***!!! ~ I'm a Survivor ~ !!! ***

It is all individual. Cortisone shots may work for some and not others. If you have hormone associated hair loss you have to continue to use minoxidil. If you have other causes of hair loss, minoxidil usually can be used without hair loss once stopping its use. Also depending on your type of loss you may be able to use essential oils, however essential oils are not helpful for everyone with hair loss. Believe me, I tried essential oils without any success at all. I tried topical spironolactone because of Self-Styled's success with oral spironolactone and it really did not agree with me either. Every is an individual so what works for one person may not work for someone else. Once you find an effective treatment, be patient because it does take a while for improvement.
Hi Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll

Thank you soo much for starting this thread. This is a subject close to my heart and I also consider myself to be a survivor. However I attribute my problems to a combination of poor hair care, lack on understanding of chemicals, hair abuse and some deficiencies (I have been anaemic all my life). I also feel that the use of braids and weaves made my problem worse.

0 – 5 years – Living with my granny in Nigeria who has a simple approach to hair. Wash it once a week and oil it regularly. Schoolgirls in Nigeria also have to have very short hair so there is little fuss and my hair is very healthy. There are pictures of me as a child with a serious beautiful fro.

5 – 10 Living with parents in London. I remember my mum not having a clue (bless her). She seriously mistreats my hair. Infrequent washing, harsh scrubbing, blowing with those old fashioned Braun tooth blow-dryers. I can’t remember how old I was when I got my first perm but I was pretty young – I would say under 10. It was one of those “Kiddie Kurl” kits (BTW does anyone remember these and can you confirm if this is a relaxer or otherwise). On top of the perm I am subjected to bi-weekly washes and braiding Nigerian style (the kind that gives you Chinese eyes). My hairline is getting a little weaker.

10 – 14 – Various Jherri Curls and a Relaxer which grow out a few times and then is big chopped and then processed again and then big chopped again... repeat pattern I cannot tell you how many times. Ironically my hair is growing pretty fast all these times. The Jherri curls made my hair grow so damn fast that at one point my hair is grazing BSL.

14 Years old – APL hair is Relaxed Professionally for the very first time. It turns out beautifully however I don’t have a clue how to care for it so it breaks like crazy.

15 Years old – Start braiding hair with the old fashioned synthetic very heavy hair extensions (SUCH A NO NO). I have no clue about hair care and neither has my mum so my hair line is starting to take the toll and people are beginning to notice. I am also relaxing in between braids 2 or 3 times a year.

16 to 20 Years – Last of relaxer is growing out. Various braid styles for 2 years.

18 to 20 Years – Get a Gherri curl again because I remember it made my hair grow. My hair is VERY thin now. Not the same but still grows quickly. I then get fed up of the Gherri after a few months and switch to braids and weaves and relax the front to blend the hair (what was I thinking???).

20 to 29/30 Years – Rocking the braids and weaves. Occasionally I relax the front of my hair to blend. My hairline is now seriously damaged. It is about 1 – 1.5 inches from where it should be and I have a small bald patch at my Widow’s peak from braiding. I start lurking on hair boards but the idea of giving up the comfort of my big hair (especially now that I have met my boyfriend and later husband) seems too scary.

30 years old – Had enough – take braids out, start steaming and treating hair. Relax hair about 2 months later and do a BC – about 6 inches of WEAK (not damaged hair). Hair is very fine, thin and my hair line is in a terrible state. Its clean bald. I start researching on hair boards and trying to learn about hair. I lurk until the summer of this year. I have since worn the odd weave mainly once or twice a year as I love big hair but I am planning on going on a WEAVE amnesty for 2010 and plan to use Wigs to transition (I am also considering BKT or a mild texturiser but need to do much more research).

Sorry ladies this has been soooooooo long. If anything I feel this thread has actually been good “hair therapy” because it has allowed me to see on paper what “I have done” to my hair. In fact I believe everyone starting a journey should do this process so that they can be honest with them self and start to take responsibility for their hair.

