Introduce Yourself Here

Hello, I'm new here as well. I've been a lurker for a couple months now. I just subscribed for full membership, because this hair site is very informative.I am a member of Black Hair Media as well. I look forward to getting to know people better on this site, and hearing hair story successes. So HELLO EVERYONE!!!:yawn:
Hi everyone! I've been a member for a month now and I haven't formally introduced myself. My name is Sharyn. I'm here because I want to seriously start caring for my hair and hopefully see it reach lengths that it's never been at before. I usually don't go past 6 weeks for a touch up, so my first commitment is to start stretching relaxers. I am hoping for 12 weeks. We shall see! Everyone on this site has been wonderful and it is soooo informative. I am hooked to this site and I love it!
Hey everybody,

I'm as new as new can get (this is my second post). I've been on this site many times before but never joined, and I'm so glad that I have. I've learned a lot and I hope we can all learn from and support each other in our hair journeys. I'm still trying to navigate my way around, I feel like a kid in a candy store (speakin of which, I need to find the PJ addict support group) God bless ladies!
Hello Everyone again,

I already introduced myself in a different thread, but I'm pleased to do it again.:grin: My name is Amani, and I look forward to sharing my hair journey with you.
Hello everyone! I am Bliss. I've been lurking for a while, but I recently paid my 5 bucks, so I'm really here now:yep:. I look forward to learning new things and doing a lil fotki-stalking :blush: for inspiration.
Hello All,

My name is "JayCee". I have been a member for awhile but never posted. I am here because I am just about to the point where I want to cut it all off since it seems to be at a standstill. I figure before I take drastic action I would try to get some support/advice from some like minded sisters. I have been natural since 2001, my hair is apl and is 3a b and c (not really sure). Any suggestions and support as far as growth and natural hair care would be greatly appreciated. :)
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Hello Everyone,

I've been "lurking" for a couple of months now. Right now sporting a short (less than 1/4"with faded sides and back) haircut. Haven't posted a picture but will try later. Looking forward to learning and growing.:rosebud:
I have been here for at least year. Just wanted to officially introduce myself. HI!!!

Stats are in my siggy!:yep:
Hey everyone,
I just joined 2 days ago after lurking for a couple of weeks. I have loved coming to this site from the time i found out about it.:spinning:
Hello All,
I have been a member for about a month now, and love all the support and info I receive here. I have never been good at taking care of my hair, and hope to change that. Thanks to all, and I look forward to sharing my journey with you.
Hey all, my name is Shon. I have been searching the net hi and low on tips to help my hair grow back. I have always had long hair, but since movin g here to NY, it's crippling :nono: I just want my length back.
Hi, everyone. I finally paid my $5.00. I'm Legit! I recently became fascinated with hair care after running across this site by accident. I've been wearing braids for many years...about 15. I would take them down on a Friday and get them redone on a Saturday. I never paid much attention to the hair underneath. I only washed (not conditioned) before I went to the shop to get them redone (didn't give my a hair a rest in between). Hey, I felt I needed braids in 24/7 to be me. As of January I've decided to start taking better care of my hair. I've been lurking on this site trying to figure out this hair care thing. After wearing braids for so many years you would think that my hair was floor length. Unfortunately my hair is only shoulder length... and that's by accident. My hair is 100% natural. I use to wear a relaxer but figured... since I'm always wearing braids why go and pay to relax it; therefore, I stopped. Even though I am starting to take better care of my hair I am still in braids, but decided I will wear braids for 2 months and then let my hair rest. I ran across another site called and I read how to better take care of my hair in braids. I will follow it and stick with it. Hopefully I will be blessed with longer stronger hair. I'm unsure about my hair type but I'm guessing it's 4a... if I'm wrong please correct me. I'm looking forward to gaining lots of friends here.
I've been a lurker for a couple of weeks, but bit the bullet and registered so that I can play too! :wave: What's really great for me is that I have several goals that I can dabble in while I'm here. I have hair goals, skin goals, health goals, etc. and I'm always looking for help (and some new friends, maybe?) :look: Hope to talk more to y'all soon enough.
Hello Everyone,

I am new to the entire forum and was convinced by a friend to join. As you can tell by my name, I just love tinkerbell. I go between wearing my processed hair which is about shoulder length and wearing weaves/braids. I am currently trying the front closure weave which is shown in the picture. Sometimes I just get a little busy that I dont have time to do my own hair which is taking it's toll now that I am getting older. So, it will be nice to meet new people and get ideas in caring for my own hair when I decide to take out this very expensive weave I currently have. Cant let this money go to waste!!:look: Looking forward to chatting with all of you.

