Incredibly Stupid Black Hair Myths


Well-Known Member
I remember when i was about 13 my cousin was growing his hair out. Well he asked me to help him wash it and he told me he hadn't washed his hair in 2 months. :ohwell:

I was like, "you nasty bastard. And then you have the nerve to ask me to wash that shyt for you?!"

Well his excuse was that dirt fertilizes the hair and makes it grow faster :lachen:

Knowing what i know now, that was one of the dumbest statements i ever heard in my life.

Just for fun, What are some other stupid hair myths that black people swear by?
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There was a thread like this before, but I'll play now.

1. Dirty hair makes the relaxer take better.
2. Trimming your ends helps your hair grow.
3. Its ok to grease your scalp with vaseline
4. There is a such thing as a "good grade of hair"...well I guess mine gets an F ;-)
5. You should burn your shed/broken hairs
6. Two pair of hands in the head is bad luck
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My favorite was hearing my granny tell my sister not to cut my nephew's hair until he was one because he would never learn to talk if it was cut too early. We just looked at her and waited for her to laugh at the joke she just made....she didn't. She was serious.:lachen:
There was a thread like this before, but I'll play now.

1. Dirty hair makes the relaxer take better.
2. Trimming your ends helps your hair grow.
3. Its ok to grease your scalp with vaseline
4. There is a such thing as a "good grade of hair"...well I guess mine gets an F ;-)
5. You should burn your shed/broken hairs
6. Two pair of hands in the head is bad luck
The stupidest I can think of are:

water is bad for the hair
vinegar will strip the perm out of your hair making you natural again
  1. Only people with good hair can grow it long.
  2. Having a pregnant woman do your hair will make it fall out.
  3. Dirty hair grows faster.
  4. Hair needs to be straight to be presentable.
Shaving hair during infancy makes it grow in thicker. My mom did this to me and I have too many pictures of my bald little self. FAIL!

most of the myths if y'all notice are all to scare us away from any semblance of kinks emerging from our heads. :nono:
That black women can't have long hair.

What would be the point of burning the shed/
broken hairs?

Oh yeah, a stylist told me that a girl with super kinky hair came in, they kept on shaving it off everytime she came, and eventually that made it change textures.
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That black women can't have long hair.

What would be the point of burning the shed/
broken hairs?

Oh yeah, a stylist told me that a girl with super kinky hair came in, they kept on shaving it off everytime she came in at her request, and eventually that made it change textures.

Because someone could use them to put a 'root' on you.:perplexed:lachen:
Washing your hair when you're on your period will kill you. Eek! Spent years avoiding water on my hair when I was on my period. And you could forget a relaxer.
Extra extra tight braids, ponytails, and buns will make your hair grow because the tension will make the hair come out the scalp faster. :perplexed
- Blue Grease is the Holy Grail and will make your hair grow faster if you grease your scalp with it.

- conditioners are for white people

- braids make your hair grow

Can't think of any others right now, but I will...
Extra extra tight braids, ponytails, and buns will make your hair grow because the tension will make the hair come out the scalp faster. :perplexed

My 14 year old niece just to me the same thing. Her new twists are tooooo tight and she informed me "the tighter the better. My hair will grow faster". I hope she has edges left after this foolishness.
Black people can't wash their hair "too much." "Too Much" means once a week. I remember when I was relaxed and I always washed my hair once a week and all the black people thought I was washing my hair too much and thought I was going to wash the perm out.

I really wish black people ditch the dirty hair myth because its untrue and unhygenic. Another myth is you can't brush your hair.
Black people can't wash their hair "too much." "Too Much" means once a week. I remember when I was relaxed and I always washed my hair once a week and all the black people thought I was washing my hair too much and thought I was going to wash the perm out.

I really wish black people ditch the dirty hair myth because its untrue and unhygenic. Another myth is you can't brush your hair.

Once a week is too much?! LOL. Wow. I always washed my hair once a week. I used to look at my stepsister cross-eyed when I couldn't figure out her schedule for hair washing :perplexed:nono:
I've heard all that you all have posted...I'm from the dirty south. Guess we believe some of everything here. lol.

1. Having a man play in your hair makes it grow.
2. Pregnant lady whose carrying a girl makes it fall out (this is a different spin on what was already posted about pregnant ladies).

I'm sure there is more but I haven't thought of them.

Let me play devil's advocate and hope this doesn't hijack the thread....I'm a newbie and often wonder if some of the stuff I read on LHCF about growing hair has any truth because I've been led to believe for years that hair growth is genetic. Fact/Myth?
Back home they say after a hair cut you should wrap the hair up in some tissue paper and stuff into into the shoot of a banana tree, that will make the hair grow faster :look:

Also to never throw your hair outside, but to burn it or birds will use it to make a nest and make all you hair fall out :look: