***!!! ~ I'm a Survivor ~ !!! ***

Pook, that was the main reason i went natural. Every time I relaxed my hair it thinned - considerably. The last time I relaxed (always at a salon) I could see straight through my hair to my scalp. That was it for me. My hair was so thick it was like a jungle in there. Please consider that this may be the cause of your follicle damage. It was the cause of mine.

I have follicle damage in the front. It's short and piecy. It itches alot there too. Right in the front where my bangs are supposed to be. I can't do alot of styles, but oh well. I just started taking Biotin last week. I need to go and get a multi vitamin too. I was told I had low iron levels. I wonder if that has anything to do with it. I also noticed that when I was natural, I didn't have any hair loss in the front anymore. I wonder if it's my relaxers causing this as well. Probably

My mom had the same hair loss as me and in the same area. My sisters hair fell out from using relaxers. And I mean FELL OUT. In clumps. Mine too. She is now natural. I'm thinking that this should be my next option as well.
braids did MAJOR damage to my edges in the front a few years ago. i had them for less than a month and it appears as if i may spend the rest of my life with this!!! my hair is actually thin all over from those braids

before i saw this thread, i just washed my hair and i was thinking as i detangled, what is the point in having long hair if its just a few long strands ? the longer it grows, the thinner it looks since my setback. *sigh*

i am aslo putting a pic up of how i hide my edges if i wear my hair down & straight


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I'm a survivor, been suffering with this on and off for the past 5 years that I have been natural. Mine seems to be hormonal and started once I started having children and is especially bad a few months after delivery. It grows and it falls out. I have been to specialist but I am now managing to treat it myself and it's doing well again. I'll post pictures in a few.

Ok here are some pictures, although I have been having this issue on and off since 2004 but 2007 was the worst it had ever been coupled with a bad hair product I was using needless to say when it gets close to this bad, I just shave it all off and start over


And this is my hair a few days ago. I've gotten to this point, at least 4 times in my 6 years of being natural. Hopefully it will last but I fear if I got pregnant again, it might happen again and the cycle starts all over

Hi everyone - great thread OP! Much love to all the survivors

ChiChiStar, it's like you are talking about me. I had my first child last year and had loss of hair in my right temple - it seemed to come back. I had another baby this year (OH YES! :)) and it is worse. I am so depressed over it - I have lost hair in BOTH temples now and to make it worse I had cut my hair short so it is very evident because I can not "hide" it. I went to doc but so far - nothing - all my bloodwork was okay except low iron. They are going to test testosterone tomorrow to see if that is an issue. I just feel so flat - but most times I put on a smile and head on out the door and act fly lol. This time is really bad because I am shedding too - so I am really worried - but I live in hope it will pass. I made up my mind - if it is what it is - I'll just scrape the damn thing low and keep that as my signature hair style. I just never imagined me having these issues because my hair was always so thick and lush like a jungle! But I hope my temples comes back......sigh........

Can I ask what you are treating with?

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Great thread OP.
I am a survivor as well.This january I just woke up morning with a big patch on the left side of my head.It was caused by stress ,I tried to hide it with my hair but I got feed up with the same style every day.The patch was painfull and itching as well.I went to my doctor he did not know what it was as well.He prescribed me a shampoo which worked for a short period of time when my hair was dry all hell could break loose the itchness was unbearable .
In March I just cut my hair to a twa then I started applying emu oil.The pain and the itchiness disappeared up to this day and the hair has filled in nicely .
I am a slow grower I think I am the slowestttttttttttt of all growers as my hair is healthy now but the growth is very slow.
I'm seeing some common denominators....postpartum hair loss, stress related hair loss, chemical-induced hair loss...all of these contributed to my challenge.

I see a few other things I'll be following up on ~ emu oil, spironolactone, dht blockers (saw palmetto - from the dht blockers thread).

Could more ladies share what they've tried and how successful were those methods?

FYI - I made fenugreek oil, which treats hair loss and promotes hair growth (you WILL smell like syrup, not denying it) and it is AWESOME at curtailing shedding and i feel stimuli in my scalp, so that's a goodie.

I made MoeGro Oil but just used a drop last night - i also felt the creepy crawlies, so we'll see.

I ordered emu oil from vitacost (great prices, you guys $15 for 4 oz!!), made a derm appt and i'm gonna ask for a spiro script (oral) and I may purchase spiro topical from here ~> http://www.minoxidil.com/subpages/products/products.php?c=usa&z=91701 (~> thanks Vickid!! Vicki was a Godsend to me when i first found LHCF ~ she shared what worked for her and was really patient with my gazillion questions -God Bless you, Chica).

Okay, as I find more i'll post. I'm gonna take all this and work out a reggie. I also use ayurveda, so I have a lot to compile and research. I'll keep you posted on what I decide to do and for how long. I like KISS, but I may have to step it up a notch.

