I'm shallow and you're shallow too! Share your puddle deep tales


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I admit...I'm a bit shallow when it comes to dating. I like fit types from average to a bit of the fluffy side. I'm not into guys my height or shorter than me, pale guys (guys that seem like they avoid sun like an unholy plague...I've seem some pale looking colored folks:perplexed), obnoxious guys (overly loud and talkative), red heads, blondes, freckles, and chicken wing bone skinny guys.

So why is it today, I'm wearing my jacked up work uniform and just looking rough (looong hard and dirty day) trying to get to the library in time to pick up a book and I get hit on and chased down the parking lot.:look: Why I can't get hit on during my day off while looking cute??? But anyway...the flirter was pale like the snow in deep winter, fiery red head, freckles galore that went on forever and ever, shoooort (like three, four inches shorter than me and I'm 5'6''), LOUD, so skinny I could hug him and probably break him in half, and couldn't take a hint I wasn't interested and just kept pestering me to go drink a beer with him (I HATE BEER).

I got tired/annoyed trying to talk nicely to him so I went to b***h mode and flat out ignored him. He chased me all the way to my car before leaving me alone. "You're missing out on a good thing, beautiful." He said as he left. Heck, he could have been my future husband, but I don't want that. The universe needs to quit playing. :lol:

He could have been the best guy in a thousand miles around, but yeah, I'm shallow. :spinning: Share your puddle deep tales :grin:
I love I'm not as shallow but in high school I would only really hang out with attractive intelligent people. So I may be cool with someone who didn't fit that but we weren't hanging out on no daily
Lol sorry but by the way you described the dude, I was thinking of Carrot Top trying to get his mack on in the parking lot.
but I don't want that. The universe needs to quit playing. :lol:

He could have been the best guy in a thousand miles around, but yeah, I'm shallow. :spinning: Share your puddle deep tales :grin:

The bolded made me laugh and the title of this thread. :lachen:
I have a friend who blossomed in college and became quite shallow once dudes blew her ego up.
Not mine, but my coworker ran into our co-worker at the mall and saw his tattoo sleeve. Last she didn't care about him, now she can't stop talking about how hot he is :lol:

Meanwhile he reminds me of the Cheeto Cheetah with hair :rofl:
I have a friend who blossomed in college and became quite shallow once dudes blew her ego up.

LOL this was so common on my block. A lot of those little girls were the sweetest friendliest ever. Once they became teens and blossomed, they became stankadank.

As for the OP, I have had plenty of those moments. EVERything you DONT want approaches and you let them GO. They say men are visual....so are we. Men got us F'd up.
I'm not really shallow in terms of looks (although, I wouldn't date someone shorter than I am either... but I'm 5'2" :lol:)... but I go on feelings. Either I feel it with someone or I don't.

I've voluntarily stopped dating guys who look GREEEAT on paper... just because I wasn't feeling it. I wanted to kick myself a few times with my choices :lol: ...And then there have been a couple guys who didn't look ideal (a little overweight, balding, too skinny), that I felt a connection with so, idk.

I seem to have gotten it right with SO, so I'm thankful for that lol.
Im struggling now dating this dental student that is super sweet with similar values and really into me, but Im just not really feeling him physically. Like he tries to cuddle and Im like a statue. LOL Im trying to be open minded after being the "superficial chick" for so long, but its hard trying to fake the funk.
:lol: At the responses to this thread. I guess I'm doing a place for confessions. I once rejected a balding guy with a jerry curl who quoted tv show lines and rap lyrics. :lachen:Yes, I'm terrible, but I just couldn't wrap my head around him. :spinning:
I might be shallow :lol:.

I can't do bald, receding hairlines, fat, dumb, ugly hands, desperation or jacked teeth :look:. I gave fat a chance because I really really liked the guy even though I wasn't physically attracted to him at all. I was like it's not fair for me to be fat but hold that against a guy :look:. Welllll I tried, and a big 'ol booty is not hot on a guy :nono: . All the most endearing feelings in the world couldn't make him attractive to me. At least when a chick is chunky, there's extra boobs, butt, and thighs to oogle. That junk's just disturbing on a male :lol:. And I'm not forcing myself on anybody, but athletic and straight up skinny guys are the one's who come at me, and I'm not mad about it :lol:.

