Introduce Yourself Here

Hello all I am Poetrygirl. I am new to LHCF and I am interested in growing my hair out. I had a bad experience with a sew in for my wedding which broke the right side of my hair off. Unfortunately I had to cut it all off (Hallee Berry Style) and start a new. However I WANT MY HAIR BACK. It was a little past shoulder length at the time it broke off and now it is just reaching my ears and that is because I wore micros for almost three months. Right now I am sporting a wig (which I love) before I get my relaxer on Saturday. I take pre-natal vitamins and drink Noni Juice. I wash my hair once a week which is probably too much, as I am reading that most African American women only wash theirs every two weeks. I don't think I have a regimen per-say but I do use the same products almost all of the time. So at this point I am open to suggesstions on what worked for any of you! :)
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I signed up over the weekend.
I already have healthy hair but I am a chronic procratenator. Everytime I get to this stage, I get a hair cut because it is time consuming. Nevertheless, as I get older my mother is complaining that I should let my hair grow back long (which I have always not liked). I promised that I would no longer cut it off. I am currently cornrowed. I am going to put my hair in singles next week.

I already have a hair regimen but I am going to update it with additional hair growing products that I have read from other forums.
I started my journal and will create a Foki and take some pictures soon.

This website is awesome. I am very excited and look forward to meeting and talking to everyone here. :yay:

Current Length : 2" past shoulder
First Goal: BSL July 2007
Second Goal: APL December 2007
Third Goal: MWL April 2008
I signed up over the weekend.
I already have healthy hair but I am a chronic procrastinator. Everytime I get to "this" stage of growth, I cut it short because I have never been really good at taking care of my hair.

I made a promise to someone that I would not cut my hair any longer. I always wear protective styles. I was wearing updoos alot but I have not found a stylist who can do my hair without it falling out. Every time I get my hair healthy,I let someone or a "so-called professional" work on it and then have to stop growing it because it starts to fallout. Now that I have my hair healthy again and thank God that I found this forum I now feel confident that I can do myself and don't have to worry about if my hair is going to fallout. I am so greatful. The creator of this website is truly a blessing.

I already have a hair regimen but I am going to update it with additional hair growing products that I have read from other forums.
I started my journal and will create a Foki and take some pictures soon.

I am very excited and look forward to meeting and talking to everyone here. :yay:

Current Length : 2" past shoulder
First Goal: BSL July 2007
Second Goal: APL December 2007
Third Goal: MWL April 2008
Hello All -

I guess I everyone has the same feeling "Really glad I found this site"! It's been two months since my last relaxer so I'm new the growing out thing. :( T'aint easy let me tell ya!

Well, I look forward to getting to know you all and gleaning some good advice.

hello Everyone!;)

My name is Tia and I am currently sporting a 14 week post relaxer bun! LOL I am getting married in May and really want to hold off on getting a perm until a few weeks before that date so that I don't smell like fresh perm on my wedding date. I have had perms since 2nd grade when I had thick and lovely hair. However, after returning from Japan in '98 my hair didn't take perms the same. It would wave up right after getting a perm. So over the past few years I have been going "natural" for 6 months and then perming. Then for 3 years straight, I didn't perm just pressed and went about my business. Got a perm in '05 and kept that up but never achieved my hair goals like I wanted to. So I thought that going natural was the answer...for me, its simply not. I love my hair in roller sets and straight when I want it. My main focus is not jumping on the latest trend but being me.
I am currently stretching out my perms and getting trims. I am limiting my trip to the hair dresser, just for perms and trims. I can roller set and twist my hair myself, I don't need to pay someone to do that. My first hair goal is to have arm pit length HEALTHY hair by the end of this year. Then next year's goal will be to have BSL by the end of next year. My ultimate goal is to have Waist Length hair before I am 30 years old....4 years should be enough time to obtain that
Hi Everyone

I just signed up yesterday.
I'm trying to let my hair grow, and my goal for December '07 is shoulder length. Currently my hair is relaxed, but I'm wearing a weave. In May '05, I got highlights (which were cute at the time), but a few months later my hair broke off. I cut it in February '06, and have been trying to let it grow ever since. I hope to eventually post some pics of my progress. Please feel free to give me any advice/suggestions. All comments are welcome!

Hi, my name is Andrea. After scoping out this site for a little while, I decided to join. My hair as currently just below my neck in back, but it's layered- so the front reaches just below my bottom lip (when stretched). I am currently all natural, but I used to be relaxed. I don't know what my ultimate goal is- maybe mid-back length.

