Importance of Trust for Men

PrettyfaceANB, I think you are definitely headed in the right direction. You two have already taken the biggest step, and that's recognizing that 1. You have both been hurt, thus creating the trust issues, and 2. That you are willing to work on them. Many people are not brave enough to accomplish these two things. If you feel that this man is a good one, then I say take your time to truly get to know him, and if he is a man with a strong character, morals, faith in GOD, integrity and respect, then trusting him will come naturally.

Thank you so much for this post. Its very encouraging.
I dunno.

I am skeptical of anyone who lays blame entirely on the other person for the demise of their relationship. I mean if what about his actions seemed less than trustworthy to her? What was it about your ex that seemed untrustworthy?

I mean .... She was wrong for not trusting her man but you were right in your intuition for not trusting yours?!!! I just find that we too often accept what men tell us about prior women without looking at the accuser a bit more.

He may very well be a trustworthy person but only time will tell.

Too true. Thats why I have trust issues now. I am skeptical. But look at God....he's such a close friend of the family that I knew alot about his prior relationship before he even opened his mouth. Its comforter knowing I have eyes and ears but I dont want to have to rely on them.