I can’t believe it now that I see it and in all this I am not even sure what chemicals were being used as my mum was in charge and I was not that into hair until much later so didn’t have a clue what was going on.

I am not sure how to grow back my temples. To date I have seen 5 or 6 different trichologists in London and New York and they haven’t really said anything of great help. One of them also ripped me off to the tune of 300 Pounds GBP (so London ladies beware of GARY HERON at the WESTMINISTER PRACTICE). He is a thief and apparently I was lucky he has taken thousands of pounds off other patients. I smelled a rat so said I was only willing to pay a deposit.

Anyway any suggestions for hairline growth ladies greatly appreciated. Ironically my sideburns always grow back which I cannot understand...???


ETA : I am also thinking of using Ayurvedic powders to look after the health of my scalp as I believe they are supposed to have Antiseptic properties.
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Yep, Kryolnapps, you'll get through this one, too. I always feel if i did it once, i can do it again. This thing is history. Not only can you fight it, you've already won! Have you tried an mn mix? That helped me when I first came here. My scalp was really itchy and i mixed mn with sulfur 8 and i haven't had issues since. My hair started to fill in really well. I really liked using it, but it was hard to apply when I was in protective styles. I'd highly recommend this.

Thanks Bronze! I'm afraid to try mn on my scalp or put grease. I bought Nizoral as prescribed by my Dr and see how it goes. Right now the burning has diminished. I have been applying aloe every other day and nothing else on my scalp and it seems to work. I moiturize my strands with a leave-ins and butter but don't go near the scalp.
FYI, I'm looking into Jamaican Black Castor Oil, as well...it is claimed to help with hair thickening and regrowth - this is probably old news to some, ofcourse, but I'd like to try it. I have regular castor oil and I like it.
Bumping this thread...... In particular does anyone have experience of growing back their edges after an extended period of mistreatment?

Thanks !
^Someone on the board threaded on using Neosporin to grow their edges back...I'm sure if you searched Neosporin you could find it. Her results were quite impressive.
It was probably Neosporin AF which is a brand name of MN and probably not the Neosporin antibiotic ointment.

ETA: I found her thread and it was the antibiotic ointment and not MN. So I guess this just shows how different everyone is. I never would have thought about the antibiotic ointment.
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Stellagirl, I wanted to thank you for sharing. You've been through a lot, but believe it or not, your story mimics many of ours. It's just unreal to see that someone could go through hair challenges their entire life!! It's like, when do you get a break, already? *Sigh* This is the reason I've opted to naturalize my hair. I just hated the long hair, break, cut, regrow long hair, break, cut, regrow long hair cycle. ENOUGH!!!

I hope you experience great growth and enjoy your hair, Stellagirl. I'll help you any way I can.

{{BIG HUG}} ~Br*nze
Here it is, Starronda stated that she used this...

"Yup! I use just a little added to the castor oil."

Originally Posted by Toy
Great Progress,Are u talking about the neosporin for sores and stuff.
My emu oil just came in!!! So excited. Now, how to work into my reggie...i've been using moe grow oil and it makes my hair feel so supple and gives it great sheen. i may add an ounce or two to it.
I am a Survivor, my mother put a curly kit in my hair when I was 4. Within a month the little bit of hair I had fell out. I found out years later she never bought curl activator for my curly kit. When I was about 9 my father started taking me to a stylist. I would get my hair pressed once a week. Once my hair begin growing my mother took back to the same stylist that first put the curly kit in my hair, this time she started relaxing my hair.

The stylist my father used got so upset she stopped working on my hair. Once again my hair broke off. I started to believe my hair "wouldn't grow" As I got to the point where I was incharge of my hair care, I just repeated the bad habits I had been taught, I kept my hair dry and used all the wrong products (pink oil moisturizer). For about 2 years in Highschool I had this spot at the top of my head where my hair would fall out after every relaxer. No one knew b/c i would just wear my hair in a mushroom style to cover it up. Yes ladies at 15 I had a combover (I laugh about it now)

I got to a point where I left my hair alone for years and just wore braids and wigs, but because I didn't know how to take care of my hair, I still didn't have any significant growth progress.

