i'm texturized STEp by step in album


i couldnt wait to open the box and i'm sad i did not because of the results
but because i was asked to be a color model in a hair show today but had
to decline because i couldnt double process my hair so soon dang just a few hours later and i could have made my money and texturized in 2wks OH WELL
Ms P I think it came out really cute.

You did a great job. You may want to stop while you are ahead or you may wind up with relaxed looking hair.

What color did you use that could color so good and not be permanent?

Also did you texturize two times in the same day or another day for the second application.

How long was your natural hair stretched?

Great job and thank for the step by step.
You were one of my natural hair inspirations, and I agree, you did a very nice job texturizing and it looks good as it is. Now where on earth did you find temporary hair color spray in that color? Every time I see hair color sprays they are in blue, pink, green, and yellow :ohwell:
lkg4healthyhair said:
What color did you use that could color so good and not be permanent?

Also did you texturize two times in the same day or another day for the second application.

How long was your natural hair stretched?

I used High Beams in Bronze available at Sally's or any Asian Bss

I did it 2xs in one day back to back it said i could keep it on for up to 13min
biting my nails to see if i will be bald in a few days

I was almost to my goal for 2005 of 12in (brastrap) but due to trims i am at 8-11 all over and 8-9 at the very back so i'm still at least 8mo away from brastrap

Thanks to all of you ladies you are all my inspirations. i think my solution will be to just leave the next application in on the roots for 9min instead of a 2min and a 5min application and i will just leave the already texturized part alone. No more applications for 3months. The plan is to text 3-4xs per yr
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Hey Dahlin' :wave: I think it looks gorgeous!

However, to achieve that look you got from the photo edit you'd have to grow more. If your curls were THAT elongated the texture would be different, a whole lot straighter, straighter than what you want. Give it a few months, you'll be there. You'll be gettin' some serious hang time in NO time! How's that baby's hair doing?

Meanwhile, I can't wait to see your twistouts and flatironed hair! Super job :up:
msportugal said:
I used High Beams in Bronze available at Sally's or any Asian Bss

I did it 2xs in one day back to back it said i could keep it on for up to 13min
biting my nails to see if i will be bald in a few days

I was almost to my goal for 2005 of 12in (brastrap) but due to trims i am at 8-11 all over and 8-9 at the very back so i'm still at least 8mo away from brastrap

Thanks to all of you ladies you are all my inspirations. i think my solution will be to just leave the next application in on the roots for 9min instead of a 2min and a 5min application and i will just leave the already texturized part alone. No more applications for 3months. The plan is to text 3-4xs per yr
Thanks for the response!
I likey Ms. P...the color is pretty too
. Very nice, I like your little ringlets, u did a real good job !!!
I shouldn't be looking at these pictures... you need a spanking for being a texturized influence on me! :p I think you hair looks great. HAPPY HAIR GROWING. :ANTLERS:
lovely keep on transitioning give the natural a try dont let me influence you....btw you are my strawset inspiration

zoya thanks i was really scared but i still have hair on my head!

alli if you do your own get 2packs of the metal duckbill clips its like having a few extra sets of hands

candice i'm happy with the change but i'm still battling with shrinkage a bit more than i wanted to be

brit i like the like the ringlets too i kept messing with the ones in the bangs

onepraying i can only pray for patience for my hair to grow the length of the altered pic

Hey Cuz,

You look soooo good! I love the ringlets and I can't wait to see it and the color in person! You did a fantastic job! You would have been the bestest model they ever hired!

Now, I'm even more excited about my hair appointment with you! I can't have all these tangles any more. I don't think my texture is anywhere as nice as yours, so I think we'll be going the full 13 minutes. :look:

Thanks for the step by step album. You always inspire me. :yep:
Your hair looks good. I don't think you should straighten it anymore either. As your hair gets longer the curls will look different, due to the weight of your wet hair.
Queenie your recent album update was on my mind while i was texturizing :)

Nubian, Hey cuz we have to hook this whole hair thing up this week so we can be at the same place in out growout timeline. Whats up with this afternoon? Call a sista.

Lucia so far my hair feels better when wet i've only oil sheened it and lightly MTG+ pep oiled it but i'm doing a twist out today so i'll let you know what i use for that and how it holds up

ronda I was really digging the color too but that spray color is really drying so i rinsed it out the next day i am seriously considering color but will resist until i see how the texturizer reacts with my hair. i know the color i previously had was really drying

lovechic thank you thank you thank you
msportugal said:
Queenie your recent album update was on my mind while i was texturizing :)

Thanks. You sould try Fantasia IC Styling Gel w/Sparklites it really weighs my hair down. If if use a lot, I get a wet look.
It looks really good! I don't think you need to do anything else to it the texture is just fine. Just give it a chance to grow.
angellazette said:
msportugal, you must explain how you do the photo editing and the software you used! Please?!

i use the cloning function on my software, i choose the place i want to clone and i paint it on

thanks coco and thickness growing or waiting on growth is the hardest part i do stupid things when i get impatient.