Introduce Yourself Here


I'm looking for "something different" with my hair! I've always had hair issues and brushed them off by saying that I didn't care that much about my hair! :(

Well, I do care and am looking forward to growing stronger, healthier hair! I'm still trying to figure out what type I am!:perplexed
I'm Danene. I am starting my hair journey to healthy hair. After severe damage, I am now taking control. Wish me luck.
Hi everyone. I am new here as well. I just joined this weekend and am excited to learn and share hair care tips with everyone and continue to see how long my hair will get.:grin:
vivacious1083 said:
Hi everyone. I am new here as well. I just joined this weekend and am excited to learn and share hair care tips with everyone and continue to see how long my hair will get.:grin:

Hello Everyone!

Hi- I just joined today on my lunch break in between classes. I so need this forum right now in my journey to long, strong, healthy hair. I just recently decided to go natural, but I'm not cutting off my relaxed hair. I'm treating my hair as if I was "extending my touch-up". Which means lots of deep conditioning and protein treatments. Once again I am very excited to share this journey with you, and I wish you all the best in achieving your hair goals.

Re: Hello Everyone!

Hello ladies!! How are you all doing? I finally sucked it up and paid the $5 after lurking for awhile! I have a question, though. How do you create a new post??? I've been searching on here FOREVER and I finally gave up =(. I figured out how to reply to a post, but I don't know how to create a new one. Someone PLEASE help me....
Hello Everyone!

I have lurked around on this site for quite sometime now. I am excited to finally become a member. I look foward to sharing wonderful hair growth all of you.
Hello! I have been on the site for a while reading all of the great tips! I am very excited to be a member now. I have gone through this process before and fell off but now I am ready to hang in there for the beautiful results. Thanks for all the great info and I hope I can give some as well. :-)
Hello, I have been lurking as a subscribed member for sometime. I finally decided to bite the bullet and introduce myself.

So Hello Everyone!!
Hi Everyone:)

I've been reading this board for a long time. I finally decided to sign up and be a member so I can officially be a long hair care forum devotee.

I stopped blow drying my hair last summer after I saw how horribly damaged my once long, thick and beautiful hair had become.

I lot of my hair has grown back. It's pretty thick and around the bottom of my neck.

But I know that I have more great lengths on the inside of me. So I'm trying to keep picking up tips to grow it out to a nice length.

This board will hear a lot more form me. I'm very happy to be a part:grin:
Hello all. I didn't even realize I had to pay 5 bucks until I couldn't post any messages. But I did it because I need to get my hair healthy. My hair isn't exactly short but its many different lengths and starting to thin out. I'm trying to get my hair long, thick, and healthy!!:grin:
Hi Everyone. I just joined a few days ago. I'm here because I want long healthy hair and its nice to be surrounded by others with the same goal. Currently, I'm growing out my relaxer without doing the BC. I gave up the lye because I love the look of curly and coily hair and my hair did not respond well to the chemical process. So here I am hoping to pick up some tips and length along the way.
Hi everyone!:wave: I'm not sure if I already introduced myself elsewhere, so I'm writing it here. I'm really excited about growing my hair healthy and long! :woot: HHG!!
Hello everyone,
I too have been lurking for quite some time but finally paid that $5. I have been completely natural for about 3 years now and around bra strap length. I wish I had found this site 4 years ago when I was transitioning!
Hi Ladies :wave: ,
Another long time lurker; Was tired of not being able to use the search feature or join in to the discussions. And since everyone seems so nice, i thought it was about time i suscribed so here I am.

(Yay! My 1st post!:clapping: )
Hello everyone,
this is my first time here and Im enjoying all of the info that is here.
:) This forum is hott!!
My name is Yolanda and I currently live in Atlanta. I have made a few post already, but let this my my official HELLO to everyone. You ladies are very tight knit and serious about Hair, body and soul. That is great. I know I will learn much for everyone and I hope I can contribute from my experiences as I make this journey.
Hi everyone,
I'm new here. And I'm actually quite new with relaxed hair, I was natural for the last 5 years and decided I wanted a short relaxed style and I've been growing it out for about 5 months now. I'm enjoying the "new" look even though I was relaxed before I had no idea how to take care of it. I've already learned a lot from this forum in the 2 weeks I've been lurking and I hope to learn a lot more from you experienced ladies. Especially in this wierd growing out phase....

I took this picture 2 days ago....


I'm gonna live forever, or die trying!
Hello ladies. I finally bit the bullet and officially joined this site after lurking for months. My hair has been locked for nearly four years now. I am here to get info regarding the care of my daughters' hair. My oldest girl is 19 months and my baby is 8 months. I am noticing the oldest's hair texture is starting to change so now I have to get back in the groove of hair maintenance and care after being very low maintenance for the last four years.
Hey Guys...
I am new to the site and I am in love. I am in the process of growing my hair back and I need all the "fast growth," scalp stimulating, vitamin, conditioner help I can get. I don't even know how to add a photo (yikes). I am escited about doing challenges too
hi all,

i'm not so new to site, been lurking for quite some time :) i'm a 4ab who just recently cut my almost brastrap length hair to right below my shoulders. stupid no-lye relaxers did a number on my hair. i have a VERY sensitive scalp and dermatitis, in which i use DermaSmoothe to control the flakes. so, i used them to avoid my scalp being on fire. didn't seem to be a problem when i was younger, but my body has gone through some changes upon my 30th b-day. now 37 and trying to achieve the gorgeous mane of hair i used to have once again :)

now, i'm off in search of help for my 11 year old son with 4b hair who wants to grow it out into an afro, but runs from the comb :lol:
Hello I am 25 years old and currently reside in Stone Mountain, GA. I am a 4a/b texture with my hair on the top being A and the rest B. My hair is currently at the middle of my neck. My goal is APL by 11/07 and bra strap length by 05/08I am happy to be apart of LHCF!
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Hello Everyone:
I am in Scottsdale Arizona and recently joined. I have 4a/b shoulder length hair in back and sides are chin level. My goal is to have BSL by May 2008. If there are any meetings in AZ please let me know.
Thanks :)
Hello everyone,
I just registered yesterday and want to introduce myself as well. My name is Darlene and I have 4a/b hair. I live in New York and finally learned how to care for my hair in October 06. I don't know the hair lingo yet, but I'm hoping to have hair past my shoulders by the end of 07. I look forward to learning much more about hair care from all of you!
Hello eveyone:D

I'm new and logged on to learn more about far I've found allot of info but still not sure where to begin. My hair type is 4a/b and about 4" long. My goal: thicker healthier hair (in 3 months if possible) I brought the what??

Can't wait to hear from you guys!!!