I'm in the whole "Wanting to prove them wrong" mood lately....


New Member
I don't know but btween my Family (mom and sis) & my freind (guy freind) I've been feeling in the mood to prove them wrong and grow my hair to Brastrap or Midback in the next two years.. Although I only have 2-3 inchs of hair on my head right now..

Have you been feeling this way?
What are your reasons?
Or do you just want to prove yourself what you thought was impossiable?
I know how you feel, my husband wasn't very supportive in the beginning and said some kinda hurtful things. I feel like I am on my way to prove him and a lot of other people wrong. :)
Although I don't have anyone telling me I can't do it, I would tell them to just let you do your thing! I say, go for it, and when that hair is swinging down your back, you won't have to say a word!
For growth averaging 6 inches a year for the next two years I don't know why that would not seem possible or at least darn near close.

If your hair is healthy and doing well, then you are on your way.

I am reaching for BSL and the protective style with regular breaks in between and doing baggie method with Aphogee treatments and Indian products seem to be getting me there.

I think mine is really proving to myself that I and others with kinky nappy hair can grow hair in its natrual state. I can't wait to show people this can be done.

Oooooweeeee am I going to love that day! Folks are going to be amazed, shocked and awed, shaking their heads and saying "Lawd have mercy that chile has some hair", Is that all yours or is it a weave?! How can hair like yours grow like that?!:grin:

Sorry I digress....yes it is for me to see my personal best!
I'm feeling that way too. Not towards anyone inparticular, just people who think that black folks can't have long hair!

One of motivating factors is proving to a few of my skeptical friends and coworkers that type 4 hair can grow long. It is very discouraging when they make statements that black women cannot have long hair. :ohwell: They cite their own hair growth woes as proof positive that it can't happen. I just have a need to prove to them that long hair is easy to obtain through patience, commitment, and careful handling. :yep:
Fortunately, my Dh is very supportive and, em, helpful? not sure somtimes if that's the right word. I think my biggest issue is proving to myself that I can do this. The last time I had long hair was over twenty years ago. I get lazy and inconsistent and careless, then I cut and forget about it.

I do want this - below shoulder blade length, soft, healthy hair, real pony tails - not a little blob in a scrunchie.

I have to prove to me that I can do this.
:look: All I want to do it swing my hair and be like "BOOO YA".. *WHITE GIRL HAIR TOSS*:D (WHICH soon will be black girl hair toss)

I know once i get to my length id probably just stay in weaves and kornrows anyways... i just want say i HAVE that kind of length hair
You know what, don't say anything. Just keep doing what you are doing and when you get there, everyone will want to know whats up. People have laughed in my face when I talk about hair. I cut 3 inches off my hair twice this past year and my hair now is longer than it was before I cut it. So I grew back those inches and then some. The same people know call me to come over their place and help them rollerset and they always look under my bathroom cabinet to see what I have. The thickness and shine I gained over the last year makes me look like I have a whole new head of hair. The proof is in the pudding.
i def feel this way. there are sooo many ppl who thought i was crazy for thinking i could get to brastrap , an i did it.
granted now that ive bc'ed i feel like i have to prove it all over again.
this time im aiming for hip length :) heh.
I agree with you ladies, with wanting to prove the sterotypes wrong, but i'm also doing this for myself, wearing wigs and weaves has caused me to not take care of my hair, i still plan on wearing wigs once i reach my ideal length (wl) but i want to maintain a healthy head of hair, and a little toss in someones face couldn't hurt:lol: .
Have you been feeling this way?
Yes. I felt this way since I discovered hair forums! I'm less bothered now though because I just want to do want I want with my hair (dye it). And dyeing (well, bleaching) and growing it long don't really go hand in hand. If they decide to in my case, then great. But if they don't, then when I'm ready, I'll decide to grow some hair properly.

What are your reasons?
Proving a point... I'm pretty stubborn.
Proving that my hair never got past 'just below shoulder length' during my teens due to relaxers/heat/bad treatment rather than the fact that my 'hair grows slowly'. Even if it does, it'd still get longer eventually if it wasn't breaking off all the time...

Or do you just want to prove yourself what you thought was impossible?
That too... but now I know it is possible, proving it to myself isn't an urgent matter, as my hair growth (well, retaining of growth) is under MY control now.
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When I stopped relaxing and kept getting those coments "You need a retouch" from my mom, it gave me more incentive not to get one, lol. It's been a few years since my transitioning days...now she's talking about growing out her relaxer! I had a point to prove to her...I did not need a relaxer or retouch.
I am feeling this way too! For a long time I have wore my hair in short styles b/c I was convinced that my hair just couldn't grow. No one thought that I would get to shoulder length and now that I am everyone wants me to wear my hair down. But I won't be satisfied until I reach APL so until then i'm wearing protective styles. I know that I can acheive my goals and I will we just all need to keep our heads up and look toward the big picture (having long,healthy hair):grin:
I want to prove them wrong TOO !
My hair was very short since childhood. Now, I'm on the apl road ^^
It is a long journey, but it's worth it ! I want to prove to all my family, friends and people outside that black people can grow their hair long like any HUMAN !
I want them to know that I can grow my hair long !
Also, I want to prove to myself that I can get what I want with effort, and discipline. I think that's the reasons why long hair (and mostly healthy hair) will make me happier.
I have a lot to prove too but its mostly to myself. I never believed that I could grow my hair long. So many people said I couldn't, if you don't have growing hair then you can't grow hair what nonsense but I believed it after a while i realize that I just couldn't grow my hair Thenl I came here and all the things I once believed were proven untrue. My hair is longer then it has ever been and getting longer. Everything I was trying to tell my friend and family members were flagged off until I stopped doing it and now they are looking at me funny trying to debate if they should say something or not. Even my dad has good comments, My dad loves long hair he always have and he was the one who went out and brought stuff to make my hair grow and talk to other women but my hair did not grow long and I gave up and he just left it alone and now he ask me what did I do to make it grow and I tell him, Itsn't that funny, no one else ask me in the family just my dad. I can't wait until I press it out and they really see how long its grown. Bra Strap is very obtainable and I am so looking forward to getting there and I am loving the journey
Wonderful Ideas ladies! :)

gymfreak336, I think I'm going to have to follow you on that adivce because I want to be swinging my hair and everyone that is close to me asking how did I get my hair so long!
gymfreak336 said:
You know what, don't say anything. Just keep doing what you are doing and when you get there, everyone will want to know whats up. People have laughed in my face when I talk about hair. I cut 3 inches off my hair twice this past year and my hair now is longer than it was before I cut it. So I grew back those inches and then some. The same people know call me to come over their place and help them rollerset and they always look under my bathroom cabinet to see what I have. The thickness and shine I gained over the last year makes me look like I have a whole new head of hair. The proof is in the pudding.[/quote]

I now have co-workers asking me what do I use on my hair....in the past when I talked about it they looked at me like I was crazy!