Everyone has there things that just don't work for them (like the OP's list aren't turn offs to me :lol:). And I think that's cool, as long as you don't go out of your way to share that with the people not on your list :rolleyes:. A guy's not going to use the phrase, "I don't usually like/date/find *blank* attractive, but. . ." and get anywhere near my panties. Some chicks like playing that game and apparently want a guy who makes them feel a little insecure. It's an automatic turn off for me.

I had this happen with 2 guys. One was a guy in school who chased me, and he was interesting and a cute. Well, he gave me this real long, I'm trying to feel you up hug, and he had the nerve to squeeze around my waist and say, "What's all this? You should come run around the track with me." I was no more than 130 at the time :perplexed. The next day I told him that this wasn't going to work out but we could be friends. The second time was years later with a cute half Dominican guy who stopped me while I was walking down the street. Why during our first phone call did he feel the need to tell me that his last girlfriend, who was also his baby mama (his words), was absolutely beautiful and a model. Like he described her as tall and thin :look:.

Guys give you warnings, and you can choose to heed them or keep on trucking and wonder months later how you missed all the signs :lol:.
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im very shallow even though i only have one requirement. men must have hair. no bald dudes. you'd be surprised how hard it is to find a man with hair nowadays :nono: :lol:
My mom always called me shallow because looks is number one over anything. You have to lure me in first with that. Then personality and intelligence. And if personality and intelligence is good enough for me, you start to look physically unattractive anyway. Also height is important too
I like my men to be in shape. I don't compromise when it comes to that. I will not date a chubby guy. Toned or muscular is preferred and I'll even take slim, but I will not do chubby, pudgy or anything remotely close to it.
Im struggling now dating this dental student that is super sweet with similar values and really into me, but Im just not really feeling him physically. Like he tries to cuddle and Im like a statue. LOL Im trying to be open minded after being the "superficial chick" for so long, but its hard trying to fake the funk.

You just can't. Like, if I don't feel inclined to CUDDLE with you, there is just no hope. Lol.
I might be shallow :lol:. I can't do bald, receding hairlines, fat, dumb, ugly hands, desperation or jacked teeth :look:. I gave fat a chance because I really really liked the guy even though I wasn't physically attracted to him at all. I was like it's not fair for me to be fat but hold that against a guy :look:. Welllll I tried, and a big 'ol booty is not hot on a guy :nono: . All the most endearing feelings in the world couldn't make him attractive to me. At least when a chick is chunky, there's extra boobs, butt, and thighs to oogle. That junk's just disturbing on a male :lol:. And I'm not forcing myself on anybody, but athletic and straight up skinny guys are the one's who come at me, and I'm not mad about it :lol:. Everyone has there things that just don't work for them (like the OP's list aren't turn offs to me :lol:). And I think that's cool, as long as you don't go out of your way to share that with the people not on your list :rolleyes:. A guy's not going to use the phrase, "I don't usually like/date/find *blank* attractive, but. . ." and get anywhere near my panties. Some chicks like playing that game and apparently want a guy who makes them feel a little insecure. It's an automatic turn off for me. I had this happen with 2 guys. One was a guy in school who chased me, and he was interesting and a cute. Well, he gave me this real long, I'm trying to feel you up hug, and he had the nerve to squeeze around my waist and say, "What's all this? You should come run around the track with me." I was no more than 130 at the time :perplexed. The next day I told him that this wasn't going to work out but we could be friends. The second time was years later with a cute half Dominican guy who stopped me while I was walking down the street. Why during our first phone call did he feel the need to tell me that his last girlfriend, who was also his baby mama (his words), was absolutely beautiful and a model. Like he described her as tall and thin :look:. Guys give you warnings, and you can choose to heed them or keep on trucking and wonder months later how you missed all the signs :lol:.

:lachen: at the bold. You are me.
Im struggling now dating this dental student that is super sweet with similar values and really into me, but Im just not really feeling him physically. Like he tries to cuddle and Im like a statue. LOL Im trying to be open minded after being the "superficial chick" for so long, but its hard trying to fake the funk.