There seem to be so many supportive ladies (with gorgeous hair) that it is hard not to be inspired by this site. I am excited about joining.
RE: Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone,

I wanted to introduce myself. I've been lurking around the site for a couple of months now. I learned about it from someone I met at a Dominican Salon. She was so excited about the site that I had to see for myself, now that I'm a member, I know why!!

I need to do a lot more reading before I start asking questions. At this time, I really don't have a hair regime. I usually go to the Dominican Salon, every 10-14 days to get my hair done. I have been contemplating not doing this anymore because I think (I know) my hair is breaking off, but I am so addicted to it and I am horrible with doing my own hair.

I've tried so many other places, but they are too expensive or I am not satisfied with the work.

I look forward to being an active member and soaking up every bit of knowledge that all of the ladies have about haircare. The owners of the site are to be commended.

I'm hoping to be BSL by 2008, but I don't know......I may have to do a BC (I think that's big many acronyms!)

I have already set up a FOTKI, but I don't know how to link it in my siggy.
Hi...Im officially a member now:D

Ok...I want my hair to grow long and strong for 07....I'm currently shoulder length......Help me please to reach my goal of BSL....:)
What up ladies?!
I have been coming to this site for almost a year. Gained a great amount of info and now I am official.

I took responsibility for the health of my hair in Feb. 2005 and discovered the hair boards about a year later. I am about an inch or two away from APL and I am on a mission to get to BSL, grow out my layers, thicken up my hairline, and grow a beautiful mane.

Happy to be here.


P.S. How can I paste a pic underneath my siggy? Thanks in advance.
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I am Nee and I offically joined today after lurking for so long!

I am a beauty product junkie! I love all the tips I have learned here. I am even on my second day of MTG! My hair is below my shoulders and very thick.

Can't wait to get to know everyone! Fotki coming soon!


Hi I am a :newbie: to LHCF but I have been on BHM for a while now. I have decided to swing on over to LHCF to get different opinions on things. I started on my hair care mission journey March 1, 2007! I figured the only way to grow my hair was to educated my self on the products I put in my hair.:bookworm: I am from the U.S but currently work in Afghanistan so I keep micro braids or twist in my hair. My goal for the end of 2007 is to grow my hair mid back....but of course with the help of you ladies on LHCF! :yay: let me find a Hair Challenge to join!

Hi I am new to LHCF:cool: but I have been reading many of the post for a few weeks. I have started my Hair Care journey to Mid back length and hopefully Waist length hair:grin: as of March 2007. Currently at shoulder length my first goal id APL. I'm in NC and I know with your help I can achieve this goal. :lol: Thanks a bunch.
Hi I'm KC, I've been lurking for about 2 years now and finally decided to join :). I am currently 1 inch or so past brastrap and I am aiming for waist length.
I've been lurking for a few months and I've finally decided to join. :) I'm natural and use heat about three times a year. I believe My hair is 10-13 inches in some places. I lost my tape measure so I'm not sure. It's past shoulder length and not to far from APL.
hi !!

my name is eldica , but you can call me suga :) Ive been looking at this board for a minute and there is some great advice floating around on here ,that i need ;) . I have type 4b hair , thats relaxed. Have some breakage to my nape area and split ends ( oh the debil!) and I am trying to get my hair healthy again before i become bald. I made a post here :, so if anybody could kindly help a sister out, id be very thankful!! nice meeting all of you!! :p
Hello All!

After lurking, I decided to pay the $5 and join the boards. I need serious hair help - after consistently going to a Dominican Salon where my hair was growing beautifully, it broke out in the back due to improper washing that did not get all of the chemical out. Now I am trying to let the hair in the back catch up with my hair in the front and you ladies seem so knowlegebale about hair and hair growth that I decided to join the forum.

Here's to Healthy Hair!
Hi Everyone,
I am new here and have been looking at the posts for some weeks, there is so much great advice. I have a short relaxed afro (two inches in the front, shorter in sides and back), the back is really short due to breakage from relaxer abuse (like relaxing 4 times in one day then doing it again a week later to match the textures! I've stopped doing that now). I think the breakage is controlled now because I started using reconstructor. I didn't know what a reconstructor really does until I came to this site. I was considering cutting off all my hair then I read about reconstructors and decided to give it a try. I am so glad I did. Now I have hope that I will be able to grow my hair out. My goal is to have a giant afro, kind of like Nadia Turner from idol. I don't have the same texture - my hair is some kind of type 4 the one with super-tiny circular coils I am not sure which one that is, but I am keeping it relaxed so it looks like a blown out afro.
Hello Everyone,

I'm new here and I love what I see and excited to start my and my daughters hair growth. I'm starting my journal my hair is shoulder lenght and my daughters is at her neck. My friend showed me this site.... Thank U! :) Will be posting pictures shortly....Excited about long healthy hair
Hey ladies, I'm new but have lurked for about a year on and off and finally officially joined today. I hope everyone is doing well. :)
Hello ladies!

