Anyone else just NOT feeling like dating right now?

This is exactly how I feel right now. I'm kind of relieved to see this thread because IRL people always think I'm either crazy or lying if I say something like this.

Or call me a lesbian:rolleyes:
I'm really happy where I'm at!

My life is going really well, I've finished school, I have a job, I have my own place, my pooka is with me (my dog). I'm really content with my life as it is, and when I get an offer from a man for dinner or talks about relationships, I'm like "...But I'm so comfy but myself!" :lachen:

Does anyone else feel this way?
Ditto to everything you said, plus I have a sweet 11 year old boy, my house which is a relationship and an ongoing project of redecorating (I'm going to Tuesday Morning right now)

I'm just so content!


Thanks for posting this OP - Who ever posted they don't want to be bothered with the Bull Crap...amen to that.

I also like positive people, the last couple of guys I chatted up, one of them wanted to know how I got my degree.... :scratchch

The other was just plain boring, he didn't know a thing about current events, he was just lost... :look: :nono:

I'll curl up with the cat and read a book or come here and chat with you ladies...much more rewarding! :lol:
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LOL this post went unanswered for about 2 days, I was starting to think I was the only one who felt this way!

I'm glad there's more of us out there who are about ourselves and not other men. It feels really gratifying to be successful and not have to worry about a relationship. Especially if the man in min isn't worth worrying about!

My last relationship ended in July, it was an engagement that I broke off. It drained me emotionally AND physically (even my damn face broke out). I'm feeling so new and fresh now that if there were two of me, I'd just date myself. :lachen:
I'm def. not feeling dating right now. I just want to have fun with my friends and focus on finishing school and graduating.

It's crazy how things worked out because 2 years ago I was crying cause I wasn't in a relationship. Last year I was crying because I was in a dysfunctional relationship. This year I'm not crying in the least bit--I'm actually really thankful for what I have learned up to this point-I am realizing that I don't need a relationship to be happy and feel like Im at peace.
I am realizing that I don't need a relationship to be happy and feel like Im at peace.

This is important. :yep:

I'm waffling on dating. I was completely underwhelmed with the last few men I entertained, and I felt totally indifferent.

Even though I know it's probable that I'll eventually end up with someone, right now I am indifferent. Part of it is because my career is going well so I'm focused on that, and another part is me having gotten to a place where nothing is more important than PEACE in my a man who does not enhance and thereby contribute to my happiness and peace must leave, stat. There's just no room for anything but joy and peace anymore...that thins out the dating pool significantly, and I'm alright with that.

Ironically, men tirelessly chase women who could not care less. We all know they like the chase and a challenge so it can be fun seeing how far they can go without getting tired. :look:
Just tired of games and craving a healthy relationship that is 'real.'

I just started seeing a man with whom I can be myself... without the drama. And so far I like it. VERY reluctant to put a title on it. If it is meant to be a relationship, it will grow into one. Without pressure (at least from me). I'm in a good place.
AMEN... I can't honestly say that I don't want to be in a relationship, but I can say that I am not afraid to be alone and I'm just fine by myself. I've been tired of dating and have not dated for years. I'm getting too old for the merry-go-round and I have never had the patience for the relationship games. I don't feel truly complete, but I am content.

I seem to attract only men I can't do anything with. Some are plain ol' trash and others are nice enough but it ain't clicking for me. I'll pass on all of them until I find someone that is worth coming out of my comfort zone for. I don't need any foolishness in my life. In the meantime, as others have said, I'll be working on me!
I'm taking a self imposed hiatus right now. this last dude, ugh :nono:. I'm straight for right now. i got much more important things that require my time and energy.
Ironically, men tirelessly chase women who could not care less. We all know they like the chase and a challenge so it can be fun seeing how far they can go without getting tired. :look:
You baad girl. :lachen: (But I know what you mean).

The thing with me is, for the past three years, each time I 've gone out with a guy, I've been underwhelmed. No, they're not necessarily rude or stupid or lazy or players or whatever, there is just no connection. I don't warm to them. It's getting draining. Is it so hard to meet a guy that *I* find physically attractive (and believe me, I don't need some model - none of my past boyfriends have been classically handsome), plus we connect intellectually and emotionally? With all the men that there are in the world? I'm not asking to be head over heels with someone on the first date (my best relationship, on the first date I knew I liked him a lot, but didn't know if I would ever be into him sexually. But at least I knew all the basics were there.)

I really can't be bothered. The last date I went on - earlier this week, was because the guy has been trying and talking my ear off for some time now. I decided to give him a chance. I was pleasant enough on the date, made sure to have a good time, but no, I don't want to see him again, although he's in full chase mode. I can't be bothered. How many more of these do I have to do - sitting through dinner with a guy I'm lukewarm about? Telling him about myself, asking about him... blah blah blah.

I know I want another caring relationship *eventually* (I think :look:). Can we just skip the dating part?
I don't even like hearing my phone ring anymore. I just keep it on vibrate.

A guy suggested that i really need to go out and date a couple times a week but i just dont feel like it. I rather sleep.

And i'm getting bold about it to. He'll call and ask why i didnt call him back..."i just didnt feel like it..i saw your number when you called and i just wanted to go back to sleep"

I rather look up hair care products or something....dont even feel like catching a dinner & a movie...
You know what? I completely understand. I am tiring of dating, and on the same note; I am at the end of my patience with seeing a guy too. I don't know if it is meant for me to be married or not, but dating is just so much work. I am making 2009 about me, and any guy that is worth it, or that God has picked out; will completely UNDERSTAND and have patience. All imposters will be removed.
You baad girl. :lachen: (But I know what you mean).

The thing with me is, for the past three years, each time I 've gone out with a guy, I've been underwhelmed. No, they're not necessarily rude or stupid or lazy or players or whatever, there is just no connection. I don't warm to them. It's getting draining. Is it so hard to meet a guy that *I* find physically attractive (and believe me, I don't need some model - none of my past boyfriends have been classically handsome), plus we connect intellectually and emotionally? With all the men that there are in the world? I'm not asking to be head over heels with someone on the first date (my best relationship, on the first date I knew I liked him a lot, but didn't know if I would ever be into him sexually. But at least I knew all the basics were there.)

I really can't be bothered. The last date I went on - earlier this week, was because the guy has been trying and talking my ear off for some time now. I decided to give him a chance. I was pleasant enough on the date, made sure to have a good time, but no, I don't want to see him again, although he's in full chase mode. I can't be bothered. How many more of these do I have to do - sitting through dinner with a guy I'm lukewarm about? Telling him about myself, asking about him... blah blah blah.

I know I want another caring relationship *eventually* (I think :look:). Can we just skip the dating part?

This is me right here. It's frustrating because for so long my problem was that guys just didn't approach me or show interest. Now my problem is that I'm not seeing guys that I'd be remotely interested in.

I do miss the enthusiasm that comes with being surrounded by good, available men. I'm really so different from most of the people in this city, so finding a man who shares my interests and who I will connect with seems impossible.

Ladies I'll admit, I used to really get into looking good when getting out of the house, now I'm starting to not care. It's not like I'll come across a guy I'm interested in. I can't wait to move.:nono: