Inversion Challenge November 2013-November 2014

Forgot to mention that I finished day 7. I have no real results to speak of. I'm in braids so I can easily notice extra growth. I've had them in for a little over 3 weeks before starting the challenge and have less than half an inch of growth right now overall. Oh well I'll try for 3 months and see what happens. See you ladies on the first!
PinkSunshine77 Inverting to a 4min song you love that also has a nice beat will make you wonder where did 4 mins go so fast. If you get bored, switch up the songs, I try to even get squats done while inverting. It makes it so much easier to do.
I forget to post in here. Im on day 6. I forgot to invert friday, so i make it up on Monday. I haven't noticed any growth yet, but my scalp has been alittle more itchy (but in a good way). I once read somewhere that an itchy scalp could mean ur hair is growing. My scalp itches the most when i invert.
I notice that some of you ladies are inverting more than 7 days. Why is that? Do you get more growth by inverting for more days?

I'm just being nosey:)
pelohello I can't say that I've noticed the same thing, I think i'm the only one here doing that. What you may see is, some persons may forget a day or two and decide to start over; you may realize that the person is posting often in this thread.

I on the other hand have decided to invert for 30 days this session. I did mention when I started the thread that I was going to try that method and i'm now finally getting around to do it. I would like to see if how my hair benefits from doing it for 30 days. I'm on a mission to get to MBL by Dec 31 my next relaxer so that's a part of the reason as well.
Attached is my results. I got almost an inch in the front: ) i was 4' in the front. Now im almost at 5'. I didn't gain anything anywhere else though.


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Well since i'm on a mission to do 30 days, I won't be skipping any days. Day 16 completed today. I'll consider yesterday my 1 day pass. 14 days go.
I finally read through this entire thread! I'm eagerly awaiting the first!

PureSilver I can't wait to see your results at the end of the 30 days. Did you take a starting pic for comparison?
sheanu I got a relaxer on August 3rd bone straight. I do have a scalp shot from the same day. I started inverting I think a day or 2 after i'll have to go back thorough this thread to see. I have seen and felt NG since I relaxed but i'll wait till the 30 day mark to do cmparison shots and update so

YES I will com back with my findings after 30 days.