I'm thinking about a BC..

Yeah, I'll point and laugh. :lol:

You made that bed, you've gotta lie on it. Your hair all matted coz you screwed up. You were lazy and didn't listen to your hair and do what it needed. You tried to wash it like you were dealing with doll hair. So now fix the mess and stop being a quitter. Yeah, I'm being harsh but it's coz I'll be pissed if you cut that hair when that is not your only option. Stop being lazy and get to work if your hair is still tangled! Work on a small section at a time and braid it up once you detangle it so you can work on another section w/o that one going back to square one. Use oil, conditioners, fingers, whatever! Get ideas from people and commit to fixing this. Work on a small section at a time and work slowly and carefully. Stop when you get tired. Braid it up and put on a baggy and a scarf to let it marinate a bit more and continue again when you aren't impatient and cranky. Auburn, I'm a be on your SO's side if you cut that hair. :bat:

If your hair is no longer tangled and you're just venting, trust that it won't happen again if you try one of the suggestions in this thread. And stop talking about cutting your hair coz the nightmare is over. It'll be OK.

I was trying to figure out if this was a one time thing. My hair is detangled yes but all that shedding was just...smh. My hair is like a half day event. I have to wash it, air dry over night, then flat iron for at most 3 hours the next day. I just dont know if I want all of that plus frigid showers right now.
oh i totally understand:yep: i had a "moment" like this a few weeks ago:look:

This is probably my first major one. The cold shower just stepped everything up a notch.

I'm caught between this being a moment or just plain fed up.
Next time after the twist out, apply oil or conditioner and baggy and then detangle section by section, removing dead hair and then braiding it up, and then that's when you wash it.

Incidentally, I had to detangle my hair in 2008 because I sorta did what you did. Well, I didn't wash it, but I went to bed w/o braiding my hair after a twist-out. I had a matted rat's nest:

It took conditioner and patience:

to fully detangle it:

And it was well worth the time invested because I saved my hair, but I also learned a lesson: I will never do that again--so I understand the headache of dealing w/ tangled hair.

This makes me only want to wear straight styles for freakin ever.
I was trying to figure out if this was a one time thing. My hair is detangled yes but all that shedding was just...smh. My hair is like a half day event. I have to wash it, air dry over night, then flat iron for at most 3 hours the next day. I just dont know if I want all of that plus frigid showers right now.

It can be a one-time thing if you just adopt the methods those of us who have it easy use. Just remember all you've learned on the forum. That hair sheds daily and so you can't wet your hair w/o first taking it out. Finger combing thoroughly can help with that. It's what I do. Some people use oil and leave it in their hair for a while then taking out shed hair becomes easy. You just need to learn how to avoid HARD WORK by not letting it come to be. I don't detangle because I don't allow tangles to exist in my world. You just have to master how to do that, and then you'll have an easy ride with your hair.

Someone who wears her hair in braid-outs all the time and seems to have an easy ride with her hair is Yassylane. That can be your story too...if you just figure out where you went wrong and correct that. Then this story you tell today will be a thing of the past.

try something different! Just don't chop! is your hair colored?
Don't cut your hair unless you are sure you really want to. I did this and HATED it. I wish I had dealt with my issues and would've kept my length. If you want the cut solely for the style, then go for it. But if you're only doing it because you have issues with your hair, I suggest trying to deal with them instead of cutting away your progress!
Have you tried pre pooing with conditioner instead of oil? Oil didn't work for me but once I started overnight pre pooing with Lustrasilk Shea Butter, detangling in the shower became a breeze.

ETA: I also detangle before I poo and with the Lustrasilk still in my hair under running water.
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Don't cut your hair unless you are sure you really want to. I did this and HATED it. I wish I had dealt with my issues and would've kept my length. If you want the cut solely for the style, then go for it. But if you're only doing it because you have issues with your hair, I suggest trying to deal with them instead of cutting away your progress!

Part of me wants to start over, just do better, and spend less time.. the other part is more comfortable with longer hair ... and that I'm so close to my ultimate goal.

I miss the ease of washing short hair but I know I'll miss my hair too.
Have you tried pre pooing with conditioner instead of oil? Oil didn't work for me but once I started overnight pre pooing with Lustrasilk Shea Butter, detangling in the shower became a breeze.

ETA: I also detangle before I poo and with the Lustrasilk still in my hair under running water.

Yes. Last time I did Renu on the length and apretadora at my roots. That helped.

I ran out of apretadora. Does anyone know where I can get it near Baltimore?
How long are you going between detangling sessions? I found that I couldn't go more than 2 or 3 days without fully detangling my hair or wash day was a nightmare of tangles and knots. I found regular detangling to work better than a complicated wash routine. I usually co-wash every 2 days. If it is too cold for that I saturate my hair with a leave in and detangle tip to root and then put it in a bun until wash day. I can wash and detangle my hair in the shower. I can detangle my CL hair in about 3 min on washday.
This time I guess I went a little further than usual. From the twist out I did bunning. I had to work in conditioner at the last minute one time after shampooing because of the water problem.

I just did a bunch of BS since the twist out.
Auburn!!! Don't do it. I truly agree with everyone, instead of washing your hair in halves, try putting it into smaller sections, I find anywhere from 5 to 9 sections work wonders for our hair type and greatly reduce tangles as well as make detangling all the more easy.

Opt in for oil rinsing, I know some people apply the oil overnight, for me when I oil rinse, I shampoo/acv rinse first, then I get my favorite oils and apply it in the same sections to my hair, and without rinsing it off first, I go ahead and apply my conditioner..let sit for about 5 or so mins, detangle if needed, then rinse once with the lukewarm water and then of-course do a nice cold rinse to help close the cuticles. That worked out great.

The biggest thing is definitely putting your hair in smaller sections, because trust me when I say I know the feeling of wanting to start war with your hair due to tangles. Hope something works out for you and you don't end up cutting it. :)