Introduce Yourself Here

Hello ladies, I am not a newbie, I've been a member for over a year now, but this is my first post. LHCF is my last chance to salvage what is left of my hair (and believe me, it isn't much:( ) I used to have such long, hair, free-flowing hair, but like many of us, I'm always looking for a baragin and trusted my hair to people who didn't know what they were doing. So now all the money that I've "saved" in cheap salons, I am paying the price for it now to rebuild my hair.

I have read numerous of fourms and one lead me to the salon that I have been faithful to for a complete month (A Touch of Class) in New York! They seem fairly average to me:perplexed , but the ladies here on LHCF said some really good things about them, so I'll give them another 2 months and see how it goes. I've also read about numerous vitamins and supplements you LHCF ladies take and I am interested in starting my own regime, but I wanted to know if the brand mattered? Please help me and offer any advice:confused: . Thanks!
My name is Alexandra and i'm from paris.
I'm new here, and i was so happy to found your site.
Now, i have faith that someday, my hair will be long, good looking and healthy.
( please excuse for my english :perplexed )
well, i'm natural, and my hair is short, but next week i'm gonna do a wave perm, so does somebody, have a wave or curly perm?
thank for help!!
God bless:p
Hi Ladies, I've been a member for about a month but am posting for the first time today. I finally decided to come out of "lurk" mode. I will update my profile soon, but I can just say I have very soft, thin hair that needs a TON of help. I finally decided after wearing it short for close to 20 years that I would let it grow. All I can say is wow!

Happy growing to all of you!
Hello ladies my name is Keandra,
My hair type is 3C I need help with stunting growth to my hair. With my daughter she has type 1A it's 1C on the Left and 1A on the right we need helpg growing her hair even and then I am sure we will be good after that. My moms hair is 1C but poor thing she is a victim of cheimical neglect by her old beautician:mad: she is bald in the front and so now we are trying to regrow her hair if possible. I hope you sisters will have plenty of ideas and I hope you are as helpful as a friend told me you are. I need help getting a regime together and which staple products will do best for us so any suggestions are needed and welcome thanks alot.

Keandra Moussaoui
Hello everyone. I have been a member here for quite some time but this is my first post. My name is Aliah, my hair type is 4b and I'm all natural.
I've been a viewer for awhile but never registered until today. This site is a life saver. I cut my hair in early May for graduation and I desperately wanted my length back. This site has truly helped me out. I have one question though how do I determine my hair type. It is coarse and very very thick. To the point that I got my first relaxer at 5 yrs old. So I'm only familiar with relaxers I've never gone for long periods of time without relaxing. I'm 7 weeks into the game and I feel like relaxing because I have an event to go to Friday. PLease help me with a solution to soften my hair.
Hi everyone,

My name is Rebecca and I am 18 years old, about to head into college for the first time in the fall. :) I have always struggled with my hair, it's poor growth being slightly my fault..(I went through a bout of pulling it out at age 9-10, due to various anxiety, etc) It's been rough, but I have shoulder-length hair again. I am worried about how to take care of my hair while at college, and I am hoping to learn more about that and how to care for my hair properly, so it will grow back to it's original state.

I'm not too sure what hair type I have or anything like that, so I am hoping to learn.

Hello Everyone!

I am new here. I heard about this site and checked it out and have been viewing for a couple of days...just wanted to say a little about me. I have been toying with the idea of going natural for some time. Well I am now 8 months post relaxer. I still have some perm at the ends b/c I've been rocking different sew-in weaves since last December and just recently decided to take it out. I wanted to feel the breeze on my scalp:lol:. To make a long story short I did my hair for the first time in I can't remember how long and I can't even remember the last time I combed hair that wasn't relaxed. It was challenging. The knots and the shrinkage. I didn't want to use heat but ended up blowing it out and flat ironing :(. So I need some guidance on what to do while I am transitioning to being completely natural (all straight ends gone). Any ideas on hair styles and how-to's? Currently products I use (not all at the same time): Carol's Daughter (CD)Rose Mint Shampoo, CD Black Vanilla Leave-in conditoner, CD Lisa's Hair Elixir, CD Some of Marguerite's Magic, CD Hair Butter, Design Essentials Stimulations conditioner, Alter Ego Garlic Treatment, Jane Solutions Hair Serum and Nourish and Shine and PHYTO Vitamins (these are amazing!!). I am a dental student and being in that professional setting with patients on a daily basis I need to be presentable at all times and NOT TOO TIME CONSUMING. There is so much information out there and I just want healthy long hair. I look forward to hearing from you.
Hello all:

My name is Natasha and i am new here .I have been lurking for 2 weeks and i loved what i saw so i joined.Haircare is important to me and i am so eager to learn from all of you.I have neck length hair right now and i have to cry i had 3 back to back weaves and it left my hair very thin and i lost length as well.Oh well i wont continue to cry over it i am here now and i will watch,learn and as questions you are all inspirations to me just because i can learn from you .I will be here as long as i can :)
Hi, my name is Amanda, I'm 23 with almost shoulder length hair..I've always been interested in hair health and growth, but for some reason never ran up on LHCF, but I joined immediately after finding this spot to have all the great reviews on different products, recipes, etc. I'm looking for any suggestions on hair health and can find my photos on is gotfavor. Take a look and I'm open for suggestions. Thanks!

My hair is shoulder length, dry, colored. Trying to grow out to bra strap length.

I have already used a lot of the information I got from you ladies. You Rock!
Hello everyone I am a new member, but I have been looking at the forum for a while now.:D
Also, I have relaxed 4a, shoulder length hair and I am going for bra strap length!!
Hello, I'm a newbie as well! Love this forum!!! I have relaxed bottom neck length hair. My ultimate goal is mid back length!
Hi Everyone,

I am a newbie and I just love the site. I have a question that I hope someone can help with.

I have been doing protein treatment since a month ago but I noticed that my hair has gotten very thin. Is it possible that I have been doing two many protein treatment.

I do a protein treatment every two weeks and I do a deep conditioner every week. If I could get some advice I would really appreciate it.

Hi Everyone :::waving:::
I'm a newbie and this is my very first post.

I'm not sure where to start, I have been through a lot with my hair...I think pretty soon it is going to call the police on me for abuse.

Right now I am in transition, haven't had a relaxer in 15 months...but my hair is in worse shape than it was when I was relaxing. I attribute some of it to not knowing what products to use on my mostly natural hair.

Luckily I work in an environment where I only talk to customers over the phone because I generally go to work looking like a mess!
I get a lot of rude comments from girls AND guys, can you believe that? They say "Um, what's up with your hair??" or "Do you even comb your hair?" etc.

Right now I am looking for the right products to make my hair happy. I discovered that I have pretty curls in the back and sides, thick waves in the middle, and tighter waves or curls on the front. I am interested in learning how to take better care of my hair, including keeping it moisturized and getting definition in my curls and waves.

I have no idea what type(s) of hair I have, perhaps someone will be able to help me with that when I post pics soon?
I think my hair might be classified as shoulder length. It is pretty darn thick.

I don't have much of a regimen. I usually wash it once a week, airdry, put it in a ponytail or bun that does not behave. Rarely blowdry, when I do it is as cold as it can get it. Flat iron for special occasions mostly. Boring "regimen", eh?
Lol, is this sad or what? So out of touch with my hair!

Anyway, enough with my rambling, I am just sooooo happy to be here and be a part of this wonderful, knowledgeable supportive community! :D
Hello Everyone!!!

HI I am very new to the forum(like a week) and I am excited to start my hair journey with you gals!! I am always ready for the new hair products and especially the advice! I have used many of you guy's tips already. Need just a lil more money to buy exactly what I need far as supplements and products.. but I will get there.

Ladies please feel free to add me as a friend or if you have any suggestions by all means please do tell.. because believe me I am going to need it.:grin:

MY challenge is to ultimatly achieve right above waist lenght hair! I despartly need ways to thicken my hair....please if you guys know of any tell tell tell!!:grin: In the mean time I will start taking the best care I can for my hair!!


ATTENTION!!! I am in need of a Big Sister!! I am lost w/ the abbreviations and where to buy products yall sisters use...cant seem to find the ones I want.

Hair type: 4a Relaxed
Last relaxed: 6/3/07
Next touch up: 8/13/07
Current Lenght: SL
1st Goal: APL (thicker)
2nd Goal: BSL (even thicker)
3rd Goal: MBL (even more thicker)
Ultimate Goal: maintaining jus above waiste lenght w/ the thickest most healthiest hair I can achieve!! :)
Last edited:
I am a haha it's been an hour. I am trying to find my way in this sea of knowledge. I am amazed by this site - I Love it! IT seems to be a haven for beautiful black women.
I am trying to learn the lingo, if anyone has a break down... my hair layered and I guess arm pit length. I want longer, healthier hair and I'm glad that that is the common goal here- can't wait to learn how to attain it!