Hello all,

I am new to forum, just joined today! I heard about it on BHM and thought it sounded like a good place to get info. Like everyone else, I am trying to grow out my hair, which so far has been a slow process. Anyway, I look forward to gaining useful info on how to reach my goals.
Hello....I've only been here about a week and a half maybe... still trying to familiarize myself w/this place! A LOT of helpful tips here! I used to have long hair, (about mid-back length) and back again at square one. (sigh)..... I'm still familiarizing myself w/a lot of things, cause actually I'd never heard of Henna until I joined here! Thanx lhcf for all the good tips thus far. I'm only like 2wks on my new journey. It began march 1st, 2008 when I had to get it trimmed AGAIN for having damaged ends, and I got fed up with starting over... so hopefully in a year from now, I can be writing an UPDATE of how well my hair is doing!!! Rather than an update of "i had to get it cut again".....
Hello. I'm new to this forum. I have been reading your website for a few weeks and just decided to join thanks to my sister who is already a member. I have texturized short hair and I have finally decided to grow it out. I am getting married on 12/20/08 and I don't know why I would want to add more pressure on myself by growing out my hair but I'm going to give it a try!:ohwell: So wish me luck!
I've been lurking for a minute, but finally decided to bite the bullet and pay up!

My name is K.D. and I'm a currently in the process of transitioning. I haven't had much luck with relaxers and decided to give them up in my quest for healthier, fuller hair :yawn:.
Hello everyone my name is Tamara Im from Los Angeles,Ca.I came across this website just by chance and was hooked from that moment on. Like others on here I'm trying to grow my hair out. Many of these ladies have inspired me and It sure would be nice to be able to wear my own hair down without having to keep paying for these weaves to get put in. So I look forward to talking and getting some good advice from everyone...

Thanks LHCF the answer to my prayers:yawn:
:grin: Hi. My name is Q. I am new... I am trying to get my hair back to healthy...I have not particular length desired....just want to focus on healthy.

..Umm... let's see...oh I do a Queen Helene's cholestrol treatment under a hood dryer every Sunday (after church service) . My products include CON Detangling shampoo, Bumble & Bumble Rich Moisture Conditioner.

My hair is SUPER dry... I just purchased Iso Tea Tree and Aloe Conditioner.

I did my first co - wash yesterday and I did a protein treatment... my hair is severely damaged. I just ordered products from Oyin... hopefully I'll get them in about 2 wks.

Need help starting a regime... looking for a hair buddy (???) ...

Thanx for reading!
Hi everyone!
I'm new to this site but I am glad i found it. My hair has been a trial and tribulation for me. I have been going natural for a while now and as I college student its been hard trying to keep up my hair. Having seen the result that you all have been posting I am renewed and reinvigorated to make my hair grow to i'm also new to the acronym business so please bare with me as I will be asking LOTS of questions.

Starting right off the bat: my hair has been falling shedding a lot and i'm wondering what I should do. I have been using Garnier strengthening poo and conditioner but I think that i am going to try your suggestions.also I have resulted to braiding and tucking my hair at night so that I can do an easy style in the morning...should i not be manipulating my hair while its dry? and I have also been washing my hair every week. Its soft but i noticed that I have so many textures in my hair...what should I do? aslo there is the subject of combing...i use a wide tooth comb but i want to try to limit th combing....any suggestions or ideas?
Hello ladies,

I'm new to the boards and just wanted to say hello. I found the sight while doing some research on the Hot Tools 1059 dryer and thought I should join.

I am a hair care product junkie as I'm sure many of you are as well. I will admit I have more difficulty with DD's hair so I am looking to learn a lot during my travels through the forum.

Anywhoo, just wanted to say hello. I'm sure it will take a minute to learn all the rules of the board so if I screw up, just let me know.

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Hello Ladies,

I've already introduced my self on the main board but felt the need to say hello again. I'm not so "new" I just caught new flight out of lurkdome, lol. I'm a 4a/b almost APL and determined to reach BSL by 12/08. I should have been there by now but due to scissor happy stylists and one or two set backs, but oh well. I'm here none the less.
Hi Ladies! I'm fairly new, i've posted a couple times in other threads. I've been learning so much from you ladies, everything from hair to credit scores! I'm feeling this board....yeah!:grin: