Introduce Yourself Here

Hi Ladies!

I’m Taj, a newly subscribed member. :eek: I’ve been viewing this forum for months. Hair care is very important to me. It has become my second job! Lol! :lol: I enjoy sharing my hair care regiments and learning from others as well. I recently cut my hair because of damage due to not getting a trim and a retouch on time. :mad: Currently, my hair is not in its healthiest condition. Soon it will back to its natural state of being thick, strong and long.:yay:

ü Type: 4 a
ü State: Ok not Great! - No-Lye (Regular) - Motions
ü Current: Past Shoulders
ü Short Term: Lower Bra Strap Length!
ü Long term: Waist Length!
ü Longer term: Lower Back Length! (Just above the derriere)
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Hi Everyone!! I'm SoforReal and i'm glad I joined. I've been a fan of LHCF since Jan 2006 and I love it here!! :D
Hello to all and to all a hello. I have been lurking for a while but have not formally introduced myself. Let me just say, my hair has not been the same since the 1st day I discovered LHCF. :D :D :D :D
Hey ladies,
Im not sure if this is the right place to introduce myself...BUT- here goes...

I am Lavonda and I live in Tennessee, near the Nashville area. I am have had many haircare challenges in the past and I am embarking on a hair care journey for 2007 and beyond.

I have been lurking for a month or so and now I have joined!! I am sooo excited for some reason!! LOL
Hello, my name is Oph and I'm from France.

I 'm letting my hair growing until knee-length (I hope so) !
Hi there,

I am fairly new myself- I'm just started to get the hang of the terms so I'm getting more out of the posts. Welcome-there is a ton of great info
Hello this is a new beginning for 2007...I am just starting out on my long hair journey and I hope - or shall I say- it will be a successful one.

I lurked long enough to buy what I have deemed some successful products... I'm new don't really know the slang terms so please bear with me;) I cannot figure out how to post a picture for the life of me in my signature (it is too darn large)
Allow myself to introduce myself!!

Hi everyone!

I just joined and I plan to be active. I even did the Fotki thing already.
I'm a Graphic Designer so let e know if you want a signature or a custom avatar, I can whip them up pretty quick depending on what you ask for.


My name is Aminah I am a professional Bridal Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist originally from NY, but presently live in Cherokee Nation OKlahoma with my husband and dog.

I am very happy to be here... have been a member for a little over a year, but have just decided to subscribe and get into the mix of things, now that I am actually taking growing my hair seriously!

I look forward to getting to know you girls and really meeting my hair goals.
my name is stephanie and i've been a lurker for a minute but have finally decided to become active i hope to learn a lot here and make new friends in my journey to healthy long hair
Hi, I am calalaila2007 and I am Florida and I really excited to have join this board, all of you ladies serve as an inspiration to me.

I am currently, Shoulder length hair and I am striving for waist length hair.

In the short time I have joined, I have already learned soo much about hair and my hair has already grown a half inch in two and a half weeks, using board favorites like MTG, Surge and peppermint oil.

Re: Hello all old members amd new!!!


Hello all,
I'm DivaD04 and I've been checking out the forums about how to achieve healthy hair in result of long which I don't have. I am a graduate from Bay Vista College of Beauty and I must admit, there is a big difference between procedures for a test and how to take care of my african american crown of glory. I hope I can get support as I extend the same.

Hair Type: 4c naturally (i think) :(
Current Length--relaxed w/ 1/2" to 1" of nugrowth middle of ear lobe APR 07
Goal 1 - SL --March 2008
Goal 2 - APL-- September 2009
Goal 3 - APL or BSL-- August 19 2010
Hello, my name is Amber, I'm new and I have been lurking for awhile trying to get to know the site better. I am very excited to share my journey in hair growth...I should have some pics up very soon.

Have a blessed day!!!!
My name is turnergirl. I am from Atlanta but I live in Nashville now. :(

Anyway, I have lurked around this board trying to figure out how you ladies do these gorgeous rollersets and now I am joining so I can ask all of the questions I need to ask. I have natural hair that I refuse to even try to type. It is currently APL and approaching BSL, I guess sometime this year. I guess that is all.
Hi Ladies!

Meaganita here:) I just want to introduce myself say what a relief it is to know that I'm not the only woman in the world who's somewhat "obsessed" with my hair (growth)! However, I like to think of it as being "passionately committed".:p I just stumbled on this site not too long ago. But I've been taking pictures of my hair for almost a year...Most of my girlfriends think I'm nuts...but I just say "long hair don't care!"

