I'm Getting Married... FINALLY!


New Member
Hey Ladies!
I started a thread on here over a year ago about helping me plan my July 4th Wedding. That didn't happen because of some family issues then me and him took a small break. When we got back together he let me know he still wanted to marry me and we waited and waited to see if my family would reconcile but I am moving on without them.
We are getting married on Dec 17th, 2011... yes in 36 days LOL. We have found some nice bands, I ordered a lace dress from Asos, and we are getting our marriage license in a few days. I am so excited. It has been a rough last 2 years but I wouldn't change a thing. I love this man. Always have :)
I just wanted to share with you all. I have NEVER felt so excited and at peace. It doesn't feel rushed anymore, people have donated decorations etc etc. Without a family to help me pay we are doing eveyrthing out of pocket. So it will be small, intimate and meaninful. Most of all very cost efficient. We were just going to the courthouse but he has a rather large family. My dress should be here next week!
Here is my dress and the resturant we are trying to have it at if we can't reserve our church for that day:



Hey Ladies!
I started a thread on here over a year ago about helping me plan my July 4th Wedding. That didn't happen because of some family issues then me and him took a small break. When we got back together he let me know he still wanted to marry me and we waited and waited to see if my family would reconcile but I am moving on without them.
We are getting married on Dec 17th, 2011... yes in 36 days LOL. We have found some nice bands, I ordered a lace dress from Asos, and we are getting our marriage license in a few days. I am so excited. It has been a rough last 2 years but I wouldn't change a thing. I love this man. Always have :)
I just wanted to share with you all. I have NEVER felt so excited and at peace. It doesn't feel rushed anymore, people have donated decorations etc etc. Without a family to help me pay we are doing eveyrthing out of pocket. So it will be small, intimate and meaninful. Most of all very cost efficient. We were just going to the courthouse but he has a rather large family. My dress should be here next week!

Congrats. Your getting married on my anniversary !:grin:
Picturess!! When the special day comes PLEASE!
Congratulations! So glad you have a sense of peace!

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Congratulations to the both of you! And good for y'all for moving on for yourselves. Lovely dress!

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
Congrats. Your getting married on my anniversary !:grin:
Picturess!! When the special day comes PLEASE!
Oh how cool! I Will def be posting pictures here for you all!

Congratulations! So glad you have a sense of peace!

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Yes we both do. I know understand what people mean when they say they could just feel the timing was perfect.

Congratulations to the both of you! And good for y'all for moving on for yourselves. Lovely dress!

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2

Thank you so much! Got a great deal on it too! I will wear it many times after this with blazers and short jackets!
I agree totally! We are trying to think of places to go so last minute. Possibly Gatlinburg which is not too far of a drive for a nice getaway.
Here is my dress and the resturant we are trying to have it at if we can't reserve our church for that day:




Oh my gosh!! I have that exact same dress. I knew exactly what you were talking about when you mentioned lace from ASOS. I'm returning mine because I don't like the way it fits, but it's a really pretty dress, esp the back. I think it's perfect for a winter wedding.
Utoh what was wrong with the fit? You have me nervous LOL I will have it this week so if it's not what I wanted i have time to send it back. We are having it at my church now! My Pastor said he wants to marry us so that's sweet and can we say FREE :)
Utoh what was wrong with the fit? You have me nervous LOL I will have it this week so if it's not what I wanted i have time to send it back. We are having it at my church now! My Pastor said he wants to marry us so that's sweet and can we say FREE :)

Please don't get me wrong. You'll love it because it's a really pretty dress. The cutout in the back is especially lovely. I'm just tired of getting things altered all the time. I just prefer things to fit me a certain way, cinched in waist and a little looser around my hips.