Inversion Challenge November 2013-November 2014

Are you guys going to do it everyday or just one week out of the month? Today will be day 5 for me. I pulled out my trusted length check shirt prior to starting so if I have noticeable growth on Monday, I'll be officially joining this challenge.

I thought you we already on board. I added you to the challengers list. Ooops:blush:
Natural/Relaxed: Relaxed
Current Length: 2 inches above APL
Goal Length: BSL for November 2014 :)
Oil of Choice: Coconut Oil/JBCO mix

I hope I'll get rid of the headache I had from it.... still 3 days to go ^^
Natural/Relaxed: Natural
Current length: Looks like armpit in front and a tad longer in the back
Goal length: Somewhere between waist and tailbone length
Oil of choice: JBCO/jojoba and a dash of peppermint oil.
I'm in!!!!:grin:

Natural/Relaxed: Natural
Current Length: Hovering over APL
Goal Length: As long and healthy as possible
Oil of Choice: NJOY's Growth oil.

I will be back later on tonight to update with a pic
Natural/Relaxed: Natural
Current Length: Somewhere between MBL and WL ... i haven't LC'd in a long while
Goal Length: WL - TBL by Dec. 31 2013
Oil of Choice: EVCO or shea butter
I'll be hanging off my bed

I'll post pics later in the day!
OKay back with pics! that part of my finger is roughly an inch so i'll say Octobers invert was a success.
And Day 1 is complete as well!

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Currently Relaxed / MBLish
Goal: Even hemline MBL
Oil: various, will rotate my stash
Will hang off the side of bed
I am natural with 2 inches stretched and my goal is 5-6 inches. I like working out so short is better; but I want the added length to do styles other than WNG. I will be using coconut oil mixed with peppermint, clary sage and yang yang essential oils to oil my scalp and massage while I hang my head over.

Day1: done
I would like to do this. But I'm still in braids and will be so until next week. However, I'll still so inversion after I take them out.
I think I'm going to try this again. I tried it once before back in June, but I didn't like the head rush I got from it. Maybe I was doing something wrong?

Natural/Relaxed: Natural
Current Length: CBL
Goal Length: MBL
Oil of choice: No oils.

ETA: Pictures of the back and side. About 6" and 5" respectively. The front is 5" too. I'm using bad pins in these pics; they didn't hold the hair properly, so it looks a bit shorter on the measuring tape than it actually is.


(Please tell me of the pictures don't show.)

Bad news: I forgot to do it yesterday though. *sulk* I don't know why I'm so bad with remembering to do things. *heavy sigh*

I'll just make it up with an extra day~
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Not happy with my hair lately, so here goes....

Natural/Relaxed: Relaxed
Current Length: No clue
Goal Length: Whip
Oil of choice: Coconut and NJOY's sulfur oil

Starting Pic with new length shirt:
Nov 1, 2013
7 Weeks post
Blow dried
Yes, one side keeps growing longer than the other
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Day 1 complete. I forgot to mention I warmed my oil up first and massaged for the first 3 minutes while inverting.

Showing my grays b4 I hendigo'd.


Showing the color took.



Showing beginning length.


2013-11-01 17.35.40.jpg


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
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i'm currently braiding up my hair as i type this, i hope you will give it a shot, braids or not

Oh I definitely will. It's just in taking my braids out soon because (to me) there's so mic new growth. It would be difficult to adequately measure if inversion does anything for me if I started today. BUT I'm taking them out on Sunday/Monday and getting my hair straightened on Wednesday. So I'll start not when everybody else does, but I'll rejoin the whole group for December.
Day 1 of 7 complete
Haven't gotten all my ingredients yet for the oil I will use so I used some sulfur mix I had. Massaged for 1 minute inverted standing for 4.

Head tingles and feels warm. Nice.

Shoot I almost want to combine it with the green house method.
Day 1 of 7 complete
Haven't gotten all my ingredients yet for the oil I will use so I used some sulfur mix I had. Massaged for 1 minute inverted standing for 4.

Head tingles and feels warm. Nice.

Shoot I almost want to combine it with the green house method.

ChasingBliss Feel free to, there is no set way to do it. Maybe it will help increase the growth.
Oh I definitely will. It's just in taking my braids out soon because (to me) there's so mic new growth. It would be difficult to adequately measure if inversion does anything for me if I started today. BUT I'm taking them out on Sunday/Monday and getting my hair straightened on Wednesday. So I'll start not when everybody else does, but I'll rejoin the whole group for December.

Sounds like a good plan to me.
Day 1 of 7 complete. No oil, no massage just hung off my bed...I was not in a mood at all. Hopefully tomorrow I will get out the exercise ball,
Currently warming my oil and inverting in a few minutes.

My Stats:
-Natural. Last Relaxer in April '10, fully natural May '12
-Current Length- Hair is approximately 15in all over, I was 14in when I inverted for the first time last month. About APL-BSL on me.
-Goal Length is MBL
-Oil of choice- JBCO and Jojoba.

Don't laugh at my picture, my photographer (Mom :lol:) was asleep so I had to take it myself. In the process I spilled a bottle of leave-in that just missed my camera. So I was not in the mood to take any more pics :perplexed :lol:


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Natural/Relaxed: Natural
Current Length: U shaped BSL
Goal Length: WL 2014
Oil of Choice: Coconut, EVOO, Jojoba, various purchased blends,
Day 1: Inverted for 5 mins leaning back on the bed while listening to calming music, massaged in Kera Vada Coffee oil beforehand, made me sleepy off to bed I go :yawn:
Natural/Relaxed: Natural
Current Length: SL (when I stretched it it looked really close to APL, but it hasn't been straightened since June)
Goal Length: BSL
Oil of Choice: Regular castor oil (since it's on my Use It Up list)

I started with DD tonight. I didn't measure her hair, but my stats are:

left side: 9 1/2", right side 10"
left back: 8", right back: 8"
front: 9"

I don't know HOW you all hold the tape, stretch your hair, AND take a picture all at the same time without three arms, so, obviously I have no photos.

I warmed the oil in the microwave for 10 seconds, then we massaged for 4 minutes, then we inverted on our exercise balls for 4 minutes.

Day one: down.
Natural/Relaxed: Natural Current Length: SL (when I stretched it it looked really close to APL, but it hasn't been straightened since June) Goal Length: BSL Oil of Choice: Regular castor oil (since it's on my Use It Up list) I started with DD tonight. I didn't measure her hair, but my stats are: left side: 9 1/2", right side 10" left back: 8", right back: 8" front: 9" I don't know HOW you all hold the tape, stretch your hair, AND take a picture all at the same time without three arms, so, obviously I have no photos. I warmed the oil in the microwave for 10 seconds, then we massaged for 4 minutes, then we inverted on our exercise balls for 4 minutes. Day one: down.

I can barely stretch my hair and hold the ruler up to my scalp :look: