I'm thinking about doing ______ (Add yours)

Jessica Rabbit

New Member
What are you thinking about doing or trying with your hair?

I am purchasing some oils and butters and seeing if I can make a concotion that my hair likes. Tenjoy and a few others are coming to visit this weekend and Tenjoy is going to try making her own oil too.

I briefly pondered a texturizer but don't see the point.

-Coconut Lime Relaxer
-Carmel Treatment
-Getting kinky twists for the summer months
-Getting my FIRST dominican blow-out when i visit Philly/NY this month
-Getting some Hemp Seed butter
I thinking about...no I'm planning to...

  • Stop washing my hair everyday
  • Go get my hair done one day this week at the shop (:sad: ...I'm a little scared about this one)
  • Start wearing my hair straight for the next couple of months
  • Try Gro Aut products
  • Give MN a try!
I want a lot of shine, so I want to use some kind of gloss or glaze, but I have no clue where to start :ohwell:
I'm thinking about doing my own relaxer. It's just a thought though. I'm the worst coward there is :nono:
  1. Adding highlights to my hair. I used to have Jessica Alba honey/tawny highlights throughout most of my hair
  2. Going red
  3. Leaving the black dye alone and letting my hair go back to it's brown color
  4. Doing a Dominican gloss treatment
  5. Adding shorter layers
  6. Going lye
* Washing my hair more frequently (every 2-3 days vs once per week)

* Trying MN

* Co-washing (never tried this)

* Using up/selling hair products that I don't like/use
I'm thinking about getting Sister Locs. I really want to leave the chemicals alone... I was thinking about getting them later on, like, years from now. But, I'm almost due for a touchup and quite frankly, I'm apprehensive...
I'm thinking about

  • getting a texturizer
  • dying my hair two-tones again [light brown at the top/front-black in the back/sides]
  • trying the curlformers
I'm thinking about...

-Going to a rollerset one on one tutorial...(any teachers?? I'm pretty terrible)
-Combing my hair every other day
-Buying a wig when I need a down style....
BCing my hair. I almost did it last night but I rather wait until a professional can do it.
Thinking about

-Getting kinky twists for the summer

Definitely going to

-try a braidout
-try 2 strand twists
-find a headband that will hold all this:lachen:
I'm thinking about:

* wearing my hair in cornrows and covering it w/a fall, for an extended period of time, to grow out my layers...maybe on and off for a year.

* during that time, I may go back to regular co-washes.
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- wearing my hair down/out more often

- getting my hair cut in layers (so I can wear it down/out)

- getting my hair cut shorter period (ditto)

- relaxing bone straight again to accommodate said haircut (doubtful I will do this though)

-thinking about adding some type of highlights (also doubtful)
*Trying to do a rollerset after I relax on Thursday. I think I'm long enough for small rollers! :yep:

*Purchasing Matrix Prizms or Colorshowers for my next rinse.

*Using my Maxiglide when it arrives.
I'm thinking about doing a wash, DC, and rollerset tonight.

I probably won't though because I'll end up sweating it out tomorrow morning at the gym.

I'm thinking about wearing falls until I reach my goal length. Originally I was going to take a break during the summer but this method is really working for my hair.

Chopping up to full APL instead of 1/4 of my hair at waist, 1/4 of my hair at BSL, and the rest stuck in some type of scraggly fried ends situation between the two, dying my hair black and leaving it black, because it likes to be black and was doing good when it was black.

Having natural hair...instead of 'non relaxed but still colored a million times' hair.
Using shea butter mixed with aloe.

Using Curl Formers.

Giving up and relaxing. My hair looks like a wig:ohwell: and I suck at natural styling.
I'm thinking about wearing my hair out more.
Gradually cutting out this texturied hair.
Trying more braidouts.
trying more styles period, no more ponytail.