Introduce Yourself Here

Hi. I justed wanted to introduce myself before starting to post. There is a lot of information on this board. I am not sure where to start. I am glad I found you. :)
Hello Everyone,

I'm soo happy:grin: to be apart of this forum. I've been lurking for 3 weeks and I'm obsessing, I'm here everyday checking on this or that. I can't wait to start the various challenges and see the progress of everyone including and especially me:D . Happy hair growing.

Hello! Ladies! I am here to achieve healthy hair care. I look forward to meeting you~:) . I am currently at ARM PIT LENGTH, but it's thin!:mad:

I am aiming for 2007~ thick and BRA STRAP LENGTH..:D

Hair type: 4a/b
Current length: APL
Goals: Grow thick, healthy BRA STRAP LENGTH
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Hello everyone,
I'm currently growing out my hair and trying to get it to a healthier state.
I'm textured and at a neck length (in a bob).
I'm aiming for armpit length in the next 4 months!
Hi, I am new here, screen name 1Luv. I heard this board has a lot of good information, so I hope to learn a lot.

My name is Keisha. I've been lurking the forum for a while now and am just amazed at all the information. My hair is just on my shoulders but my goal is full and apl. I lost alot along my edges and my right side a few months back when I got a touch up done. But with all the information and helpful people here, I'm sure I'll reach it.
Hello ladies, I'm glad to be here and glad to be starting my first whole year of better hair care. My goal is health first and length second, so cheers for 2007:dance7:
Hi Im New as well. I cant wait to start! I haven't started any goals since my hair is singles which Im planning to take out this weekend. Im starting new and fresh. :P
Hello all! I am relatively new here. My first time introducing myself. I am addicted to this site. I finally registered. I have learned so much. My children love looking at the progress pics. My goal is to have apl by 12/2007, I am currently a little past shoulder length. (in the back, it grows in a v-shape)

I am a natural and loving it. My album is not finished yet, but I will update them soon.

You all are great.
Just wanted to say tnoregon is in tha house.

I am here to gain, absord, and share all the information I can while transitioning and becoming natural. Feel free to check me out on Fokti:

My Goal: Strong, Healthy, BSL Natural Stretched.

Let's grow ladies:wave:. See ya around.
Hey Hey Hey!!!!

After browing the website for about a week now, I finally decided to sign up last night. This website has already informed me on a lot of things. I am definitely looking forward to learning more!!! My username says it all....Inquiring Mind wants to know!!!! :lol:
Hello and Praise God Ladies,
There is so much information on this site. I'm glad I found it. Just wanted to introduce myself. And to seek out advise. My goal is to have healthy strong, long, shoulder length hair. Problem is my hair is EXTENSIVELY dry and brittle. I think I need to start using a LYE relaxer because the others on the market just does nothing for my hair...
It's so bad.. I'm wearing a half wig because I just can't walk around with my hair the way it is.. I'm thinking of cutting it and starting all over.
Please, please, please help.
HI!! Ms. Allyse here!!!

My hair WAS in pretty good shape when my stylist(my sister Shannette R.I.P.) was doing it. She recently died after child birth this past July and my hair has gone down drain since with all the stress and things of that nature, which during her pregnancy I was letting someone else do it who comepletely damaged my hair and now my hair is at an ALL TIME LOW. I'm stressed with school and everything else that's going on!! I can find NOONE that knows how to take care of hair here so I guess i'm going to have to do it myself!! I'm blessed enough to have found this forum and I hope that I make progress here!

I'm too ashamed to even POST pictures of my current hair disaster!!!

I have been a long time lurker for over five years now!!!!!!!:user:

I've just recently joined and would like to thank all the wonderful ladies on this board for thier advice and general positive attitudes.

I've always had bra strap length hair but have often struggled with hair loss and thinness, but I eventually found this board and was able to thicken my hair and bring it back to life. Look forward to being an active member here. :)
Merry Christmas, ladies!!

I stumbled across LHCF several months ago, shortly after realizing that I'd reached a 3-month stretch with my relaxer and needed to figure out what to do with my hair. At about the same time, I also noticed some small patches of hair loss, and I was afraid to relax my hair. So, I'm now 6 months post-relaxer. It's WEIRD, but there's so much new growth.