Through it all I was always afraid to just go natural, I fully believed that there was something bad about MY natural hair and I HAD to use a chemical on it.

Thanks to the Ladies of LHCF I have learned to embrace my natural hair and feel beautiful rockin my fro on a daily!

Apart of me still thinks "My Hair Won't Grow" I will not believe my hair will grow untill I Past APL. My hair has never been longer than Neck Length until LHCF. Now I think I can comfortably claim Shoulder Length.

So Hopefully I have been making all the right choices with my hair in the two years I have been a member of LHCF

So even with my Concerns I feel like a Survivor.

Someone even called my hair long about month ago, I was so shocked.
So will see!
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Thank you so much for this thread and the recovery stories.
I have never had issues with scalp trauma but my son has Alopecia and it's nice to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. :)
I am recovering from alopecia areata. It seemed to start after a super stressful time at work. I am using a steroid cream and Rogaine 5% and it is filling in. Hopefully it will be fully filled in by the end of Dec or January. I have never experienced anything like this before. I am trying to decrease my stress but I sometimes look at the area and get a bit discouraged and worried that it may not totally fill in. I thought I was just having breakage from a bad perm. So I cut may hair short. Now it seems to be growing back so slowly. I have started using a MT/MN mix for the unaffected areas but no miracle growth yet.

Thanks for starting the thread BB.

Great progess SS

LonnieB: Thanks for posting the link to ur fotki.

I have been using Rogaine 5% for the last October 2006 for my Alopecia. I was nervous at first because the 5% is suspose to be for men. The right side of my head was completely bald. I started using it twice a day for about three months. When my hair started to grow in it grow so fast and thick. My Alopecia is stress related and whenever I stress alot I notice a spot. I use the Rogaine and in about 4 weeks for shedding stops. The last outbreak I had was about a year ago in the left side of my head behind my ear. I thank GOD for Rogaine.
I'm new here so here goes. Not sure if whats causing it but my hair is falling out. Its see through now. Its hard when you are used to having almost middle of your back thick to the ends hair.

I'm headed for a dr's appt to see exactly what's going on. I do use many vits and supps for hair. It still falls out.

Thx for the help.
ladies, i will come back and address your posts. until i do, if anyone can chime in with answers, please address these concerns. thanks!
Does anyone have any answers or solutions to their hair loss issues? For instance, one person told me after taking a cbc, their iron was low, so they started iron supps and it stopped.

Great stories ladies, very inspiring!

I'm a survivor too. Almost 5 years ago my relaxed hair was breaking off and shedding a lot. I discovered a bald spot at the back of my head. I think it was caused by stress and/or not properly rinsed relaxer. I decided to become natural and used rosemary and tea tree oil spritz. Slowly my hair stopped itching and filled in completely.

I am going through it again. This time however, it is different. I've always had fine strands all around and thin (density-wise) hair in the front. My edges are very delicate, tightly coiled and dry. I lost a lot of hair there, but managed to grow it back. Of course I started styling my hair with gels, brushing it back and doing puffs like I was never able to do before. I also wore braids and weaves. My edges took a turn for the worst and started falling again. I think I may have alopecia there. First it starts burning and itching. Then hair falls.

I say things are different this time because rosemary, tea tree or other essential oils irritate my already burning edges. The only thing that provides temporary relief is cold aloe gel. Since it is natural and preservative-free I have to keep the aloe in the fridge. It gives me a nice cooling effect, but that doesn't last.

I went to the Dr. and he is against steroid. He said to try Nizoral shampoo (anti-fungus). I was about to ignore him, but I may try it since I found what looks like a bump on my scalp on the right temple area. Maybe I do have fungus there, who knows.

I want to believe I can fight it again!

