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Anothr newbie here as well. I need tips on regrowing my eight year old hair. She had beautiful thick wavy hair past her shoulders but had a sensitive scalp. So four years ago, I put a kiddie perm in it and totally ruined her hair. Now, her hair was so damaged and lackluster that I decided to cut off about four inches in the hope that with care and treatment, it will grow back long and heathy. I will be using organic coconut oil and Jamaican black castor oil as a regular application. I need all the suggestions I can get.
Hi, I am new to the forum as well. I can't believe that there are other women who are interested in their hair care and retention as much as I am. I just happen to stumble across the site and WOW:D . I am so at home. I have been lurking around for a few weeks and finally decided to be official.
I hope to join some of the challenges and have some pix soon.

I noticed that many have had success with NTM Silk, I had some major breakage. It has Sodium Hydroxide in it. I loved the way my hair felt but it seemed to have too much elasticity after a week of daily use and some areas and was just snapping off. I wrote Neutrogena about the safety in using it regularly on relaxed hair and they simply told me to take it to my stylst and she should be able to tell me if this product is safe to use. Was not a good answer :nono: So I tossed it .

I was strictly a Pantene girl, but have recently purchased Cathy Howse's conditioners to try and so far so good. I am so happy to be apart of the forum.
I am also new to the website. I have been looking for a while and finally decided to join because I need all the hair advice that I can get. I recently had to cut a lot of my hair off because I had stopped taking care of it. I stopped wearing a satin scarf to bed. I stretched my relaxers way to long and had breakage as a result. I stopped cutting my ends which added to the breakage. I have learned my lesson and will wash my hair every week like I used to. I also am taking multivitamins, vitol hair care vitamins and drinking plenty of water. I am thinking about buying Flax oil. Any of you used it?
Another relative newbie just saying hi. I've already learned a lot from you ladies in the past couple of months and will just continue to read and learn.
I'm a newbie too! Actually, I joined back in Nov, but never took the chance to post. I have been lurking for over a year now and have learned a lot of useful things. I don't think my hair has ever been healthier! Thx ladies! :)
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I'm Connie from NY. I joined this forum a couple years back and became a paid member, but I've been away from the forum for over a year now and just reactivated my yearly membership again. When I posted here last, I was attempting to transition from relaxed to natural but decided it wasn't for me at the time. I'm still happily relaxed, but I'm considering doing my own relaxers. I have a great stylist, but it would be nice to keep the money I pay for to spend on myself..LOL.

I've been lurking and reading quite a bit of your posts. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you here, and celebrating 'reaching the bra strap'. ;-)
Happy New Year To All:)

I am also a newbie who decided to subscribe after reading all the great hair care tips....There is so much information that I dont know where to start....Before I began my hair care regime I want to lurk around a bit forgive me! :grin:
smartandblessed said:
I am also new to the website. I have been looking for a while and finally decided to join because I need all the hair advice that I can get. I recently had to cut a lot of my hair off because I had stopped taking care of it. I stopped wearing a satin scarf to bed. I stretched my relaxers way to long and had breakage as a result. I stopped cutting my ends which added to the breakage. I have learned my lesson and will wash my hair every week like I used to. I also am taking multivitamins, vitol hair care vitamins and drinking plenty of water. I am thinking about buying Flax oil. Any of you used it?
I am a fellow Keracare girl and new member, I have been lurking for years but quit procrastinating for new years resolutions sake! hello to everybody
Ms.Allyse said:
HI!! Ms. Allyse here!!!

My hair WAS in pretty good shape when my stylist(my sister Shannette R.I.P.) was doing it. She recently died after child birth this past July and my hair has gone down drain since with all the stress and things of that nature, which during her pregnancy I was letting someone else do it who comepletely damaged my hair and now my hair is at an ALL TIME LOW. I'm stressed with school and everything else that's going on!! I can find NOONE that knows how to take care of hair here so I guess i'm going to have to do it myself!! I'm blessed enough to have found this forum and I hope that I make progress here!

I'm too ashamed to even POST pictures of my current hair disaster!!!

Sorry to hear about your lost......:sad:

I found this board tonight (actually last night, I've been on here for hours lol) and signed up right away. I'm excited to join these discussions.
Hey All!!

I actually joined the site in November but couldn't figure out how to interact more on the site until the other day :ohwell: ...I'm new to actually taking care of my hair....I'm completely natural....Never had a perm/relaxer or anything like that...I believe I am am mix of 3c and 4a hair types...Still learning about all that :grin: ...

