Introducing Him to Family... Your take?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I'm curious to know your thoughts on when you feel comfortable introducing a boyfriend to your family.

I am in a new relationship with a guy who is amazing and I think that both of my parents would really like him.... However, it's only been 2 months of dating so I feel like its too soon for him to meet them.

We are in my hometown right now and we discussed this. We both agreed that its too soon to meet them mostly b/c for me, it means something to have him meet my family and it's just.... Too soon!

Several friends waited as long as possible for this to happen in their relationships. Months/years. Some have other opinions.

I introduced my then boyfriend, now husband to my parents after six months. I wanted to wait longer but I had met his family a couple of weeks before so it was only fair that I include my parents.
I think its too soon for the whole family, but maybe not the parents. Sometimes is good to let them meet early, pick out any red flags before too many feelings are caught.
I think its too soon for the whole family, but maybe not the parents. Sometimes is good to let them meet early, pick out any red flags before too many feelings are caught.

I'm thnkg the opposite but for the same reason. My parents would be most critical so i would go with other family first. Maybe u could begin by easing him in... Introduce him to close friends, cousins (esp male cousins), etc. and let them point out red flags they see, then work up to parents when u r more certain about him.

Sombdy has to know dude... Esp if u live away from your hometown
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I would do other family first. I feel a guy shouldn't meet my parents, unless it's something serious.
I have a tight knit family so I'm wary of introducing anyone to them, even my girlfriends. So I prefer to wait until things are serious. At the same time I don't want to wait too long in case there are red flags I might miss. I know I'd start with my sisters, then my parents. My mom would be last because she knows me better than anyone. But she's also tough. Both she and my middle sister are very protective of me.
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if u r meeting my family serious about u.
My SO now is the first man since my ex-dh to meet my family. 14 years ago was the last time my fam met my dude after 4 months whom became my dh.
now my fam met my SO last month after 5 months of dating. i met his.
Thanks for the responses. Like most, I think meeting family is a big step and I want to make sure that the relationship is going to be long lasting before involving other family members. I've never introduced a guy to my family by choice....
Thanks for the responses. Like most, I think meeting family is a big step and I want to make sure that the relationship is going to be long lasting before involving other family members. I've never introduced a guy to my family by choice....

Been there done that @ the bolded SMDH. Meeting my family is a big deal because 1) I just dont bring everybody home and 2) my family is freaking HUGE! If I was from the outside looking in I would be intimidated by big loud family :spinning: My current SO comes from a small family where a lot of his family lives out of the country.

I don't know if its more about when you're ready and where you're at with your relationship than a time chart. We've been dating since last Fall and so far he's met my sister which wasn't planned but I really wanted to see him and vice versa while she was staying at my house for a holiday. It was less than 3 months of us dating during that too.