Current Length April '07: Just below BSL

Goal 1: Midback - August 2007
Goal 2: Waistlength - February 2008
Ulimate Goal: Trimmed to Waistlength (thick & healthy)- May 2008

One of the things that has kept me from reaching my goal is frequent trims. I've been averaging anywhere from 1.25 to 1.5 inches trimmed every 10 to 13 weeks. Can anyone tell me what the "baggie method" is?
hey i'm nollie.. i'm from NYC
currently my hair is a couple inches past my shoulders, but i'm working on increasing length.. i get a relaxer [design] every 3-6months depending on time of year and such.. im not sure my hair type as yet, but it seems like more than one. uhh.. and i see everyone typing bout dominican salons, but i've never been.. haha i want do see what it's all about tho
Hi All,
I'm DeeLight from Raleigh, NC. I've been lurking on here for a couple of months and decided to sign up. I am currently transistioning from relaxed hair to natural. I decided to do this when I got pregnant in April 06. I think I have about 5 inches of natural. At least that's what it looks like after I wash it. I usually wear a fake ponytail, but when I got my hair flat ironed last month, it was fell past my neck. My hair type seems to be 3c/4a. I look forward to chatting and sharing with you all. I love this site and all the information it has.
Hello everyone I am new to LHCF would like to get some strong, heathly, and long hair been about year hair has been breaking off since the birth children.
Hello:) all. I decided to join long hair care forum when I realized that my relaxed and color-treated hair would not stop breaking!!! I work out a lot and have been neglecting it. The haircare regimens I've read are very helpful and detailed. Who knew that there was so much behind good black haircare? My hair is currently shoulder-length, maybe a little past the shoulders. I would like to be APL by the end of 2007. I've just found it very difficult to have nice-looking hair and work out as frequently as I want to. I'm experimenting with ways to do this.
Hi Everyone,

I've decided to join LHCF after looking for non-permanent options for straightening my natural hair. I've been a long term member of another popular hair board, but the use of heat and its discussions are strictly prohibited, lol. So here I am :)

I've been natural for 5 years now. My hair type is mostly 4a with some 4b in the back. I've only had my hair pressed once during this entire time and was let with some heat damage. I havent seen myself with staight hair since. You ladies have also inspired me to grow my hair out to BSL. I'm currently SL in the front and APL in the back. My overall goal is to get my hair to APL in the front and BSL in the back. Any longer would probably be too much.

HHG ladies :)
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to the forum, but I have been looking through the posts for quite some time now. I figured it was time to start doing something about my hair, as I am unhappy with it.

Since I live in a dry climate (Phoenix) it is very hard to keep my hair moisturized. It will grow to a certain length and then will break off and shed and then I end up back where I started.

Can anyone give me any tips to stop breakage and shedding?

I have type 4B hair with a relaxer. It touches the nape of my neck but is layered.

Hello Ladies,

I am new new new to LHCF, and I am so excited to be here. I just stumbled across this forum sometime last week, and had to sign up. I have what I believe to be 4a or b hair, and it is relaxed with no-lye(mizani sensitive scalp). My hair is a little past my shoulders, but it is not healthy. My first goal is to have a nice thick head of hair, and then we can work on length. My hair is thinned out from breakage and shedding, and every so often, I just cut it to a bob because of thinning.

I just recently ordered UBH products and have been using the conditioner and dew. I wash my hair weekly, and deep condition, but this is at the hairdresser. I usually use heat to blow dry the roots as well, when its near touch-up time.

wait... this should all be in the discussion area shouldnt it? I guess Im getting ahead of myself. I look forward to learning from you ladies. :grin:
lucy said:
Hello Ladies,

I am new new new to LHCF, and I am so excited to be here. I just stumbled across this forum sometime last week, and had to sign up. I have what I believe to be 4a or b hair, and it is relaxed with no-lye(mizani sensitive scalp). My hair is a little past my shoulders, but it is not healthy. My first goal is to have a nice thick head of hair, and then we can work on length. My hair is thinned out from breakage and shedding, and every so often, I just cut it to a bob because of thinning.

I just recently ordered UBH products and have been using the conditioner and dew. I wash my hair weekly, and deep condition, but this is at the hairdresser. I usually use heat to blow dry the roots as well, when its near touch-up time.

wait... this should all be in the discussion area shouldnt it? I guess Im getting ahead of myself. I look forward to learning from you ladies. :grin:
