im about to do something REAL immature...stop me


Well-Known Member
so.. I'm at my S.O.'s house and mind you this fool lives all the way on the other side of town. i come early so we can hang out and spend some alone time before we go to wrestlemania (yea i jealous) j/k. i come and he's playing rock band (some video game) and i practically BEG him to come to bed with me so we can sleep together cause i was real tired. he didnt want to. he said he wasnt sleepy and wanted to finish the stupid game. so i keep bothering him for like 15 minutes before i finally give up and go to sleep. after like an HOUR (i think) he comes to bed and tries to cuddle with me. umm... i dont THINK so. im not accepting any crumbs. so i push him away. i go back to sleep after awhile and wake up to him watching tv. i go to my car to get my diary so i can talk shi!t about him and i get back and hes back to playing his dumb ass games. now he's playing HALO i think and hes speaking to someone on the headset..but he hardly said 2 words to me and ive been here for about 4 hours! i want to leave but i live on the other side of town and i'd only have to drive all the way back.. hell im goin to wrestlemania dammit. but anyway i feel myself about to do some real immature sh!t. like unplugging his game or standing in front of the tv so he dies (in the game) or putting the radio real loud so he cant hear his stupid friend in the headset. thing is.. im so pissed i dont want to talk to him anyway. so if he stops i have nothing to say to him but.. i dont want him to play the game. so should i go for it? i mean who the hell does he think he is ignoring me all day after i drove all the way over here. he needs to learn a lesson. but on the same token i kno that hella immature. anyway.. any advice would be appreciated.
If he's ignoring you...then go home. You drove so that shouldn't be a problem. If he barely notices that you are gone...then he's more into his games than you...and that's a problem.

I wouldn't do anything of the immature things you suggested.

You're both in a funk right now...he ignored you...then you pushed him away. He went back to playing his games, you went to your car to write in your diary...seems like you're both now ignoring each other. I'd chalk it up to a bad day and bounce.
pick your battles....that seems like a battle that should NOT be time have him come to your place.
I say don't be immature about it. That won't solve anything. Instead of driving far away, maybe go to the mall, store or Sally's :ohwell: (can you tell I'm a pj? lol) Later, make it clear to him how you feel about him devoting all his time to video games when it should be your time together. Is he playing the Wii? At least then you could play together and have fun.
Don't you know that you will get yourself hurt if you mess with an addicted "gamers"game!:lachen::lachen:I know the feeling girlfriend trust!:yep:I just get on lhcf and don't pay him any mind.But if it bothers you that much,tell him he needs to play the game either before or after you leave especially since you drove over to see him and wanted quality time.But whatever you do,don't turn it off or make him die,it will just make things worse because that will give him an excuse to Start.All.Over!:yep::sad::nono::wallbash:
The right thing to do is GO HOME. Forget Wrestlemania. You two are at the early stages of the relationship (if I recall it has only been a couple of weeks). This is the time to set boundaries and establish how you want him to treat you. Get to packing and hang out with some girl friends or something.
The mature thing to do is tell him that you really want to spend some quality time with him, and you feel neglected when he devotes all his time to the game. Men are simple creatures. They don't do hints, they don't understand tantrums and he probably doesn't even understand why you are so angry.
I co-sign 100% with SweetNic.
You need to just get up and leave. I wish I would drive across town to be ignored.
Wanted to add: No pouting, no stomping around, no slamming the door. Just leave.

i agree. if you did any of the above plus if you turned off the game, i believe it would be "validation" for him to continue acting rudely. it would give him an excuse to think you're the one in the wrong in this instance because you blew up or did something to "spite" him.

imo, men doesn't respond well to nagging and respond to anger/drama with the same attitude. that gets you nowhere. walking out calmly shows him that you're actually not a doormat (because you wont sit there and tolerate his behaviour) nor are you immature.
Chile, I feel you on that videogames mess. But for them video games are like LHCF for us. I know you're frustrated. When my SO does that, I tell him, "Well if you want to play your game, I'm going to go do me. Goodbye." He absolutely hates that. LOL. Because then he'll put the game on pause and go, "What do you mean 'go do you'? " So yeah, basically you have to shift his attention. Or, you could try learning how to play Rock Band (I tried playing Halo, girl its sooooooo boring and complex) and use that as time you can spend together. Men love to try to teach us "manly" things. HTH.
The right thing to do is GO HOME. Forget Wrestlemania. You two are at the early stages of the relationship (if I recall it has only been a couple of weeks). This is the time to set boundaries and establish how you want him to treat you. Get to packing and hang out with some girl friends or something.

I couldn't agree more.

I tell all my girlfriends; you have to set the boundaries of what you will accept and what can not go down. I agree that you should forget Wrestlemania too, unless he really makes it up to you/ give you a sincere apology - don't just hang on for what you can get..I don't mean that in a rude way but generally speaking - I've seen too many of my friends hold on to dead beat guys because of the convenience and what they can give to them.
You two are at the early stages of the relationship (if I recall it has only been a couple of weeks).

Is this true?? Sorry, but... It's only been two weeks and you're already cozying up at his place, AND on top of that, he's treating you like THIS??? :nono: I'm just saying.... :ohwell:
Is this true?? Sorry, but... It's only been two weeks and you're already cozying up at his place, AND on top of that, he's treating you like THIS??? :nono: I'm just saying.... :ohwell:

Oh it's only been a few weeks? Oh I though they had been dating for months or something. Nevermind girl, forget his lame ass. If he's acting like this now, who knows what disrespect he'll come up with later.
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the video games. My SO is a gamer and when he is in the country he only has a little bit of free time to play games AND spend with me. Thus, I purchased some games that I would like to play and we play them together. After we get bored, then its all good for the cuddling and what not.

But as far as ignoring you, that should be addressed because it does show a lack of respect for you. I wouldn't get childish with him though because he will keep that in his mind always and use it against you in the future if you stay with him.

It seems like you haven't known him long enough for this to be a real issue so I would have just left and drove to wrestlemania on my own.
If he's ignoring you...then go home. You drove so that shouldn't be a problem. If he barely notices that you are gone...then he's more into his games than you...and that's a problem.

I wouldn't do anything of the immature things you suggested.

You're both in a funk right now...he ignored you...then you pushed him away. He went back to playing his games, you went to your car to write in your diary...seems like you're both now ignoring each other. I'd chalk it up to a bad day and bounce.

ITA, me and DH go through it all the time, we both get in the zone with our hobbies or whatever which can lead to arguments. A simple conversation once you've calmed down should fix things. Now if he's always doing this and there is no sign of change then you may have to make some changes. Just sounds like you have a gamer on your hands, which can always be annoying at times.:spinning:
The mature thing to do is tell him that you really want to spend some quality time with him, and you feel neglected when he devotes all his time to the game. Men are simple creatures. They don't do hints, they don't understand tantrums and he probably doesn't even understand why you are so angry.
That's what I'd do.

And then if he still continues with the same behavior, next time it happens, I'd leave.

Keep in mind that over time, just because you're together doesn't mean you'll always be doing things together. While he is playing his games, you may want to read a good book, do your hair, surf the net, talk to your girls, whatever you would have been doing at your home if he wasn't there.
I'm a little confused....

Did he know that you were coming over early? If he didn't know and you just showed up and wanted all the attention on you then maybe the problem is on your end. If he knew that you were coming over then yes, that was kind of rude of him to ignore you like that.
The mature thing to do is tell him that you really want to spend some quality time with him, and you feel neglected when he devotes all his time to the game. Men are simple creatures. They don't do hints, they don't understand tantrums and he probably doesn't even understand why you are so angry.

:yep: ITA! :up:
why don't you find a game that you two can play together or you start playing the game yourself.

why did you go cross town to his place? he should be hiking it cross town to your place considereing gas prices being the way it is.

also you stated that you came over early did he know this. i mean if some dude came over my house early i am sure not going drop what I was doing. so how early were you? if you were more than an hour early, if i was a guy i would think you were needy and controlling.

in the future have the guy come get you to take you to his place.
I'm a little confused....

Did he know that you were coming over early? If he didn't know and you just showed up and wanted all the attention on you then maybe the problem is on your end. If he knew that you were coming over then yes, that was kind of rude of him to ignore you like that.

Basically. You walked in and then you wanted to go to bed... you shouldn't be mad because he didn't want to stop and go to bed. Then when he DID try to come and chill with you, you pushed him away.

Don't be petty. And if it's "early" in the relationship, don't make yourself comfortable coming over to his house and sleeping. Nap, THEN meet up when you're alert.