Haha, Funny!
Thanks ladies. A lot of interesting points were made. I like the idea about asking him what he normally does for lunch. That is a nice way to go about it.
But what one poster said about a white man not thinking that an attractive black female would be interested is what I get from him. There is another guy in our program and he asked me one day "I hope it's okay when I talk to you. I don't want to just bother you all the time."
I was like huh? I thought we were friends. But to him, he could not imagine that I would want to be friends with someone like that. I had to really break it down for him and let him know that we were cool with one another, LOL! Now I don't like him, just the other one.
And my cousin can be an idiot sometimes. I love her to death, but she puts certain people on pedastols (sp). It did hurt, but I brushed it off.
I would love for him and I to get to know each other better andd become friends outside of class. Facebook does not count!!
I just get the weirdest vibe from him. Like about the staring etc. that was mentioned. We do that! We would sometimes look at each other and get that awkward feeling until one of us would look away. That is what made me first notice him. I thought wait, do I like him? Because otherwise why am I acting this way? So I then put him in my same box and figured he might feel the same way.
The reason that I brought up the fact that he was white was not to say that he was better than a black man or any other race for that matter, only potentially different. We must admit there are cultural differences. Now the whole be nice but really hate you thing. That is new to me and sounds like that might have been a personal problem. I know some phoney baloneys in all shades and colors.
I think I will try to get onto another level with him and see where it goes.
By that I mean go to lunch without tagalongs and the likes. If nothing I will still have a cool friend in him.