I'm going through something very similar. I've been battling hair loss for the past year. It started with a Fabulaxer application that seriously damaged my hair and scalp. The relaxer must have been spoiled or something because a week after using it, my hair started breaking off in spots. I know it was the relaxer because my sister's hair did the very same thing. This was back in May 2008. So I decided to cut my hair short (see siggy) in June 2008 and gradually go natural. I was also experiencing a burning pain (like a relaxer application) that came and went in certain parts of my scalp. Wherever I felt the burn, I had hair loss. My scalp also felt extremely tender and itchy as it I was pulling on my strands all day long.

It was during this time that I went to see the dermatologist about my hair loss. She acted as if she did not know what I was talking about. So I asked for a biopsy and when the results came back, it stated that I had a non- specific folliculitis. She said that I did not have scarring, no yeast, fungus or lupus and she wasn't quite sure how to treat me. I was given a prescription for 2 corticosteroids and doxcyclin. Corticosteriods irritarted my scalp so I stopped immediately. The doxcyclin worked but the minute I stopped taking it, the burning, itching soreness returned. I had a 2nd biopsy because by that point I was convinced I had a mite or something in my scalp, it always felt like something was crawling there. I got the same diagnosis.

Now my hair loss does not look like bald spots and my hair is very deceiving ( see DaOriginaldiva's avatar- I'm on the right side). I have very thick hair and strands, yet, the parting in my scalp is widening all over. I had an appointment at Philip Kingsley Tricologist Ctr in NY last week and the trichologist said that I had diffuse thinning, no scarring, no yeast, no seborra- nada. She asked if I had blood work done and I told her back in April- I requested blood work because I have been feeling stressed, fatigued and was concerned about my hairloss. I contacted my doctor to have them faxed the results to me. So I received my results and was shocked by what I saw. I noticed that my WBC ( white blood cell) count was low- abnormal, something called lymphocytes ( fights foreign invaders of the body) was high, basophils (which responds to allergic reaction ) was high. I WAS PISSED! I contacted my doctor back in April and he told me my blood work was fine only to find this out! I contacted by doctor immediately and he gave me some lame excuse about the lab picking up my samples late causing the white blood cells in the tube to die and then had the nerve to tell me there was nothing to worry about again! I felt that was complete BS and I told him so and am now looking for another internal doctor and getting a new set of blood work drawn up. The good thing is that I tested negative for diabetes and anemia -even though I was barely within range of normal.

I hope this next set of blood work shows something (hopefully not life threatening) because I know something is wrong on the inside and I haven't felt right since the birth of my daughter. I'm having my thyroid, ferritin levels checked as well as for autoimmune diseases. In the meanwhile, I can't put anything on my scalp except hyrdocortizone when I get the itchies. I use a baking soda wash for shampoo and Cantu leave in conditioner for my hair w/ a bit of glycerin- that's it. I'm happy my hair is still able to grow but I would like the spaces to fill in and find out what's going on with my body. I wish everyone here the best of luck with their hair/ scalp issues.
I went to the derm and he prescribed cortisone ointment, which is applied to the scalp daily. I think this helped quite a bit. I had injections a few times, but not consistently, so i'm in limbo on that.

Try an mn mix.
miconozole nitrate mixed with sulfur 8 was quite helpful in growing back sparse spots.

I recommend coffee rinsing (plain cup of fresh brewed coffee - not instant) this dramatically/instantly stops shedding. Fenugreek rinsing is also effective against shedding.

The quickest, easiest things to do are coffee rinsing and the mn/sulfur 8 mix.

As a supplement, L-Cysteine is helpful in re-growing hair -fast, 2000mg -w- Vitamin C, daily.

I hope this helps for now.

Does anyone have any answers or solutions to their hair loss issues? For instance, one person told me after taking a cbc, their iron was low, so they started iron supps and it stopped.

Thank you for your indepth post. I find our experiences very similar.

My hairloss started with a stressful event.
I remember the day my hair strands literally "popped" out of my head. I could feel the blood pulsing at my hairline (i was so anxious) and when i touched my scalp, the hair just came right out. That was about a year after my son was born, 6 years ago. I hadn't quite gotten over postpartum shedding and I think the culmination of all of it was just too much. From that point I had the itchy, sensitive scalp, the dr's visits, rogaine, hair falling in clumps, injections...*sigh*... you name it, i went through it.

Just - no bald spots.

I, too, had diffuse thinning throughout, which made if difficult to explain to people. I had always had thick, long bsl hair. When my hair began to come out, it was still thick, long and bsl.
Just not as much.
And everyone thought i was bananas. It took a while for my hair to "show" what i was going through...and then one day, it was just gone. :ohwell:

But, Thank God, it's coming back.:yep:

I'm going through something very similar. I've been battling hair loss for the past year. It started with a Fabulaxer application that seriously damaged my hair and scalp. The relaxer must have been spoiled or something because a week after using it, my hair started breaking off in spots. I know it was the relaxer because my sister's hair did the very same thing. This was back in May 2008. So I decided to cut my hair short (see siggy) in June 2008 and gradually go natural. I was also experiencing a burning pain (like a relaxer application) that came and went in certain parts of my scalp. Wherever I felt the burn, I had hair loss. My scalp also felt extremely tender and itchy as it I was pulling on my strands all day long.

It was during this time that I went to see the dermatologist about my hair loss. She acted as if she did not know what I was talking about. So I asked for a biopsy and when the results came back, it stated that I had a non- specific folliculitis. She said that I did not have scarring, no yeast, fungus or lupus and she wasn't quite sure how to treat me. I was given a prescription for 2 corticosteroids and doxcyclin. Corticosteriods irritarted my scalp so I stopped immediately. The doxcyclin worked but the minute I stopped taking it, the burning, itching soreness returned. I had a 2nd biopsy because by that point I was convinced I had a mite or something in my scalp, it always felt like something was crawling there. I got the same diagnosis.

Now my hair loss does not look like bald spots and my hair is very deceiving ( see DaOriginaldiva's avatar- I'm on the right side). I have very thick hair and strands, yet, the parting in my scalp is widening all over. I had an appointment at Philip Kingsley Tricologist Ctr in NY last week and the trichologist said that I had diffuse thinning, no scarring, no yeast, no seborra- nada. She asked if I had blood work done and I told her back in April- I requested blood work because I have been feeling stressed, fatigued and was concerned about my hairloss. I contacted my doctor to have them faxed the results to me. So I received my results and was shocked by what I saw. I noticed that my WBC ( white blood cell) count was low- abnormal, something called lymphocytes ( fights foreign invaders of the body) was high, basophils (which responds to allergic reaction ) was high. I WAS PISSED! I contacted my doctor back in April and he told me my blood work was fine only to find this out! I contacted by doctor immediately and he gave me some lame excuse about the lab picking up my samples late causing the white blood cells in the tube to die and then had the nerve to tell me there was nothing to worry about again! I felt that was complete BS and I told him so and am now looking for another internal doctor and getting a new set of blood work drawn up. The good thing is that I tested negative for diabetes and anemia -even though I was barely within range of normal.

I hope this next set of blood work shows something (hopefully not life threatening) because I know something is wrong on the inside and I haven't felt right since the birth of my daughter. I'm having my thyroid, ferritin levels checked as well as for autoimmune diseases. In the meanwhile, I can't put anything on my scalp except hyrdocortizone when I get the itchies. I use a baking soda wash for shampoo and Cantu leave in conditioner for my hair w/ a bit of glycerin- that's it. I'm happy my hair is still able to grow but I would like the spaces to fill in and find out what's going on with my body. I wish everyone here the best of luck with their hair/ scalp issues.
I went to the derm and he prescribed cortisone ointment, which is applied to the scalp daily. I think this helped quite a bit. I had injections a few times, but not consistently, so i'm in limbo on that.

Try an mn mix.
miconozole nitrate mixed with sulfur 8 was quite helpful in growing back sparse spots.