This is my problem... Giving the nice... (But-something-doesn't-connect-for-me) guy a chance, and going into statue mode...
Being a non-native english speaker, I've learned to be patient with so many different accents since I have one myslef. The only one I can't stand is this one guy from my own tribe. He opens his mouth and it sounds like screeching to me. I couldn't date him for that alone. His voice grates my nerves. I know it's shallow because 75% of my friends and family have the same accent and they sound fine to me.
Im shallow too. I love tall slightly muscular fit guys. But only the ugly out of shape ones approach me.
Yea my one real requirement has to do with not being overweight. I am over 40 and try to be realistic about weight..a little pooch is ok. But all these guys with bellies that reek of licca/wings/crawfish filled weekends..I can't do it. I try to keep it together..so should you.:look:
Not shallow looks wise, but dressing appropriately is my thing. You don't have to be wearing a suit, but looking like an adult is appropriate. Can't stand the sagging, the dingy white shirt :nono:, unmoisturized skin. At least look like you were going out into public that day.
I love this thread!:grin:

I'm shallow on 3 things: intellect/intelligence, hair and weight

Intelligence/intellect is #1. I'm an intellectual nerd and want a man who is too, or who can at least appreciate my nerdiness. But bottom line whether he's an intellectual or not, I need to be turned on by a man's mind. This matters to me more than looks.:yep: If a man's mind doesn't turn me on, he's DOA.:nono:

I've been out with guys who are nice and sweet but who have no intellect and I check out immediately. I can't even help it, it's instinctual :lol:

Looks wise I am very picky about hair.:look: It really can make a difference. I do not like men with more hair than me. I don't like braids, cornrows, mohawks, any fancy styles. And most men cannot pull of the bald look, IMO. I like short masculine hair styles.:lick:

Finally I'm a small, petite woman.:yep::look: I'm not up for being smashed while coloring so no overweight guys, and men skinnier than me scare me. I'm not picky about muscles though. Too many though is a no-no. As long as he's in reasonably good shape then we're good.
I'm not shallow...BUT, I get turned off by jeans with patterns on the pockets, baldING men (just cut it off already!) and certain jobs. Not much bothers me. However, you get more attention if you got the whole package lol
I am picky about jacked up teeth. I cannot date a man with jacked up, yellow/green/black teeth. Even if everything is just about perfect about him. If he doesn't look like he is in the process of fixing that up...then no.
I kinda agree with you OP, except I would date a Blond or a man with freckles. I don't think it's shallow, everyone has their type.
I'm not shallow...BUT, I get turned off by jeans with patterns on the pockets, baldING men (just cut it off already!) and certain jobs. Not much bothers me. However, you get more attention if you got the whole package lol


Also: Teeth, FINGERNAILS, bad/cheap shoes, bad clothing, age inappropriate piercings (Really tongue rings/industries past 30?), I loathe both ears pierced, braids or any kind of hair, blatant lack of ambition, lack of education, and the overtly cheap kinds...

Yes I'm petty, and lucky for me my family petty too...!- Dave Chapelle :lol:
I try not to be shallow. I've dated all kinds. However, I do have a thing for nice teeth. No crooked smiles! SO has perfect, white teeth and he never even had braces.

My most shallow moment was when I was on a first date with a guy and he said he had leukemia when he was in high school. On our second date, he said that his brother also had it. That set off a huge red flag for me. I kept thinking....what if we had children? They would be more prone to it. We weren't a good match anyway but that definitely didn't help. I still feel ashamed for letting that bother me. Shallow....
I try not to be shallow. I've dated all kinds. However, I do have a thing for nice teeth. No crooked smiles! SO has perfect, white teeth and he never even had braces.

My most shallow moment was when I was on a first date with a guy and he said he had leukemia when he was in high school. On our second date, he said that his brother also had it. That set off a huge red flag for me. I kept thinking....what if we had children? They would be more prone to it. We weren't a good match anyway but that definitely didn't help. I still feel ashamed for letting that bother me. Shallow....

Thats looking out for your future offspring. That's not shallow to me.