inversion method

Forgot to invert yesterday :( but in my defense I hadn't slept in over 24 hours. Gonna do it today then add an extra day to my week for the full effect.
^^ I briefly tried to google, but came up with nothing. I think I will just use it unwarmed and use my other oils warmed.
I started yesterday and I am not warming any oils. I'm just using it in my hair as is. will see if I get any growth at the the end of this little experiment.
Last night was Day 2. My daughter and I massaged the black castor oil mixture into our scalps and inverted while listening to Babyface for 4 minutes.
Day 2 of inversion. Used warm coconut oil and same position on the bed as yesterday for 4 mins. I think I will switch up position tomorrow.
Question, how soon are you to see the results? I plan on flat ironing my hair sum time this week as a before pic and then flat iron my hair in 2wks for an after pic. Are you suppose to see the results within a week of doing the inversion method or a month?
Day 5. My scalp is a little tender. Hopefully that means I am growing astronomically fast, hence the soreness.

I noticed soreness as well, I thought I was rubbing to hard when I massage lol

LOL I had some soreness in the front last night too. I am not sure if it was from the massaging or what because I have massaged daily with sulfur previously and my scalp didn't feel like that. I'm not massaging any harder than I usually do. Hopefully it is growth. :look:

Day 5 complete.
Glad you guys mentioned the soreness. I was doing this for a while and my scalp became quite tender too:yep:
I came home so tired from work yesterday,Fell asleep.
I woke up at around 3 am and contemplated doing the inv then but I was like nah Im not that crazy for growth so I went back to sleep.:lol:

It will be the 1st thing I do when I get home later today.
I'm going to try this!

I read thru the thread. Takeaways: I'm not going to massage or heat oil. I will apply NJoy oil every other day.

Question: I can't do a handstand so is the next best method to bend at the waist and touch my toes while standing?