* New Community embrace*
Hi everyone. I ran across this message board last month but I lost the link. :mad: I was so happy to find it again that I figured I better join this time. :lol:

I have been growing out a relaxer for about 8 months (last relaxer - Dec 06). It was a haphazard effort (where I wore half-wigs) that started going wrong in April. I had lots of new growth but the relaxed portion started snapping off.

By the end of May, my ends were raggedy and I was tired of hiding behind the half wig so I got tree braids. They did not turn out exactly like I was expecting, but I still got them done again around mid-June by a different stylist. I still ended up with more visible braid than tree. :ohwell:

I was ready to give up and just get a relaxer and cut...but yesterday I decided to get a good old fashioned sew-in weave as a last ditch effort to try to proceed with this grow out.

I was very, very pleased with the results. I don't remember when I was last so pleased with a hairstyle. He left the top and perimeters out, trimmed the ends, ran a pressing comb through most of that, and flat ironed some of the tips.

There is no chance that I will be using heat everyday so I know I am about to face a maintenance battle. I've got a bone straight weave that matches my hair perfectly down to the strand thickness when it's straightened. But what will happen when I bust a good sweat at the gym next week? My major area of concern is the texture of the edges.

I guess that is more than enough for now. Did I mention I was long winded? :lol:

I'll browse around and see what products and tips I can find.
Hi everyone...I'm new to the forum and I've been searching the inet for a site that have great suggestions for black hair care and where I can ask questions and get answers/suggestions from people who had very bad hair mishaps...I ran across this one and loved it so I decided to join.

Sorry this is long...
I don't know what my hair type is (1a, 2a, 2b, 4, ect. no idea)...the front of my hair is a little past my ears and the back is just "barely" touching my goal is to grow it mid-back length.

Here is my situation: My hair "use" to be extremely thick until two weeks's what stylist put a permanent color in my hair...two weeks later (last Thursday), she gave me a relaxer (Mizani) the time she completed putting the relaxer in the last section and started working the first one, my hair started coming out...needless to say she didn't get to finish working my whole head before rinsing the relaxer out...after it was washed she had more than a hand full of my hair in her hand...when I got home, each time I touched my hair some came out...the next day I put an Aphogee treatment in it...and yesterday I used the Aphogee shampoo along with the hair is still shedding alot but not as much...however it's still unhealthy and thinning and I want to get it back healthy and thick.
I had a boy cut before and got braids to grow it back so I was pretty upset when this happened because I don't want to start back from strach....I would appreciate any suggestions...please help!...thanks for reading.
Hi everyone i'm a newbie too i guess, well new to posting since i just paid the fee. I discovered this site by accident just searching on the web trying to grow my hair. i've been natural for 2 years now after the big chop in the summer of 2005. I just really trying to grow long healthy hair. The length of my hair is a long as it grows, so anything beyond this point would be a great blessing, i'm trying to take it one step at a time. I also enjoy the disscusions. So WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME.
I don't remember if I introduced myself here or not, but I used to be a lurker for a year then I just recently joined, but I've learned so much in 1 year. The best part of it all is that I had damaged thin neck length hair and now have healthy thick almost APL hair!!:)
Hi Everyone,

I am a newbie who has been lurking for a while. I am so impressed by the warmth and supportiveness of the members of this community, and the willingness to share information, knowledge and experience. :clapping:

So a big hello and thanks for all that I have learned so far...and now that I have FINALLY submitted my first post, let's get this party started!
Hi ladies!I am new to this forum and just wanted to introduce myself. I don't have pics up yet but i'll get on that.have read some really good threads from this forum and can't wait to start my hair growth journey!
I am a “Challenged” :brainy: Do-It-Yourselfer, and it seems as I get older I lose more of my “creative” edge. I only wear my hair down on the weekends, other than that’s it’s in a convenient bun or ponytail. I have 2 grown children, no pets, and a limited social life.
I’ve reverted back to Relaxing after a year of twisted transitioning. I am very-very-very tenderheaded! My goal My hair is BBL (Below Bra Length) by Sep08 currently I’m BSL.
I have a head full of fine hair that’s more or less on the dry side.

:crystalba I appreciate this site because of the wealth of knowledge and experiences shared here.

My routine (still under development):
Maintenance: Pantene Relaxed and Natural line;
Styling and Pre-Pooing: “HairLox Cholesterol” Deep Conditioning Hair Cream; prefer SlikStuff’ for a styling gel but it’s getting hard to find.
Staples are: Nexxus Botanical Oil and their Epitome Fortifying Botanical Reconstructor; and HairLox Afta-Perm Conditioner.
Wash: no more often than every 10 days. Conditioner Poo 3-5 day pattern.

Hair type: 4A/F/i