Not me. I can quit anytime I want.

@ Ginn! When my Internet connection was down I made a special trip to the library to keep up with this board. So much happens in 2-3 days!

[/ QUOTE ]

God bless you all.
Yeah <standing feet, clearing throat at podium, tapping mic "Is this thing on?">
"Uh,Hi! I'm Diva and I'm a computer addict. I stay up all hours of the day and night surfing the net, but more importantly reading hair posts. I go through withdrawals whenever I am out of reach from a computer more than a day, fearing that I may miss something on the hairboard. My husband is aware of this obsession..."
Sigh, yes.. I must confess..I come on here 3-4 times a day..


I don't care,
I love it hair!
I don't care,
I love it hair!
You guys are hella funny

I was without my
for a week and my husband thought he was losing his mind, cuz I was buggin!! He hurry upped and bought me the parts I needed to build a new one
Definitely. Although I am ecstatic to have "discovered" this board and am in deep appreciation for all the insight, love and support that is so freely, y'all 'bout to get me fired. New Member, first post, needing to logoff and get back to a minute, I've just gotta check this one thread out...
Well I've found myself not sleeping just to catch up with posts. I'm
but it's worth it.

Can you believe right now it's a toss up between rinsing my hair but not wanting to cause the computer may log off an I'll not be able to see which posts I need to catch up with.
Yep,count me in. I'm addicted but I don't care. This addiction is growing my hair. I read the journal of one of the girls on here and I started following her regimen. She she said she gained about an inch every two weeks. I didn't believe her but I started using the vitamins that she used and sure enough the same thing happened to me. My hair was braided 2 weeks ago and my hair measured 13 inches. I just took the braids out after 2 weeks and my hair now measures 14 inches. I couldn't believe it. I measured my hair 10 times to make sure because I was so amazed. So yes I'm addicted!
yeah i love this board 2. i come here when i am boared and read and respond, and since i have the attention span of a nat i'm always bored! lol. ne way it is hella cool here and i want to have long strong hair so the knowledge i gain here is great. plus i love the positive energy, very rarely do i see blk women ( young and not so young:))getting along and showing eachothe love outside of my immediate family so it's good to know that some of us have some home training.
Totally addicted. I feel like I am going through withdrawls when I miss reading and posting bacause of work. But...when I have a day off of work I log on and read and post for 8 hours straight sometimes.
I am hooked!!!

I can be on here for several hours easily!! I've learned more about here on this site than I have in my entire life!! I am still so astonished by it all.
I also love the camaderie. This is a wonderful site!!
addicted is an understatement for me... when i first joined i NEVER logged off (good thing we had modem then) but since we got rid of it, hubby hated when i would tie up tha phone line all day. i was just in awe at all the information and love here - he couldnt understand. plus he thought i was ignoring the kids
so he cut me to the curb. anyways some kinda guilt got the better of me and i try to come on once or twice a day for an hour or so. - i just love this site
Where else can you find a group of women who appreciate the beauty of new growth instead of dying a thousand deaths?

I log in everyday, even if I don't post.
Where else can you find a group of women who appreciate the beauty of new growth instead of dying a thousand deaths?

I log in everyday, even if I don't post.

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No where else but here!!!
I am occassionally go to this place, because I like to read the news, informations, and announcements.

This place is good and funny.