inversion method

Lilmama1011- I am in the same boat (kind of scared) but back in my relaxed days I would cowash daily (b/c of working out) and my hair flourished.

I am going to keep a close eye on how my hair reacts. So far, so good. I just switched to trying daily cowashing on Monday.
Lilmama1011- I am in the same boat (kind of scared) but back in my relaxed days I would cowash daily (b/c of working out) and my hair flourished.

I am going to keep a close eye on how my hair reacts. So far, so good. I just switched to trying daily cowashing on Monday.

what would you do to your hair after daily cowashing when you were relaxed? yaya24
Started inversion again last night. I warmed up the oil and massaged for a few minutes and then hung my head upside down but not sure for how long since I didn't time it. I'm going to try to do this consistently for the next week but it will be hard to see how it's affecting my hair growth because my hair is braided and I plan on leaving these braids in until the end of the month.
Started inversion again last night. I warmed up the oil and massaged for a few minutes and then hung my head upside down but not sure for how long since I didn't time it. I'm going to try to do this consistently for the next week but it will be hard to see how it's affecting my hair growth because my hair is braided and I plan on leaving these braids in until the end of the month.

then our week will both end on Wednesday, i can't wait to see my results
I tried it. Day 1 for me. Massaged my scalp with Shea peppermint oil mix. Laid on the bed on my back. Head hung off the edge. 5 minutes.
This is definitely trending across the web. I even listed it as an Oct Hair Goal within my monthly goals blog post. I'm on the fence about doing it but might give it a try for the heck of it.
what would you do to your hair after daily cowashing when you were relaxed? @ yaya24

Lilmama1011- I would just apply leave ins moisturise, airdry in a low loose ponytail.. seal then in it up or bun- exactly what i'm doing now texlaxed.

This week (and for the rest of the year really) I will be cowashing at night, airdrying & bunning.

at least 4xs a week. Shampoo on Sunday.
ok i will try i will mention you everytime i do it,as long as your on here everyday. i almost forgot today even though its relatively still early here,if you do it before me mention me, i check in everyday:)

Sorry Lilmama1011, I check on here every day but I didn't get back on last night. I did do my inversion last night tho. How bout you?
^you probably moved your head back to normal too fast

for something like that when you are inverted, you need to be slow in getting back to normal position

try that next time and let us know if there are changes
Rosemary speeds circulation...

This is exactly why I had to stop using it. It caused my migraines (Which is circulation issue) to be much worse...Even if its a menial amount within another product, it still caused my head to bang.

Which to me was proof positive it works.

Thanks for mentioning this. I had added some rosemary essential oil to some aloe that i've been putting on my scalp everyday. Suddenly I was getting these dull tension headaches out of no where. I wonder if it's the rosemary. I'll leave that out next time.
Welp I don't think I will keep with the warming of the oil lol. I forget and then by the time I remember about warming it I've already applied to most of my scalp.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
^^^ Its a shame...I rarely come over to this side nowadays. Im jus hearing of this.

Its always somethin new and improved jumpin off ova here. I jus wonder, who comes up with this stuff.

Me too, I'm always up in the entertainment forum getting caught up/lost in all the gossip...
I don't now whats going on but I decided to detangle my hair and apply rollers again and my hair was so hard to comb out, new growth was crazy, last week it wasn't like that, I wonder if I experienced some growth already, that would be crazy, I really can't wait to relax next week because if I go farther i would probably lose a lot of hair
I tried it. Day 1 for me. Massaged my scalp with Shea peppermint oil mix. Laid on the bed on my back. Head hung off the edge. 5 minutes.
I messed up already! Day 2...left for work at 7am, got home after 10pm. Went to girls night with my Besties after work, hit 3 happy hours and got super happy. By the time I got home, inversion did not attempt to cross my mind. Oh well, I will do it today...
I've set an alarm on my phone reminding me to do it before getting ready for work. Today I warmed up some Naturelle Grow Mega Growth Oil that had been sitting in my cabinet for months collecting dust. :look: Massaged that in for about a minute, then inverted by sitting on the edge of my couch with my head hanging down. Put on a four minute Usher song and it was over before I knew it. Easy peasy. :yep: Right now I'm under a baggy for a couple hours. Figured that will boost the affects.
Today will make day 3 for me. I invert while watching tv. Makes the time fly by :yep:

My current length is 14 inches, pretty much all over. Hoping to see 15 next week!
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