Introduce Yourself Here

long time lurker, lol. finally joined April of this year & started posting about a month ago. anyway, my name is Candice ! :D
Hey, umm i'm not really new, i've been a lurker for...... a long time :yep:
but i'm finally introducing my self! :grin: I look forward to actually posting now
Hello lovely ladies of LHCF!

I am new here. Joined yesterday! I have a perm...looking to be free (hence the name). I am excited to get the BC soon and rock the short, sexy, curly look! I would love information and recommendations. Please stop by my page and comment!

Last perm was September 7, 2009

Reppin' Florida lol and the Gators (UF)
Hey I have been lurker in the shadows for about two months. I love this site. I am really glad I joined. I'm finally depending on myself to do my hair and not others.
Just wanted 2 introduce myself I was a lurker before I joined last month. I am very excited to learn how to take care of my relaxed hair and my daughter's natural hair!
hey yall my name is shayna and im new to this site and very excited that i came across it. for years a lot of my peers (im 20 years old) always thought i had long hair and i did too until i came across this site and saw how long and beautiful some of you ladies hair is. all of you in some way or another encouraged me to start my own hair journey so im on here to find out new things and meet new people. im recording my progress and journey on youtube. my name on there is shayshayallday69
i am somewhat new...I was lurking before.
i was hesitant to join this site...but then seeing all of the beautiful heads of hair, i decided to join.

transitioned and Bc'ed last year. Trying to grow it long (the goal is MBL stretched by Dec 2010). I am just below my collar bone now.
Like most I lurked for a while--but not too long--before I joined. Once I realized how much time I was spending here, I figured it would behoove me to make it official so I could take advantage of all the community has to offer.

So :wave: all! I've been natural most of my life (I wasn't allowed to relax until tenth grade and went back natural my sophomore year of college) but have always kept my hair relatively short due to laziness and resulting neglect. Recent events led me to take a more proactive stance toward my health and well-being, and in doing so, I came across this amazing site catering to women of color growing long hair. :grin: I figured, if I'm taking care of everything else, why not my hair...? Plus I'm entering a lot of new phases in my life and intend to do so with as much fierceness as possible. :kiss3:

Looking forward to getting to know all you lovely ladies (and gentlemen) during my journey!

ETA: My current hair status is TWA; I BC'ed 10/29 for the last time (Lord willing) to get rid of all the ratty ends and plan to protective style my way to BSL, prayerfully by this time in 2012.
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Hi everyone! Taking a look around, trying to find tips on hair growth for me and my daughter. So far, so good, just tried my first co-wash and was very happy with the results.
Hello all! I've been posting all afternoon but just ran across this here thread. I'm happy to have found this site, I think it's going to be a great asset for me
The moment I read the first post I knew I would spend hours reading and posting; the first hour didn't end before I had subscribed. My hair was going through a thing about two years ago. I didn't know a thing about how to care for my hair. I wasdoing everything wrong. I had no idea how I had hair 2 inches below SL which was thinning like mad and dry as desert sand. I cut my hair chin length in front, 5" shorter in back, in Nov '08 with no plans to cut it anytime soon. In March I relaxed for the last time after some soul searching and a great deal of inspiration seeing beautiful natural styles on the ladies in Georgia.

Hair care research and persistance brought me to many a web site, including this one. Mine and my daughters hair has been growing wonderfully and feeling even better since I have begun this process; implementing new hair care methods has saved the life of my hair. I hate to think of where my hair would be if I had not changed my hair care processes.

Next year when I have reached 9" of new growth I will cut off the relaxed ends. By 2012 I see myself with 100% natural hair WL or somewhere so close it wont matter.
Hi, name's Faye and I just started transitioning(only like 3 or 4 months). I hope to learn alot here about maintaining natural hair. :look:
Hi, name's Faye and I just started transitioning(only like 3 or 4 months). I hope to learn alot here about maintaining natural hair. :look:

Welcome! Yes you will learn much about healthy hair practices to the point you'll become addicted to LHCF (like moi :drunk:)
I am brand new here and so happy to have found this site. I've been on KISS and hairlista for about a month and I started my HHJ about 2 months ago with very dry, damaged BSL hair. I got a BC Sept 28,2009 and ended up with SL hair. I am here to learn as much as possible with the goal to grow my hair healthy and hopefully WL.
Hi, everyone! I just joined a couple days ago. A friend recommended this site to me, and already I am loving it. I wish this site was around when I was growing up, because I now cringe as I think of all the torture I did to my hair starting from age 11 onward. I only had a relaxer for 2 years [of my life]; my mom insisted that I should relax my hair when I was sophomore year in college. My hair was already quite damaged from the near decade long love affair with daily pressing. I stop relaxing when I noticed my hair was shedding out of control, had severe breakage, and was balding around my edges. As of today, it's almost been 3 years since my last relaxer, and I hope to eventually have BSL or WL hair with the help of this site :)
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