I recommend coffee rinsing (plain cup of fresh brewed coffee - not instant) this dramatically/instantly stops shedding. Fenugreek rinsing is also effective against shedding.

The quickest, easiest things to do are coffee rinsing and the mn/sulfur 8 mix.

As a supplement, L-Cysteine is helpful in re-growing hair -fast, 2000mg -w- Vitamin C, daily.

I hope this helps for now.

As soon as I get the results back from my blood work- I'm going to try your methods. Thanks. :)
BklynQueen- I admire your tenacity. You sound much like me, you seem to know your body really, really well, and when something is off. I really hope you find out what is causing your hair loss. Hair loss is so hard to put your finger on, many Dr's really seem at a loss of how to help, and this is so frustrating.

I just wanted to share the link to a very insightful book I bought a few years ago.


Hair loss in women can often be because of hormones, I know not all cases, but probably most. This book was really informational about hair loss as well as a host of other problems. I sat down with a cup of coffee at a bookstore to read it, but I found it so good that I ended up buying it.
Thank you for your indepth post. I find our experiences very similar.

My hairloss started with a stressful event.
I remember the day my hair strands literally "popped" out of my head. I could feel the blood pulsing at my hairline (i was so anxious) and when i touched my scalp, the hair just came right out. That was about a year after my son was born, 6 years ago. I hadn't quite gotten over postpartum shedding and I think the culmination of all of it was just too much. From that point I had the itchy, sensitive scalp, the dr's visits, rogaine, hair falling in clumps, injections...*sigh*... you name it, i went through it.

Just - no bald spots.

I, too, had diffuse thinning throughout, which made if difficult to explain to people. I had always had thick, long bsl hair. When my hair began to come out, it was still thick, long and bsl.
Just not as much.
And everyone thought i was bananas. It took a while for my hair to "show" what i was going through...and then one day, it was just gone.

But, Thank God, it's coming back.

I'm am so glad for you. I know mine is stress related as well because my stress is so constant- see below

Late 2003:

1. Post partem depression: I did not have a sever case but I was feeling out of sorts and was literally a zombie because my dear daughter did not like to sleep at all. I only slept 1 HOUR per day. I was a complete and utter basket case. I can't tell you how many times I left my keys hanging outside the door and the tea kettle heating on the stove ALL DAY LONG and luckily finding my house still intact. I was also running myself ragged back & forth because my mother was terminally ill with cancer at the time. I was also experiencing the first of post partem shedding.

1. My mother dies and funeral arrangements and estate we here handled by my sister and I. We arranged 2 funerals - 1 in the US and St. Vincent, WI and I can't even begin to tell you the cost of 2 wakes, airfare and freight and burial expenses cost. Expense #1

2. My mother's estate in the US was fine but overseas was a complete nightmare. My sister and I had to hire a lawyer to prove that my sister and I were our mother's children. Expense #2

3. Became sole owner of the house my mother left behind (lived in only a year) and found out that it was basically a lemon. The electrical wiring was bad, the house had no installation and the pipes were old. We damn near had to gut the house to fix all of the issues. That was expense # 3

4. My old school friend and uncle died and my father no longer worked so we basically became his caregivers. Expense # 4


Still fighting probate issues and rising legal expenses, having my daughter tested for Autism, handling a household with a single income ( my fiance lost his job around then and was going to school), and more things breaking down in the house. Expense #5


Lost my job and was struggling to make ends meet and the boiler freakin broke in the dead of winter. Had to use the gas stove to provide heat which was more expense. I was crying every night because I couldn't understand why I went on interviews and haven't received any interests and I still had bills and childcare to pay for. By the grace of God, I got a job 2 months afterward and have been there ever since.

2007- rested- thank God!

2008- unrested- Finally settled my mother's estate but not after a nasty falling out with my lawyer. Had to take my daughter for a sleep clinic which my insurance only paid half the deductible, leaving me with a huge bill. Another water pipe burst, my gutter was busted and the bricks in the house needed pointing. My boyfriend ( now fiance ) and I were having issues so this definitely did not help.


Stressing about my hair loss and the unknown cause, feeling unwell and not knowing why, the shock due to the death of my close cousin, the high anxiety I experience afterward left me wrung and dried. My goal for 2010 is to join a gym, improve my health from the inside out and ease up on all this stress!
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BklynQueen- I admire your tenacity. You sound much like me, you seem to know your body really, really well, and when something is off. I really hope you find out what is causing your hair loss. Hair loss is so hard to put your finger on, many Dr's really seem at a loss of how to help, and this is so frustrating.

I just wanted to share the link to a very insightful book I bought a few years ago.


Hair loss in women can often be because of hormones, I know not all cases, but probably most. This book was really informational about hair loss as well as a host of other problems. I sat down with a cup of coffee at a bookstore to read it, but I found it so good that I ended up buying it.

Thank you! I'm definitely checking this out. I suspect hormones as well, hence why I'm also getting my thyroid checked.
I'm also going through something similar. I had my son in March 08 and around 4 months later I experienced postpardom shedding. I was expecting the shedding, my grandmother had warned me about it. She even said that I may get a bald spot, but assured me that it will grow back. I noticed my hair thining around my hair line and I even had a small slick bald spot around the front of my hair. But nothing major. I even had a customer ask if I was wearing a wig last year. So I figured I my hair hadnt thinned out that much. My edges are finally starting to fill in and that slick spot is gone.

But, I think I may have missed an area during my pp shedding. My crown is very thin and if I part it I'm close to being bald. My hair is fairly thick in the back and the sides, so it is not that noticeable. I also experience tenderness in that area. I'm not sure if it is alopecia, but it runs in my family. I have an aunt that is completely bald across the top of her head. Her daughters have thin crowns also. My grandmother had small bald spots on both sides of her head.

I made an appt with the dermatologist for January. I'm not sure what to do until then.

Thanks for starting this thread Bronze!!
BrklynQueen, That is a great goal. I'm working on that myself. The stress part is going to be difficult. I really dont know how not to stress or worry. If something is wrong I automatically start thinking about it.
I've gone to 2 Trichologists 2 Dermatologists and a Surgeon to see about my hair loss and a possible transplant. I suffer from Cicatricial Alopecia. Here is a link... http://www.carfintl.org/faq.html and if you look at the photos on the left at the 3rd pic, that is how my scalp looks. There is no chance of regrowth. The follicles have been destroyed and replaced with scar tissue. I do not have enough donor hair for a transplant.Very disheartening to say the least. This condition has gotten progressively worse. I have experienced tingling, itching redness and soreness. This is usually followed by more hair loss. Now I have smooth spots on my scalp and the hairs surrounding that have survived are extremely fragile and are a totally different texture than the rest of my hair. The bald spot is in my crown and is making its way towards my bangs. I have tried Rogaine Foam and Liquid...other forms of Minoxidil 5%, Essential Oils, Ayurvedic Powders and Oils, MN mixtures, Vitamins GALORE, protein shakes,steroid injections, Nioxin, Alterna products, Garlic Shampoo, APhogee products, Fermadol, scalp massages, everything under the sun and NOTHING seems to work. I don't think my body can take another pill and my scalp can't take another oil, ointment, spray etc. The only thing that I have not tried is Laser Treatment. I don't have the money for that right now. I am blessed to have enough hair to somewhat mask the problem and I keep the hair that I do have in good health. I still look for cure to try and prove the doctors wrong but this has been going for about 6 or 7 years. My hair is SL and I am 100% natural. I have resorted to a sew in weave in the crown to cover it up. I can't take the wind blowing exposing my scalp and I refuse to wear a ponytail for the rest of my life. I do massage the weaved section with Jojoba so that it will not break.

Anyway ladies that's my story I hope this helps...I hope someone can give me a remedy.

Those of u who have re-grown your hair CONGRATS!!!! Keep it up :-)