Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

i don't know. i guess until i get fed up with it. probably by christmas or new years. so far its been easy smooth sailing. ive been alternating between keracare humecto con & pantene R&N mask. upping the jojoba oil on ends and new growth.

I hear ya! I feel the same way. After this long stretch I plan to stretch no less than 12 weeks but no more than a year at a time again. My ultimate desired stretching goal is about 16 - 20 weeks at a time though.
so my stretch has been perfect till now- i'm 40 weeks post and yesterday i did a protein DC. i left it on a bit too long, i did a moisture DC afterwards of course, and have just ended another now, but my hair is so brittle it is snapping like crazy. I've put every moisturising item i own on it and nothing seems to be working. every light pull, i hear a snap and i've lost another hair. it's very sad and frustrating, i don't know what to do next.

Your hair may not be holding in the moisture so try a little porosity control and then DC with a moisturizing deep conditioner and/or baggy your hair overnight with a water-based moisturizer and seal it with a natural oil.
This is a really long thread... and I looked, but probably not very good... but Can someone explain to me exactly what a stretch entials?
Your hair may not be holding in the moisture so try a little porosity control and then DC with a moisturizing deep conditioner and/or baggy your hair overnight with a water-based moisturizer and seal it with a natural oil.

thanks so much!!! i'll try that today!!!!
Just checking in. My hair and I are doing just fine. I resolved a scalp build up problem earlier this week. I clarified with Elucence volume clarifying shampoo and then washed again with a shikakai shampoo bar. I had forgotten how much I loved the shikakai bars and couldn't for the life of me figure out why I stopped using them because dentagling was a piece of cake afterwards, and I only use running water and a wide tooth comb. Can you say sliiiiip?! Plus my hair wasn't dried out or stripped at all. :yep:

I did a braid out and the shrinkage was basically engulfing the style, because my hair was at least 3-5 inches shorter than it is after it's straightened.:lachen: I thought it was cute/funny. I posted pics here:

I'm about 18 weeks post. I think? :rolleyes: I'm tracking by months now.
RT... are you sure the Aphogee 2-step didn't exacerbate the problem. I ended my last stretch early after using the Aphogee 2-step because it actually made things worse. I discovered with my last stretch that my hair can't take hard proteins. With this stretch, I have been mixing one egg with two tablespoons of Castor Oil and using that weekly as my protein treatment (followed by a NTM DC of course). I have virtually no shedding/breakage with this stretch.

I found keeping the protein in moderation to work better for me as well. I've been mixing the moisturizing treatments and light protein treatments together with a 2:1 ratio, respectively. This way I cut down on the time I spend on my hair during wash day because I am DCing once and my hair doesn't undergo unnecessary stress from flip flopping back and forth between the two extremes. It's important to keep the hair strong during stretching, but those heavier proteins can really do a number.

SmartyPants, how are you liking the castor oil?
I found keeping the protein in moderation to work better for me as well. I've been mixing the moisturizing treatments and light protein treatments together with a 2:1 ratio, respectively. This way I cut down on the time I spend on my hair during wash day because I am DCing once and my hair doesn't undergo unnecessary stress from flip flopping back and forth between the two extremes. It's important to keep the hair strong during stretching, but those heavier proteins can really do a number.

SmartyPants, how are you liking the castor oil?

I'm liking it. I think the combination of the castor oil and egg is helping to thicken up my thin strands. And the Castor Oil helps to make my new growth softer. I always follow this up with a DC.
Ok ya'll... I am seriously bored with my new growth. Bored is the right word because even when I do my wet rollersets twice a week I can play count the strands because I am losing so few of them with that manipulation (did I thank Sylver2 again for the NTM rec?). I am going back and forth between relaxing at 11 weeks (December 18th) and going until February and relaxing at 21 weeks (I know I am not going any longer than that).

