they have right now for not aging. Not unless they could come up with some star treak stuff. And white folks would be on that like Stink on Doo Doo talking about see with this new method I am 78 but I look 48 so I am like a black woman also. I don't crack either. Oh what is your secret Oh I can't tell you. Cause YOU black lady are 98 you look 60 and with this new method that I can't tell you about you will look 24. NOOOOO I can't have you win NOOOOO.
YOU are the architect of your destiny
Make your life a masterpiece.
With much love
From an Older woman