This site is such a wonderful resource. Thank you now, and in advance, for everyone's willingness to share advice, give suggestions, and provide support. I appreciate all of the pictures and instructions - I'm so excited to begin the journey to healthier, longer hair.

I still have a lot to learn about my hair - the first thing being my hair type! :look:

I'm going to accept a few official challenges for 2007 (I'm working on building my album)

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My name is LOVEABLE37,
I am addicted to LONG HAIR CARE FORUM just by browsing every single day, so now wha ! I Finally Registered.:D

No study hair remedies yet until i can set my page up i am new so it gonna take me a while be patients.Meanwhile i wanna thank everyone for having so much knowledge to share with everyone.
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Hello everyone. I just joined Long Hair Care Forum. I'm going to need a lot of help. My last relaxer was 12-24-05, and I just became all NATUUURAAAL in October 2006. I am looking forward to sharing and hearing advice on how to grow my boy-short...never thought I would go natural look.... :newbie:
Welcome to all you ladies who are new! You will find that there are so many people who will help you with your hair problems.

Blessings to you all!:D
Hey, I couldn't find a thread to introduce yourself either so I'll jump on the
bandwagon here. I am new to posting here but I have been a lurker since forever and have gotten some great tips too.

I'm a natural 4b for almost 3 years, I belong to another hair site for naturals but they have been truly getting on my nerves lately so I'm trying to break away from them for a while but I want to keep up with my hair info.

Welcome to all the other new members
Hello All

I've been a member for awhile but I never really post anything. I just wanted to give a shout to everyone and I really enjoy reading all the threads.

Take care

Hey everyone!
I'm a newbie but I feel so at home here with so many people as psycho about hair as I am! I found my tribe!:bouncy: I truly thought I was the only one on earth til' I stumbled upon this site. I've just been watching in amazement since October (hoping I wasn't dreaming:sleeping: ) and finally decided to post a few days ago. I'm embarrassed :blush: at the hours I spend, while everyone is sleep:sekret: browsing the site til my eyes burn! My husband probably thinks I'm having an affair:lachen: . I love this place and the compassion from member to member regarding haircare help is precious and inspiring! I'm excited to be a part of this, thanks for being LHCF,you've made me so happy:grin: ..... can you tell?:lol:
Hello, I finally spent five bucks so I can post! My name is Debbie Lynn. I'm really happy to be here. I just got inspired to take better care of my hair after reading Beautiful Black Hair by Shamboosie. For years I wore my hair cropped close to my scalp. I loved wearing my hair natural.

This past spring I decided to let my hair grow. I was surprised when it really sprouted and now it's grown into a nice ear length bob. Actually it's a bit past my ear!

I use all Nexxus products and they are working wonderfully for me. I see a real difference in my hair. It's never been this healthy.

I've been reading the posts daily for the past few months and I'm really encouraged by how black women can really grow hair!

Well that's all for now...I just wanted to stop in and say hello!

Type 4a hair
Wash every 4 days
All Nexxus Hair Products
9weeks since last relaxer
Hello all,

I have been an avid reader of this site for some time and have finally decided that 2007 will be my year of hair growth and an overall health and beautification process for myself.

I am a Keracare product junkie, but I am not consistent with it. So I am excited about being here and I can't wait to get to know many of you ladies.
Hi Ladies!

I've been a member for a couple years now and have enjoyed being a part of such a positive network! I appeciate how supportive everyone is toward helping others reach their individual goals, and I hope to do my part as well. I am a 4a/b and completely natural (for the third and final time, lol). Twists are currently my favorite style, so I wear them most of the time. As time permits, I hope to share pics/tips and inspire others as many have inspired me.

My first post. I am thrilled I found this site. My hair has been an unruley mess for years and the positive, supportive fourm has pushed me to say NO MORE and take control over my hair. You ladies are so inspiring, I can't wait to start my hair journey which begins today! On my way to Sallys :)
Hi Im Chellie ,
Just wanted to intrduce myself and say I ve been reading , but just subscribed and there so much great info cant wait to begin to repair my very damaged hair .

Thanks !