Did I mention that this is MN/Boundless Tresses mix induced growth? What say you? If my hair were breaking I'd end the stretch in a heartbeat; but I do not have that excuse.
I think I'm 19 weeks post right now. I'm doing fine, but when my hair is wet I get annoyed with the nasty looking relaxed ends, because they just look so inferior to the massive amount of NG that I have. I know the relaxed hair is not unhealthy and it's just the texture difference. I'm not cutting, I just wanted to point out that I'm feeling like I imagine a transitioner feels right now, :lachen:.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do at this point. My last touch up was august 16th. I wanted to schedule an appt for a touch up after new years, but I'm not really interested right now. So my stretch may go longer...
checking in at 19 weeks (tomorrow) I have been wearing a half wig that I made and I just put some synthetic micro braids in the front so that it looks like braids all over. I will be doing some sort of wig combo until about March (spring) which will take me to about 35-40 weeks post or 9-10 months before my next relaxer. I am not even trying to mess with this chicago winter this year, no girl and no ma'am!
Still going at 49 wks tomorrow....i am fighting the urge to even texlax...i want to see how long i can be sorta natural w/o giving in to the urge.
Checking in at 38 weeks. No plans to relax for at least another 6 months. I'm doing well with braid outs and pin ups so far. I hate what they do to my edges, but I may need to go back to my trusty braids soon...
im done:lol: at 6 months!! im going to go ahead and get a touchup and cut tomorrow. i had no problems and could definately go longer but im really ready to cut so it can grow back by summer.
loved keracare humecto, nexxus keraphix, jojoba oil, joico chelating poo, ntm silk touch and sabino. my lifesavers
In my 7th month. I took out a weave about a month ago and lost quite a bit due to breakage and not having money to get the products I needed. I'm afraid I will have a bit trimmed when I relax again. This sucks!
i know i said i was done..but no i haven't gotten a touchup yet. Just haven't felt like it. maybe new years..
my hair has been behaving and my pibbs knockoff is the best!
it's week 24 and im definately not texlaxing again till after the new year.

am currently cornrowed and on a personal 5week no heat challenge till jan which point i may treat myself to a steam treatment and blow out at the salon, take some length check pics and then rock cornrows under my halfwig for another 6 weeks.

basically - i don't see me texlaxing till February or early spring. :look:

Let's be real...Winter is great for half wigs cause they keep your head warm :lachen: so why bothering my hair out? Plus now that I've found a wig that I love...i can use the money I save from skipping just one salon visit to buy 2 or 3 more.
ladies i need your support!

threads like this and an increasing anti-stretch sentiment on this board have me paranoid and scared to continue stretching :perplexed

why are we doing this again?

if i hear one more "i got so much breakage and shedding from stretching and now my hair sucks" testimonial i may go running and screaming to my salon for a texlax. in fact i did call earlier but my stylist didnt have a slot free on the day i wanted to come in ...

ladies i need your support!

threads like this and an increasing anti-stretch sentiment on this board have me paranoid and scared to continue stretching :perplexed

why are we doing this again?

if i hear one more "i got so much breakage and shedding from stretching and now my hair sucks" testimonial i may go running and screaming to my salon for a texlax. in fact i did call earlier but my stylist didnt have a slot free on the day i wanted to come in ...


If it's not happening to you then don't worry. Take it day by day. If a problem occurs then problem solve. If that means ending your stretch early then so be it. IMO setbacks happen from not listening to your hair.
ladies i need your support!

threads like this and an increasing anti-stretch sentiment on this board have me paranoid and scared to continue stretching :perplexed

why are we doing this again?

if i hear one more "i got so much breakage and shedding from stretching and now my hair sucks" testimonial i may go running and screaming to my salon for a texlax. in fact i did call earlier but my stylist didnt have a slot free on the day i wanted to come in ...


