In Bizarre Dating News....


Well-Known Member
Met a very cute guy, exchanged numbers, asked me out on a date. Date begins well and I'm thinking, "Great guy so far. Interesting. Don't feel like bailing...."

We ordered and towards end of his meal, he picked up his plate and started licking (he had sushi). I looked around to see if anyone was staring at us. I wasn't sure know what to do because I was so stunned that anyone would lick a plate in public on a first date, not that it's ok on any date....:eek:o_O

After dinner, we went to have some hot chocolate. When he finished his, he started licking the mug and trying to get the very last dregs of the hot chocolate. He looked completely deranged licking the mug and a distinct image of Jack Nicholson from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest popped into my head for some reason. I finished the date and ran like hell.....

He is not poor and we went to a fancy place and he paid for everything so it wasn't like he will never see food again or something....

My crazy friend thinks I should have asked him why he was licking plates and mugs and what not instead of running....:perplexed::perplexed::perplexed:
I think you should def use this to your advantage.

complete and utter deal breaker. You have to know that is not ok. I wonder if he does that when out with friends? and if so, none of them ever called him on that mess

We ordered and towards end of his meal, he picked up his plate and started licking (he had sushi

Also, what is there left to lick on a sushi plate :down: seaweed dropping, fish juice
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Is it some sort of tick? Does he have OCD, you think? It sounds like he was embarrassed to do it by the way he looked around afterwards.
DA PHUC!!!!!!?????????


Is he white? If he is He probably believes black people have no etiquette! I remember one of my dad's girlfriend (who was a chef) licking her damn plate in front of us kids and how disgusted we were. Looking back as an adult I assume she thought we did not know proper etiquette because we were black and poor (she was white and rich). Utterly bizarre.

If he is black he his a damn fool. If he is other maybe it is part of his culture? When I have dinner with some of my "other" peeps they use their hands to eat...
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I am part of a culture that eats with their hands and licking plates is an absolute no no . Ugali, Banku, Fufu and Injera are used to get the last stew at the bottom of the plate. By the time we are done the plate is super clean. Nothing left to lick.
Lol I'm sorry I laughed! But ask him why...maybe he just needs someone to tell him that's inappropriate. If you address it maybe he'll stop...? Some people have no home training. I say tell him that's not cool and try another date (unpopular opinion)

When I was preggers I use to lick the ice cream home. Alone.:lachen:
Met a very cute guy, exchanged numbers, asked me out on a date. Date begins well and I'm thinking, "Great guy so far. Interesting. Don't feel like bailing...."

We ordered and towards end of his meal, he picked up his plate and started licking (he had sushi). I looked around to see if anyone was staring at us. I wasn't sure know what to do because I was so stunned that anyone would lick a plate in public on a first date, not that it's ok on any date....:eek:o_O

After dinner, we went to have some hot chocolate. When he finished his, he started licking the mug and trying to get the very last dregs of the hot chocolate. He looked completely deranged licking the mug and a distinct image of Jack Nicholson from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest popped into my head for some reason. I finished the date and ran like hell.....

He is not poor and we went to a fancy place and he paid for everything so it wasn't like he will never see food again or something....

My crazy friend thinks I should have asked him why he was licking plates and mugs and what not instead of running....:perplexed::perplexed::perplexed:

Girl you were probably on one of those crazy reality shows and just didn't know it. My son does these all the time in LA. He will go on a date with a girl and get paid to do something totally bizarro.
complete and utter deal breaker. You have to know that is not ok. I wonder if he does that when out with friends? and if so, none of them ever called him on that mess

Also, what is there left to lick on a sushi plate :down: seaweed dropping, fish juice

I wondered this too. My other friend said maybe he doesn't know it's not appropriate although I don't see how. He's in his mid 40s. If he missed the 100,000 times I know his mother told him it wasn't ok, has no woman he went on a date with ever mentioned he looks insane licking utensils in public?!?!?? Have none of his friends and business associates never brought it up even if sarcastically?
OP I think you just failed the test!

I really think he did it on purpose to bait you, to see if you would stick around or run....
I wondered this too. My other friend said maybe he doesn't know it's not appropriate although I don't see how. He's in his mid 40s. If he missed the 100,000 times I know his mother told him it wasn't ok, has no woman he went on a date with ever mentioned he looks insane licking utensils in public?!?!?? Have none of his friends and business associates never brought it up even if sarcastically?
45! That is entirely tke old not to know better. And if was a test he is way to old for foolishness like that
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OMG I don't know how you managed to keep a straight face and not say anything! Did he even look up at you at any point during or after he was done slurping? :giggle: If so was your face not twisted in disgust? That look alone should have made him freeze in his tracks and if not I would have definitely said something! When you looked around the restaurant were other people gawking and snickering? How embarrassing for you!

This may simply be the first sign of crazy with this man, who knows what else is going on with him. He was either really testing you with some sick game of his to see what you would say or he really has no home training ... nether of which would be acceptable to me. You're not going to humiliate me in public to get a rise out of me and if you really don't know basic manners I'm not going to be the one to teach a grown 40 something year old man! Wow