Are you addicted to washing your hair? (co washing included!)

Are you addicted to washing your hair?

  • Yes, and I LOVE IT!!! :grin:

    Votes: 246 66.1%
  • Yes, it's annoying, but I can't stop! :perplexed

    Votes: 55 14.8%
  • No, but I was. I'm over it now :yep:

    Votes: 44 11.8%
  • No, I have better things to do :rolleyes:

    Votes: 27 7.3%

  • Total voters
I am so freakin addicted to washing my hair!!! When I rollerset or flatiron, by the next day, I'm deep conditioning it. I really start to miss my wet bun when my hair's down, so I gotta wash it

When I get in the shower, I HAVE to co wash. The only way I can avoid co washing is to not take showers :look:

I just co washed this morning and I wanna wash it again. I'm itching to wash it

I'm sitting here planning everything out for when I wash tomorrow. I can't wait to get up in the morning and feel that warm water on my scalp :drool:

So who's with me? Who can't stop co/washing their hair?

I thoughtI was the only one lol! I even planned out which conditioners to use on my outlook calender.
Yes I am addicted and Im NOT ashamed. I love love lovelovelove love it yes I do I sho do...OH Yeeaaaah! :grin: :lick:

I felt angry today and kinda down because I couldn't co-wash today like I do daily because they were working on the water this morning so the water pressure was too low to wash. I might co-wash twice tomorrow in the shower because I feel like I've been cheated or missed out and I MUST make up for it :look:.
I voted yes, it's annoying, but i can't stop! LOL

I did, too! I'm so annoyed because this program that I'm in this summer has 3 ppl in a one bedroom apt :)eek:), so I can't take up too much time in the bathroom. It's the summertime, dangit, I wanna wash my hair 2-3x/ week!!! :wallbash:
I like washing my hair and am now crazy about co washing buti just cant figure out how to style it quickly.
most definitely. I stalled putting in kinky twists for a month cause I love cowashing and dcing so much. alas I had to get them cause there is a cast on my leg and I can't cowash in the shower for two more weeks. I had em 2 weeks and took em out yesterday cause my scalp felt so gross...well that and the growth from mt. I was soooo happy under the ceiling fan last night drying my hair. then today my cousin came over to cornrow my hair. I am
I am addicted to washing/co-washing & as much as I love it sometimes it get out of hand. Despite the effort or funds it takes to achieve the style I will take down kinky twists, single braids, cornrows, etc, just to wash and get back that squeaky clean feeling .

This morning I had 45 minutes to get ready for work & I spent twenty in the shower because I HAD to co-wash :drunk:
Even if I don't wash my hair, usually I use some kind of aloe, castor oil, glycerin concoction and wet it in the sink daily. :yep:

Besides braids and buns unless I am going out somewhere nice (esp. since I worked at home before getting laid off) I am too lazy to rollerset or do anything else to my hair.
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I have a question for those that wash everyday. If you are relaxed, what is the very next step after you're done washing. Do you blow dry? Years ago I used to wash my hair everyday (I am relaxed 4a/b) and it was so dry. I now know what I was doing wrong. I wasn't putting any moisturizer in my hair or anything. I know that sounds like a no brainer but back then I had no clue as to how to properly take care of my hair. I mean, I was still using mineral oil and petroleum, for God's sake. So anyway, for all the daily washers do you blowdry afterwards everyday? Thanks in advance.
YES! I had to get a weave to leave it alone! And I am about to go crazy because I MISS it. I was CWin twice a day! LOL I am going to wash the weave's synthetic...I am scurred.
I have a question for those that wash everyday. If you are relaxed, what is the very next step after you're done washing. Do you blow dry? Years ago I used to wash my hair everyday (I am relaxed 4a/b) and it was so dry. I now know what I was doing wrong. I wasn't putting any moisturizer in my hair or anything. I know that sounds like a no brainer but back then I had no clue as to how to properly take care of my hair. I mean, I was still using mineral oil and petroleum, for God's sake. So anyway, for all the daily washers do you blowdry afterwards everyday? Thanks in advance.

:nono::nono: Airdrying via braidouts, twistouts, buns, or you can even rollerset .. I wouldn't do that everyday though ..
I would have voted twice if I could. I'm somewhere between loving it and annoyed. If I was wearing anything more than wng's, I'd be more annoyed. But my wng is airdried hanging straight so it's not as big of a deal right now.
I have a question for those that wash everyday. If you are relaxed, what is the very next step after you're done washing. Do you blow dry? Years ago I used to wash my hair everyday (I am relaxed 4a/b) and it was so dry. I now know what I was doing wrong. I wasn't putting any moisturizer in my hair or anything. I know that sounds like a no brainer but back then I had no clue as to how to properly take care of my hair. I mean, I was still using mineral oil and petroleum, for God's sake. So anyway, for all the daily washers do you blowdry afterwards everyday? Thanks in advance.

NO blowdrying!!! Blowdrying ever day would totally defeat the purpose of cowashing. I co wash daily and my hair is always back in a wet bun :yep:
I am currently addicted to washing my hair, I think i'm more so now that I am out of school for the summer.:grin:
I love washing my hair and dCW. I just hate to rollerset, etc.. am becoming a little annoyed though, I always perk up when I get a new bottle of conditioner...:lachen:
I was just thinking about this today while running.
I can't beleive that I used to workout and not wash my hair everyday or even every other day. I always thought that I could'nt, because it would dry out my hair. Now I know better and cowash just about everyday. I can't stand going more than 1 day and not washing.
I love it and my hair and scalp has never been better!
Wow, I'm SO glad this thread rose to the top again! I just realized that I am totally addicted to cowashing! I think about when I can do my next one..... what product I'll use ... what leave-in to use... what I'll do with my hair after I cowash... when I can re-co-wash.... it's SICK :spinning::spinning:
I used to love co washing everyday but I got so much bulid up and had to detangle so much I said forget it! But I still LOVE the way it feels when water is running on my scalp. Its so soothing and relaxing!
Been co-washing for about 2wks now at night and LOVE it. I look forward to my nightly routine. I am also have fun creating new conditioner concoctions....
I started cowashing daily a few months ago and I am loving my hair! I don't think I can ever go back :nono: I workout for at least 5 days a week so I feel like I HAVE to wash after ever workout and I do. :yep:
I love it too!!!!!! I actually get excited when I get off work from a long day. I drive a city bus so to get the "smell" of the bus out of my hair! It's actually pretty relaxing.

Before I started learning to take care of my hair, I used to only do this 2x a month (sometimes 1x) EEK!!!!! I can't believe how long I deprived myself! There are some women that ONLY wash their hair when they get their hair done every two weeks!

I know because I worked as a shampoo girl since I was 13. Yuck!
WOW! I gotta get back to this. Now that I can braid my hair I think this will be easy for me to do, as my hair love daily cleansing(with conditioner no less).
Years ago when I chopped all my hair of I was addicted to washing was terrible because back then I washed it with a clarifying shampoo everyday! Its a miracle my hair didn't get dry and fall out:look: but then again I also smothered it with half a botttl eof cond too!:lachen:but it was the only way I knew of to revive my curls back then so I could continue to wear my hair down daily.