I'm just gonna do it: Who's married to a white man?

What race is your husband?

  • White

    Votes: 95 12.4%
  • black

    Votes: 189 24.7%
  • other

    Votes: 24 3.1%
  • I'm not married yet...Nosy *****!

    Votes: 456 59.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Dlewis, please don't stone me. Jamericangurl, feel free to pull out the "Elmer Fudd hunting" graphic. Firecracker, yes, the poll is about "who managed to club the prized whitey from the caucasus mountains over the head and marry him" Everyone else, I apologize.

So ok:

1. Are you married to a white dude?

2. How did you meet?

3. Are you more attractive than your "average bear"--I mean black woman?

4. Are you financially successful and/or have a prestigious career/education?

5. Is he attractive? (and not just to you)

That will do for this week's IR thread.
Ima stand up and take my licks like a woman...*earthbending a wall around myself.*


  • 300px-Tophnick.jpg
    16.9 KB · Views: 43
OOOO GIRL YOU GONE GET IT!!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:


(**Tips back in and sees the coast is clear)

I chose that I'm not married. . .
Seriously though, not sure if you're really looking for people to respond or if you created this just for a laugh. But I think there was a thread like this not too long ago wasn't there? If so, this may not get much of a response.
Damn Why? Again it's sad that on a board full of mostly AA women...This is the only thang we can discuss Gimme a break!

It's old tired...just let Opie go! I don't need to know why some one is happy that's they business. Men are men they all pea standing up unless they are trannies....Let Opie go!


JG, you know I wanted that Elmer Fudd. This thread is actually in response to assertions made on another thread. Now I will excuse myself as I have my own band of "turkeys" to herd and laundry to fold... with my June Cleaver self. :lol:
Why every time these threads come up there are those who get annoyed about seing them again or say '' Who cares, not again, or can we get off this?" I want to know and im sure there are others because I see they are doing the polls If you don't want to read it or paricipate then don't open the thread. It's your choice .Just like it's the persons choice who started the thread.

Quote from enchantmt:

Pay close attention to how you respond to posts!!! Be warned:

-If you don't like the subject, skip it!

-If you've seen it before, skip it! We don't want to see: "This was posted already...." You may have seen it already, but someone else hasn't. Don't ruin it for someone else. This sort of post will be deleted.
hottestdiva19 said:
Why every time these threads come up there are those who get annoyed about seing them again or say '' Who cares, not again, or can we get off this?" I want to know and im sure there are others because I see they are doing the polls If you don't want to read it or paricipate then don't open the thread. It's your choice .Just like it's the persons choice who started the thread.

Girl, some of these threads are being started as a joke. It gets like this usually right before some serious drama explodes on the board and multiple people get banned. No one is serious. :lol:
WomanlyCharm said:
hottestdiva19 said:
Why every time these threads come up there are those who get annoyed about seing them again or say '' Who cares, not again, or can we get off this?" I want to know and im sure there are others because I see they are doing the polls If you don't want to read it or paricipate then don't open the thread. It's your choice .Just like it's the persons choice who started the thread.

Girl, some of these threads are being started as a joke. It gets like this usually right before some serious drama explodes on the board and multiple people get banned. No one is serious. :lol:

Please believe it! Bannings are on the way!:lol:
:eek: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

JamericanGurl said:
Damn Why? Again it's sad that on a board full of mostly AA women...This is the only thang we can discuss Gimme a break!

It's old tired...just let Opie go! I don't need to know why some one is happy that's they business. Men are men they all pea standing up unless they are trannies....Let Opie go!


It is a forum as such you should be able to discuss anything even at nauseum. :lol: People don't like the topic, they can ignore it. It is really an easy thing to do. I do it all the time.
:lachen: You guys are a mess... cracking up laughing... Klan hoods...poor Ron Howard, who's clearly been neglecting the sunscreen...:lachen:

I actually was sort of serious when I started the thread. I got a little annoyed because a certain poster's comments were in effect (I'm not saying it was intentional because I don't know her and things can be misread) saying "Don't get your hopes up because a white man is NOT going to marry you unless you are rich, gorgeous, or both"

First off, just because someone includes white men in her marriage options doesn't mean she's salivating after one, polishing up her gun and going all "Elmer Fudd" after the vanilla. And lots of us aren't checkin' for one atall.

Secondly, I know black women married to white men, and I do no insult to myself or my friends when I state truthfully that not a one of us are professionally connected nor supermodel-gorgeous. We are pretty-to-average, perfectly ordinary women married to handsome-to-average, perfectly ordinary men..

Thirdly, not all white men (hummph! Not even MOST) are some prize that we should be worried about whether we are "good enough" for them. This whole "White men want the best of the best and non rich/model black women are not it" attitude is silly. If white men are so into "best of the best" and will only deign to be with the most perfect of black women, then why are ANY married to black women when they could presumably just marry white? After all, if whiteness is best, as is the implication, why can't they just marry a model-gorgeous or rich white woman? They ARE out there! As many white dudes as I see out here with broke-down looking chicks? Puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze.

Fourthly, I think we all know that a white man is a man like any other, and some days you will want to:fishslap: because he is dancing on your last good nerve.

But you know what? I've realized that it is a waste of time trying prove anything. Some people will not be convinced, and heck if I care.

And uh, mods, please don't :ban: me.
UmSumayyah said:
:lachen: You guys are a mess... cracking up laughing... Klan hoods...poor Ron Howard, who's clearly been neglecting the sunscreen...:lachen:

I actually was sort of serious when I started the thread. I got a little annoyed because a certain poster's comments were in effect (I'm not saying it was intentional because I don't know her and things can be misread) saying "Don't get your hopes up because a white man is NOT going to marry you unless you are rich, gorgeous, or both"

First off, just because someone includes white men in her marriage options doesn't mean she's salivating after one, polishing up her gun and going all "Elmer Fudd" after the vanilla. And lots of us aren't checkin' for one atall.

Secondly, I know black women married to white men, and I do no insult to myself or my friends when I state truthfully that not a one of us are professionally connected nor supermodel-gorgeous. We are pretty-to-average, perfectly ordinary women married to handsome-to-average, perfectly ordinary men..

Thirdly, not all white men (hummph! Not even MOST) are some prize that we should be worried about whether we are "good enough" for them. This whole "White men want the best of the best and non rich/model black women are not it" attitude is silly. If white men are so into "best of the best" and will only deign to be with the most perfect of black women, then why are ANY married to black women when they could presumably just marry white? After all, if whiteness is best, as is the implication, why can't they just marry a model-gorgeous or rich white woman? They ARE out there! As many white dudes as I see out here with broke-down looking chicks? Puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze.

Fourthly, I think we all know that a white man is a man like any other, and some days you will want to:fishslap: because he is dancing on your last good nerve.

But you know what? I've realized that it is a waste of time trying prove anything. Some people will not be convinced, and heck if I care.

And uh, mods, please don't :ban: me.

Umsamayahh, we are all entitled to our opinions and I respect that you do not agree with mine. I have tried to provide a rational construct for my admittedly unpopular opinion. I am dismayed that my construct has been construed to be an indictment of black women when I meant it to be a "tutorial" of white men in our racist society, but so be it. It has obviously not been compelling or resonant with you and many other members of the board. I understand and respect our differences. I intend to continue to voice my opinion where I feel it appropriate. I do so in the hope that at some point my motives will be seen as I intend them - to help the women that will continue our race in this country.