My long term goal is to have mid-back hair length....I'd be happy with that...I'm currently shoulder length...I really look forward to chatting with you ladies and getting to know you all...I'm really sure that you all will prove to be a GREAT support system!!

I'm a newbie as well. I joined yesterday. I look forward to learning alot from you lovely ladies!

everyone today is my first day...i want to say hello and thanks for all the information. A lot of great help a bit overwhelming....what about all the acronyms...what do i use i think my hair is 3 or 4 .
what about the product where is the list....can someone please help....

thanks ladies...just direct me in the right directions.....
Hello Ladies!
I've been lurking and learning since last month! My hair has recently been breaking and shedding to the point I really thought I was going bald!:eek: My stylist does nothing but cut every time I go in. So... I'm happy to find so much info on growing hair like mine!:D I started with improved hair care on 1/2/07. I almost look like a PJ, but I'm trying to find what works best for my hair. Let's see what length and health can be achieved!:grin:

Happy hair growing!
Hi! I've been lurking here for a while and I'm just now introducing myself. I learned so much from LHCF, and its such a positive community here. I thank everyone so much for all the wondeful tips I've found here to help out my hair.
Hey all,

I'm new here, and love all of the information available. Initially I joined BHM (name is Desiree there, which is my real name), and found out about LHCF from members. This site is great and most of the time I just use the search feature to help me out; I don't post too much because most of what I want to know is usually already mentioned.

I am transitioning from relaxed hair to natural. I have been snipping ends off, but not ready to cut it all yet.

Nice to meet everyone :-)
Hello ladies,my name is Rosalyn, i joined the site last night but i've being stooping by for occasional advice.. b4 i subcribed (so happy i did... other then that i'm looking forward to conversing and some great advice.peace... By the way my hair is 4a/4ball natural...
Im emmy. from the dc area. i have 4a hair... its pretty healthy now but it couls always be longer :) shooting 4 mid back or bra lenght by the end of next year :)
Happy 2007 everyone! I'm new too and I've been an undercover "stalker" for sometime and love everyone's hair on this forum. The ppl here are so nice and I can't wait to learn and try new things to achieve my goal,too. Nina
hi everyone,
I am a long time stalker, as well. I will confess that I did not introduce myself because it seems that most of you are young ladies and most of you have or are working on long hair. I enjoy this board so much and can read the postings for hours on end.

Well, I am a grandmother of one, my hair is thinning on top and that really worries me (that is one reason that I was interested in this board in the first place). I have a very distinctive, signature gray patch in the front of my hair which I keep, the rest of my hair is dyed dark brown. I am transitioning rather reluctantly, my hair is thick and coarse and definitely 4b in most places, as I age, I believe that the top of my hair is changing textures and seems to be 4a. I like the ease of a relaxer but my hair just does not seem to do well at all lately with a relaxer. I go to a stylist who does a great job with a press and curl. My hair is actually growing and is starting to feel like hair instead of steel wool. I am , for the first time in a long time enjoying my hair, I feel attractive again without a wig or a weave.

Is there anyone who can relate to my experiences? I would enjoy sharing ideas and experiences with anyone.

I"m new to the LHCF just took out my weave after 6 months. Started back taking hair pills. I reside in Inglewood CA but originally from Bay Area
have 3 girls ages 17, 13, 10. Currently setting up my profile just want to have healthy hair it's really thin since I took the weave out. If you gals have any words of wisdom let me know. Kimaaa3:)
Hello everyone,

I've been a silent reader for the past few months and finally decided to join and post. My name is Determined because that's what I am - determined to get my hair to be healthy, thick and at least APL. I've never been the greatest with my hair, but I've always managed to not destroy it. I recently moved to a new state, and I've noticed my hair has been going downhill. I've also began a weight-loss regimen (Weight Watchers) to get my entire body in shape, from head to toe.

I'd love to hear any advice and tips that you ladies have.
Hello, I love this forum. I've been lurkng and reading for quite awhile and joined last year but really ust decided to post. I am so excited about growing m hair out. Thanks ladies for sharing so much great information:)
Hello Everyone. I love this board. I am learning so much and I am so excited about growing my hair. So many people are an inspiration and I look forward to sharing with u all.
I'm not new to the site I have been lurking for a while,recently became a member and wanted to say hello to all.I'm here to get info on obtaining healthier thicker hair.... and length would be a plus :) .Thanks in advance .