I finally became a member yesterday. I really can't say how many hours I've spent in the last few months reading about hair and staring at the backs of women's heads on the computer screen...and I wasn't a member then:lol: What's going to happen now? I shudder to think:perplexed Anyway it's great to finally be here. I hope I can be a source of info and inspiration to many as so many have been to me. My Fotki is up and running but still a work in progress. There's just so much info to share...

Hello ladies,
I discovered this forum yesterday morning and joined by yesterday afternoon..Where Have I Been!!!???? I have learned so much in such a short period of time.
Regarding my hair: I need lots of help. My hair is relaxed, dry, dull and thin and fine. I finally decided it's time to put the same love and care into my hair as I do my skin. I look forward to interacting with the ladies of the board, and can only wish that someday my hair will be as long, healthy and lustruous as the pictures posted on the site.
By the way, I've already ordered the Boundless Tresses based on all the recommendations posted on this site.
Hi Ladies...

Its great to be a part of such an inpirational bunch of people, through communicating we inspire each other on so many levels!!:)

My hair journey has fianally begun, i live breathe and sleep hair so hopefully I will inspire you too, as i have ben inspired already.

Current hair type

Type: 3b-4a
Status: Au naturel
Length: Shoulder-APL
Goal1: Thick, healthy APL when stretched- 12 07
Goal2: APL unstretched- 12/2008

God is good...with him everything is possible...without him nothing is probable! Reppin' JESUS 4 '07:lol:
Hey yall. I just officially joined last night but i've been stalking a few members for the past 3 months. My hair is shoulder length and my goal is to reach waist length by this time next year:lol: . I have big faith huh? It's possible! ya just gotta believe.
Hi, I’m Fee-Fee AKA kinkylyfe who is a :newbie: but been looking on the site for a little while before finally subscribing.

I like to try different hair products but I firmly believe, mixing my products has worked the BEST for me. When I was relaxing my hair, I felt my hair getting thinner as I aged. I viewed pics from High School and my hair was thick but as time went on it began to thin out, so one day, I decided to BC. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not hatting on chemical hair and I STRONGLY believe a site like this will educate people about maintaining healthy hair. As a matter of fact, I see a lot of sistas on this site with relaxed hair & its LONG as hell!

Hair Type- 4a/b- natural :dance7:
Current length: 5.5-6” (?)
Goals: Shoulder length -5/07
BSL- Bra strap length-12/08
*Healthy hair-ongoing

*Be consistent with daily regimes in order to reach long term goal.

Check a sista out: I welcome all suggestions, comments, questions, etc:
No PW to date
Hi it is a plesure to be in your company today. I was introduced to this forum because of my daughter and i haven't regeted it yet. It is a forum every woman needs to have access to. I am able to keep up with the hair news and the all around news we wonder about it is available on your form.
Hi everyone! New to the site and loving it. There's a lot of great advice. I started growing my relaxer out about five months ago. I am about 4 in. natural, 7 in. relaxed and cutting. We'll see how it goes!

I've been lurking on the LCHF forum for about a year and decided it was time to speak up!!! I love you have been such an inspiration for me. I NEED YOUR HELP!!! I need to find someone in the Raleigh area that will either hot comb my hair ( couple inches past collarbone thanks to you guys:) ) or blow it out dominican style. I am 100% natural and just need it straightened for a special occasion. No trims, perms or cuts desired. Just straightened so I can go away for the weekend. Any suggestions?
:clapping: I am newly subscribed, although I have been lurking the site for many months. I am impressed and inspired by the care that you all take with your hair. I have always been interested in all things hair, but mine never seems to look right. I was so happy to find this site and know that there are many out there that share this interest. Now if only I could get my hair to look halfway decent:lol:. I am still learning how to navigate the site, and want to post pictures, etc.., but it will probably take a minute as I really don't know what I'm doing yet. I look forward to learning much more from everyone at LHCF. Thanks!