Are you addicted to washing your hair? (co washing included!)

Are you addicted to washing your hair?

  • Yes, and I LOVE IT!!! :grin:

    Votes: 246 66.1%
  • Yes, it's annoying, but I can't stop! :perplexed

    Votes: 55 14.8%
  • No, but I was. I'm over it now :yep:

    Votes: 44 11.8%
  • No, I have better things to do :rolleyes:

    Votes: 27 7.3%

  • Total voters
Yep, I'm addicted to washing my hair. I get so excited to get in the shower these days and smell my conditioner, have clean and moisturized hair, and not have a tangle in the world. I'm 12 weeks post, and I believe that this is the only way I was able to stretch this long with ease. Shampooing once ever 4 days to once every week just wasn't cutting it.
Geeze, that's all I think about practically is washing my hair. I love the feel of the water on my scalp and my hair is thriving from the constant care. I was one of those that was raised to believe that washing our black kinky hair was a no-no...and to avoid the rain, swimming by all means because God forbid if your hair got wet. right now I wash 3 times a week, I am natural with fine strands.. they seem to love the water... My hair is so fine it drys in like 2 1/2 hours...I wash at night so if I wash say about 8 then when I hit the bed about 10:30-11 my hair is dry already. I wear buns and braidouts. My SO is like baby aren't you washing too much.. that could be harmful... I gave him this website and told him to go read haha! If I go to the store for any purpose I always wind up on the shampoo aisle... looking for some new conditioner to try on my next wash day... I was Monday, Wednesday and Saturday... I never ever thought I would be doing this. WOW!
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I just co washed this morning and I wanna wash it again. I'm itching to wash it

I'm sitting here planning everything out for when I wash tomorrow. I can't wait to get up in the morning and feel that warm water on my scalp

Weeeeell, Sweet T, I'm not quite this bad :scratchch but I so know the bennies of water as a moisturizer now (thank you LHCF women). I laud co-washing to any who will listen.
Absolutely! That is why I dont do well with sew-ins and braids... I am only fooling myself to think that I can go more than a week without doing something to my hair!
Well, now I started co-washing, before for some reason I would get sore throat =(. However now I am doing better with it. I am seeing less breakage and healthier hair. =).
I like it.
I had to bump this thread back up.

I just realized that I think I have a co-washing addiction.
I rebraided my hair last weekend, but I've already had water on my scalp at least 3 times this week. I co-washed once in the middle of the week. Then washed my hair later on in the week. Now I've just co-washed again. I have a feeling I'm going to be doing this all summer. LOL.
Yeah, I'm still addicted. I'm going krazy since my hair is in braids. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but I really really really miss playing in my hair. I just keep thinking of the growth I'ma have soon! YAY!
I cowash twice a day. But I love how oit feels after shampooing and conditioner. How often yall shampooing? I fight to not shampoo daily. Who shampoos daily!!??
I am addicted to putting stuff in my hair. I love buying new conditioners! Just this weekend alone I bought 2 bottles of Organix conditioner (buy one get one free at Walmart) and 4 containers of Lustrasilk. The sad thing is it'll all probably last me a month LOL
when im at work i think about cowashing my hair all day like right now i cowashed this morning and i always feel like i have the tingles in my head i guess because its growing but i just want to wash my hair now its a good feeling
I have started co-washing everyday since my hair finally got to the point where I could do a cute wash and go style. I'm really loving it especially since its sooo HOT.
I'm loving it. I haven't used shampoo for about 5 weeks now. (Maybe a bit more) when I want it "squeeky" clean. I use ACV.
I love love love co-washing. With my twa I wash every day :D because the weather is warm and I can wash and go. I don't know if I'll be able to do this when my hair gets longer or the weather get colder but right now I'm loving it!!!!

I don't feel clean sometimes unless I wash my hair...yes I am an addict.
Yes I am:yep: I co-wash 5 days a week and wash 2 days a week and my hair loves it!! Even when I wash my hair, I also condition it afterwards and sometimes I'll CWC. I just can't help it.:nono: I've been doing this routine now for 18 days straight, I'm 8 weeks post relaxer and there are no ill effects.
My hair has thrived since I now only wash once a month. I think about it every week, but I know if I do it, my hair will suffer significant loss.

My hair type is just too fragile.:ohwell: