Introduce Yourself Here

I've been a member almost a year, read a lot and soak up a lot of information but i dont post as much as i should, looking to change that now though!:drunk:
Hi folks,

I've been stalking this group since December and 'joined' in Feb but got subscription a few weeks ago. I have natural hair, it is crazy curly, crazy frizzy, my edges get oh so puffy. I have fine strands. If I had a camera I'd take all kinds of pictures. I didn't want to start my own intro thread because I know what y'all like and I will wait until I can post some pic heavy thing. Thanks for being such a great group.
Hello to all! like many others I stalked this site for a while before joining. Once I found myself checking the site from my iphone I decided it was time to join. The first night I found this site I was on it for an hour before I came across a thread on MN. 45 minutes later I was in line at Target with 2 boxes under my arm. I think I have got some growth since then, but I am waiting 90 days to try on my home made growth t shirt.

HHG to all
I was an avid visit0r 0f this site f0r ab0ut a year bef0re i decided t0 j0in ab0ut a week ag0! Since I started t0 take LHCF advice my hair has fl0urished. I L0ve my TWA! :D
Hello everyone. I have been lurking on LHCF for almost two years. I joined a long time ago but never subscribed. I figured since I really like this website I might as well sub. It's well worth all the beneficial information that I get from searching (and is much cheaper than any of my products :-) ).

Well...about me....I have been natural for going on two years next month. I wanted to buy myself a present so I decided on this subscription. Like a lot of naturals I struggle with finding products that work well on my hair. However, I am almost past that and would like to better concentrate on styling my hair-specifically braiding it. I also need to perfect my reggie (I'm sighing internally at the thought).

I will probably lurk more than contribute, but I wanted all of you to know how much I appreciate all of the help and inspiration that I get from this site, and not just in the Hair section but Christian forum as well. back to my regularly scheduled lurking...
Hello Everyone:wave:

I have also been lurking for quite sometime and finally decided to join. I look forward to lots of learning on this site. Be blessed everyone!!!
Hello Everyone.:hiya:

I'm also a long time lurker but recently decided to start joining the fun. I have learned a lot about haircare and other stuff thanks to this site and the very nice posters. I will try to contribute as well as much as possible. English isn't my first language so excuse me for my grammar mistakes.

I'm currently transitioning and should BC in the next few weeks. My hair has been damaged by bad relaxers especially the nape. I have about two inches left of relaxed hair but unfortunately a bad experience with a hot hairbrush has straightened a big part of my hair in the front.

Have a nice day, y'all!

I am new to the board...i didn't even realize that there was a certain section for this..I posted elsewhere:blush:.

I joined yesterday..last nite really..I have learned so much during the short time that i lurked..i notice no drama like on the other sites and i feel so comfortable lurking..

The info i have learned is invaluable and i feel so comfortable here for my old age..wo next time when i have insomnia i can lurk and post here instead of watching the same old stuff on tv...i prefer to read..but it is so hard finding a good
I am slowly learning how to care for my own hair. (When you're in school you can't afford to get your hair done all the time any more...) :sad:
Everytime I had a hair question that I googled, this forum would pop up on the first page! I started lurking after that and finally decided to just join, and I'm so glad that I did because this forum is so great for people like me. :grin:
Hola everyone. Mi llamo es Nerd :dork:

Like everyone on this thread, I too was a creeper. haha. I just felt left out and I wanted to communicate better with the individuals on the forum and not paying that fee was holding me back. Even though I'm still a little bitter about having to pay (not only because im a student but because im CHEAP) I hope to establish wonderful relationships with you all as I embark on this haircare journey of mine. :boxing:

contact me and nice to meet you ALL!

Hello, my name is Cameka :hiya2:.
I learned about this board from a co-worker and when I logged in to check it out I was so happy to find a place where people share best practices for healthy long hair. I had my last relaxer in December 08 and decided a few months ago that it really would be my last. I had done the BC back in 2004 and lived natural until I got lazy and allowed someone to talk me into getting a relaxer in 2006:wallbash:. I look forward to learning a lot from everyone on this board. I hope to get to post pics soon!

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Hi folks,

I've been stalking this group since December and 'joined' in Feb but got subscription a few weeks ago. I have natural hair, it is crazy curly, crazy frizzy, my edges get oh so puffy. I have fine strands. If I had a camera I'd take all kinds of pictures. I didn't want to start my own intro thread because I know what y'all like and I will wait until I can post some pic heavy thing. Thanks for being such a great group.

I just want to say that I really like your quote at the bottom of your message, I agree 100%.
Hello LHCF,

Its been a long time, I havent been on the board since 2006 probably. Im BACK and so happy to see the great changes such as THE CHILDRENS HAIR Forum...I'm looking to get a better regimen for my DD extra kinky 4b hair..

Hello Everyone..
Newbie here!!! I've been lurking for the past six months and decided to go ahead and subscribe! WOW!!!!!! I was missing out on soooo much more info by being a lurker!!!!
Hello Everyone..
Newbie here!!! I've been lurking for the past six months and decided to go ahead and subscribe! WOW!!!!!! I was missing out on soooo much more info by being a lurker!!!!

I've been lurking since June and finally broke down and subscribe yest. Like you I was missing out on so much. I'm still trying to get a feel for everything.
BTW my main pic is me wearing a half wig. I don't want to mislead anyone. I still haven't figured out a way to work everything :perplexed
Hi Ladies!
I just wanted to introduce myself. I have been lurking on this site since April and ws inspired to bc. I had burnt, chewed up fried and dyed neck legnth hair and cut it to about 2 in. It is currently back at nl but I am texlaxed but wear in mostly kinky. I have 4a and 4b hair. I think. I hope to grow my hair to sl by 07/10. I unfortunately am not very good at styling my hair so I am hoping for some help with prot styles.
Hi Ladies!
I just wanted to introduce myself. I have been lurking on this site since April and ws inspired to bc. I had burnt, chewed up fried and dyed neck legnth hair and cut it to about 2 in. It is currently back at nl but I am texlaxed but wear in mostly kinky. I have 4a and 4b hair. I think. I hope to grow my hair to sl by 07/10. I unfortunately am not very good at styling my hair so I am hoping for some help with prot styles.


I've been with the board since April but officially registered at the end of September..this site is just genius..:yep: This has been desperately needed..kudos to the owner of this site!!! I've been good with my hair since I was in high school but my knowledge has totally grown since I've been here since April. I'm learning alot about new regimens and products that are available to us for our's just AWESOME!!
Hi Ladies!
I just wanted to introduce myself. I have been lurking on this site since April and ws inspired to bc. I had burnt, chewed up fried and dyed neck legnth hair and cut it to about 2 in. It is currently back at nl but I am texlaxed but wear in mostly kinky. I have 4a and 4b hair. I think. I hope to grow my hair to sl by 07/10. I unfortunately am not very good at styling my hair so I am hoping for some help with prot styles.

Welcome to the club. I'm new myself.
HI Everyone,
I just wanted to introduce myself. I have been a nonsubscribed lurker since April. I finally joined. I just want to thank this site and all the members for the vast amount of information that is provided. I have achieved some progress with the length and health of my hair. Thanks again.
Hey Ladies! I've been a lurker since Dec and a subscribed lurker since Feb this year, lol. I'm a tad bit shy and still don't know what i'm doing, so go easy one me if i do or say something silly, lol! :spinning:

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this site- so much great info!!
Hi All, i've been lurking on and off for almost a year and i subscribed today...yay me

I totally love this site, i am a product junkie in the making...

Am not onlyh interested in hair health but also facial care..i dont do makeup anymore(rligious reasons) i wear a bit of powder to take down the shine, but i love cleansers my skin can be radiant and clean

Well see u girls on forums...much luv
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Hello, everyone.

So, I'm new here and I don't have the slightest idea what hair type I am. Don't laugh please! LOL How do I determine what hair type I am? I really love this site btw. Where have you been all my life?! lol