I'm Back! Updates & Way Too Many Pics


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! I know some may not like this :lachen: but I'm back, and Happy New Year to you all. During my hiatus from the board, I'd come back from time to time and check out the hair board. I think something that pushed me over the edge to re-up was the fact I couldn't see pictures. I love pictures.

I've gotten pretty lazy with my hair because of my schedule, but it's been doing well, and I'm just going to maintain it. I don't straighten often because I feel straight hair isn't as flattering on me as my kinky hair. I've been weave free for a good minute because I've been bunning and oh yeah, Tinnell, my weave chick just got engaged at her (then boyfriend's) Charity soiree. We were ALL pleasantly shocked and excited. Sooo many things have happened since my break.

Anyway, one of the things that happened was the untimely demise of my trusty camera. It served me well, and I'm currently searching for a replacement, so any of you camera experts, if you see any advanced, high optical zoom cameras that use a lithium battery, please tell ya girl. I havent been able to document my hair since I am camera-less, so these are pics I've gotten from round-the-way so bear with me, and sorry if there are way too many photos...:ohwell:

I just wanted to show you guys where I started in 2006]

I went natural and haven't looked back since. I think when I my sub ended in Sept, I was around BSL, but I wasn't completely sure since I hadn't straightened for months, but after the big wedding in October, I realized I was since I straightened.

(this is the 4th replacement comb for this dryer, SMH)

In Oct, I ironed and flexi rodded for a couple hours then pinned my hair up
to one side

(the Houston vs. Dallas dance off)

after extensive dancing & ridiculousness, my style fell

Since then, I've straightened my hair once more for another wedding and just wore it straight for a lil over a week. Sorry these aren't the best pics, these are from my cousin's going away party

As far as my regimen, I just wash once a week and moisturize with my mix of olive, coconut, castor oil and shea butter or sometimes my Wen mositurizer. I usually do a twistout or bun because my hair lacks a 'shape' and takes on this Frederick Douglass steez that I'm not ready to rock yet...

(for real, it really does look like this)

I'm now at the point where I try to maintain a style for a little over a week. I try to twerk something presentable until next wash. I don't know if y'all remember ChiselleCouture on youtube, but I miss her :ohwell:, she was good for those tuts. I have been checking out EllePixie's blog and I love it, hey girl!!

Here are general pics of how I wear my hair on a daily basis, twistouts. I wash and do a sad combination of 7-8 twists and braids and bobby pin it up on one side or the entire back side after a couple days when it starts to look matted & real ratchet.

a close up from NYE

a family photoshoot we took right before NYE, this one, just of me & my sisters. I wanted to be different, no weave or straight hair.

whew, that was a lot. Me and some friends, (who check out LHCF through my account) are doing a modified version of MopTop's challenge. I will deep condition more and use no heat for a while, like 3 months or so. I am going to try another weave after, but a kinky texture instead because I dont wan't hair that will require me to iron or that will out me as wearing a weave in this city's humidity.

Overall this year, I've resolved to get to Full MBL and just maintain. I am now on a quest for bigger hair more than longer hair. Thanks for taking the time to check out my updates.
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NICHI'S BACK!! <runs around screaming like Will Ferrell> :giggle: I love pics as well so thanks for them! I love the update too! You have a lovely family! Keep us updated! :wavey:
Oh & thanks to you all for catching the chick who was using members' photos fraudulently. If it wasn't for you all, I would have never been able to message her about her violations. Because of that though, I removed my fotki pictures. That was just... too much.
So glad to see you back!!
Your hair looks great and I LOVE that red dress you're wearing.

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The pink & green dress is cute. I think I know the guy in pic seven, but I'm from Houston, so that wouldn't be surprising. Welcome back.
You are so flipping pretty. Your hair looks GREAT. I love pics too, so thanks for sharing. What a gorgeous family Nichi- so glad to see you posting girl.
Nice hair & pics, love those colorful dresses, are you from Nigeria or another part of Africa. Just a few questions: what kind of flat iron do you use. What is your texture. How do you achieve such a sleek look when you straighten?