not everything is meant for everyone. i was also an anti-stretcher! i would freak as soon as my NG came. the straight relaxed hair and the coily NG i just could not deal with and wouldn't. i convinced myself i couldn't deal with it. yes i had the shedding and breakage and would run to salon after only 6 weeks.
my hair started breaking off bad from overprocessing it was do or die for me on halting the chemicals for awhile. then i saw the benefits that stretch did. it saved my hair's life. but i went in with patience, discipline, caring and willing to learn.
a lot of people don't realize u have to go into a totally different mode. two completely different textures. i have 3 different regimens.. my relaxed straight regimen. my braidout or bantu knot regimen and my post relaxer regimen. listen to your hair and have patience with it.
good luck with whatever u decide.
i got my touchup today at 6 months post.
i also got a hair cut. i really got lazy and neglected my ends this year. i didn't dust at all this year. not even once...and i use to dust 1-2 times a week. my hair is now back between BSL & MBL. pics soon
but in order to retain length especially for my 4b-a relaxed hair, it's a constant dilligent battle. can't fall off for even a minute..and i fell off for a
my next touchup will be next summer.
i got my touchup today at 6 months post.
i also got a hair cut. i really got lazy and neglected my ends this year. i didn't dust at all this year. not even once...and i use to dust 1-2 times a week. my hair is now back between BSL & MBL. pics soon
but in order to retain length especially for my 4b-a relaxed hair, it's a constant dilligent battle. can't fall off for even a minute..and i fell off for a
my next touchup will be next summer.

I know your hair looks beautiful even with the new cut...Can't wait to see pics
oh my goodness i can't believe you of all folks replied to my spazz out :hiya2:

OT: I'm in the DMV area and you were my very first hair idol on here. i never knew someone with a texture so much like mine could get their hair to waist length and stretch too. the whole concept blew my mind and threw everything i thought i knew about my hair out the window. so let me take out a sec to formally thank you for inpiring me so much. :grin:

ok back on topic....i'm still working my way back from a major protein overload setback this summer and my hair needs to be moisturized big time. i think a part of me is hoping Mizani Butter Blends and all that yummy moisture i hear it has will be my saving I play with the idea of textlaxing soon out of curiosity and frustration. and all those anti-stretch posts have just fed into my worst fears.

but if i really listen to my gut (past the panic) it's telling me to get my moisture game up before my next texturizer and focus on dc'ing, steaming, healthy ends and low manipulation for at least a few more months.

you said listen to my hair...and right now my hair is just plain ole thirsty! lol :fat:

anyone with any super hydrating (no protein) product/technique suggestions for long term stretchers or just new growth in general....please share!!

not everything is meant for everyone. i was also an anti-stretcher! i would freak as soon as my NG came. the straight relaxed hair and the coily NG i just could not deal with and wouldn't. i convinced myself i couldn't deal with it. yes i had the shedding and breakage and would run to salon after only 6 weeks.
my hair started breaking off bad from overprocessing it was do or die for me on halting the chemicals for awhile. then i saw the benefits that stretch did. it saved my hair's life. but i went in with patience, discipline, caring and willing to learn.
a lot of people don't realize u have to go into a totally different mode. two completely different textures. i have 3 different regimens.. my relaxed straight regimen. my braidout or bantu knot regimen and my post relaxer regimen. listen to your hair and have patience with it.
good luck with whatever u decide.
i got my touchup today at 6 months post.
i also got a hair cut. i really got lazy and neglected my ends this year. i didn't dust at all this year. not even once...and i use to dust 1-2 times a week. my hair is now back between BSL & MBL. pics soon
but in order to retain length especially for my 4b-a relaxed hair, it's a constant dilligent battle. can't fall off for even a minute..and i fell off for a
my next touchup will be next summer.

It's so easy to fall off the hair bandwagon, it's such a chore to take care of our hair sometimes....
I'm sure you'll bounce back quickly!
Can't wait to see the pictures!!!! :grin: I'm sure your hair looks beautiful! hair always looks great after a fresh cut too!

Was dusting the only thing you stopped doing?
How else did you neglect your ends?