Hi everyone - great thread OP! Much love to all the survivors

ChiChiStar, it's like you are talking about me. I had my first child last year and had loss of hair in my right temple - it seemed to come back. I had another baby this year (OH YES! :)) and it is worse. I am so depressed over it - I have lost hair in BOTH temples now and to make it worse I had cut my hair short so it is very evident because I can not "hide" it. I went to doc but so far - nothing - all my bloodwork was okay except low iron. They are going to test testosterone tomorrow to see if that is an issue. I just feel so flat - but most times I put on a smile and head on out the door and act fly lol. This time is really bad because I am shedding too - so I am really worried - but I live in hope it will pass. I made up my mind - if it is what it is - I'll just scrape the damn thing low and keep that as my signature hair style. I just never imagined me having these issues because my hair was always so thick and lush like a jungle! But I hope my temples comes back......sigh........

Can I ask what you are treating with?


Hey scotchbonnet. I have tried many things over the years. When I went to the derm, all my blood work was normal but I was diagnosed with alopecia. One derm a few years ago gave me some steroid injections and a creme to rub and my hair grew back nicely but then I got pregnant with my second child and had postpartum hair loss again and it usually happens in my back nape area and on my sides. With my last delivery in 2007, my hair came out in the back, both sides and now the top so I went to see another specialist and she said I had scar tissue damage from (we are not sure what) anyway she did not do injections but gave me some type of steroid like creme, (sorry the tube is upstairs some where) I used that for about 4 weeks but I was not seeing any progress, matter of fact it seemed like it was getting worse. I did some research on the prescription and did not find many things on it but I did see one article where it said it CAN cause hair loss so I stopped using it. I left my hair completely alone with no special cremes applied to it for about 2 weeks then I started using the essential oil blend or the moe grow recipe (both can be found on this site). It has helped a lot because now, my nape and sides and even the top have grown in nicely, my temples are still struggling but I hope it will get there soon. However, I would like to have one more child so I know that I may very well go through this again.
This thread is great. I just found a bald spot on the side of my head this week. I am still in shock. I have a appointment with a dermatologist on Wednesday. Anyone have advice about what to ask? The bald spot just appeared one day. I have had a lot of stress and medical problems over the past year so that could be it. I just want the hair to grow back!!
I’m a savior…and here’s my story!!!

When I was a toddler my mom noticed that my hair was not growing. During the first 3-4 years of my life my hair was sooo short that I could have easily been mistaken for a boy. My mom would cover my head with scarves to keep people from looking, staring and making fun of my 4z, patchy crown. Doctors had left my mom with little hope that I would ever have “regular growing” hair.

She told me the stories of my many visits to doctors where they would poke and prod my scalp, sit me under lamps, and apply creams that would inevitably make my 4z hair dryer and harder. My scalp was so sensitive, that the doctor said that I would never be able to use any relaxers, perms or hair dyes. Doctors also advised her against any styles that would involve tension.

About the age of 4 my mom took my hair growth into her hands. The doctors hadn’t been able to help, and she knew I would be starting school soon and she did not want my hair or lack thereof to be an issue for me. To get my hair growing she said she prayed a lot, washed it weekly or bi weekly and covered it in Vaseline. When it was time for me to start Kindergarten I had a nice 4b fro, that was about NL. My mom continued to do her best to take care of my hair throughout my elementary school years. The longest my hair reached during this time was SL.

Once I hit Middle school, my hair took a turn for the worst again. I had started to relax, and the scalp burns were very unforgiving! I wore braids, a lot, but the tension would cause my hair to break and snap. In high school I had it cut it to a short style and started growing out my relaxer, it was around this time I started getting hair weaves. The weaves thinned my already thin hair even more, and the breakage when I took the weaves out was non-stop. I once again hap patchy hair that I was ashamed of.

Between my high school years and my mid 20’s I suffered with hair loss and hid behind weaves, phony ponies and micro’s. I started my healthy hair journey in November 2005, I was 27 and my hair was damaged from root to tip! Through perseverance and many setbacks do to products, techniques and my battle with hair loss I am slowly overcoming the odds. I know that my progression is slow, however, if those doctors could see my APL hair now!
I'm a survivor and I share my story here. I added progress pics later on post #34 in that thread.

Right now I'm dealing with something "weird" on my crown. My hair seems not to be growing there and so each time I dust the ends there, I keep getting shorter and shorter hair. My scalp is also very sensitive there and sometimes itchy. As before, I will be going to get a food sensitivity test soon and then I will start again my essential oil massaging program as before. I do tend to have low iron and I've slacked in taking my iron supplement so that might be part of the problem.

I think when you've had alopecia, you learn to count your blessings so that having long hair isn't such a big deal anymore, at least not to me. Yes, I dream of having hair that can be put in pony puff easily at my crown, but healthy hair is more of a priority now than long hair.

Best wishes to everyone dealing with scalp issues. Keeping a positive mental attitude and believing that your hair will grow back really does help. I did, and I know my crown issues will be a thing of the past too. :yep:
Great stories ladies, very inspiring!

I'm a survivor too. Almost 5 years ago my relaxed hair was breaking off and shedding a lot. I discovered a bald spot at the back of my head. I think it was caused by stress and/or not properly rinsed relaxer. I decided to become natural and used rosemary and tea tree oil spritz. Slowly my hair stopped itching and filled in completely.

I am going through it again. This time however, it is different. I've always had fine strands all around and thin (density-wise) hair in the front. My edges are very delicate, tightly coiled and dry. I lost a lot of hair there, but managed to grow it back. Of course I started styling my hair with gels, brushing it back and doing puffs like I was never able to do before. I also wore braids and weaves. My edges took a turn for the worst and started falling again. I think I may have alopecia there. First it starts burning and itching. Then hair falls.

I say things are different this time because rosemary, tea tree or other essential oils irritate my already burning edges. The only thing that provides temporary relief is cold aloe gel. Since it is natural and preservative-free I have to keep the aloe in the fridge. It gives me a nice cooling effect, but that doesn't last.

I went to the Dr. and he is against steroid. He said to try Nizoral shampoo (anti-fungus). I was about to ignore him, but I may try it since I found what looks like a bump on my scalp on the right temple area. Maybe I do have fungus there, who knows.

I want to believe I can fight it again!
Who would have thought so many ladies were facing this in one way or another?

I would ask for spirolactone (sp) it's in this thread. A few have used it and said it worked really well. Ask for the pills. They should also give you a steroid cream to rub on your scalp - if you are not averse to steroids.

This thread is great. I just found a bald spot on the side of my head this week. I am still in shock. I have a appointment with a dermatologist on Wednesday. Anyone have advice about what to ask? The bald spot just appeared one day. I have had a lot of stress and medical problems over the past year so that could be it. I just want the hair to grow back!!

Here's a big hug Charmtreese, that's a looong time of dealing with this. You are truly strong and I admire your attitude. I know those doctors would fall over it they saw your beautiful hair now. Could you share what worked for you?

I’m a savior…and here’s my story!!!

When I was a toddler my mom noticed that my hair was not growing. During the first 3-4 years of my life my hair was sooo short that I could have easily been mistaken for a boy. My mom would cover my head with scarves to keep people from looking, staring and making fun of my 4z, patchy crown. Doctors had left my mom with little hope that I would ever have “regular growing” hair.

She told me the stories of my many visits to doctors where they would poke and prod my scalp, sit me under lamps, and apply creams that would inevitably make my 4z hair dryer and harder. My scalp was so sensitive, that the doctor said that I would never be able to use any relaxers, perms or hair dyes. Doctors also advised her against any styles that would involve tension.

About the age of 4 my mom took my hair growth into her hands. The doctors hadn’t been able to help, and she knew I would be starting school soon and she did not want my hair or lack thereof to be an issue for me. To get my hair growing she said she prayed a lot, washed it weekly or bi weekly and covered it in Vaseline. When it was time for me to start Kindergarten I had a nice 4b fro, that was about NL. My mom continued to do her best to take care of my hair throughout my elementary school years. The longest my hair reached during this time was SL.

Once I hit Middle school, my hair took a turn for the worst again. I had started to relax, and the scalp burns were very unforgiving! I wore braids, a lot, but the tension would cause my hair to break and snap. In high school I had it cut it to a short style and started growing out my relaxer, it was around this time I started getting hair weaves. The weaves thinned my already thin hair even more, and the breakage when I took the weaves out was non-stop. I once again hap patchy hair that I was ashamed of.

Between my high school years and my mid 20’s I suffered with hair loss and hid behind weaves, phony ponies and micro’s. I started my healthy hair journey in November 2005, I was 27 and my hair was damaged from root to tip! Through perseverance and many setbacks do to products, techniques and my battle with hair loss I am slowly overcoming the odds. I know that my progression is slow, however, if those doctors could see my APL hair now!

Yep, Kryolnapps, you'll get through this one, too. I always feel if i did it once, i can do it again. This thing is history. Not only can you fight it, you've already won! Have you tried an mn mix? That helped me when I first came here. My scalp was really itchy and i mixed mn with sulfur 8 and i haven't had issues since. My hair started to fill in really well. I really liked using it, but it was hard to apply when I was in protective styles. I'd highly recommend this.

Great stories ladies, very inspiring!

I'm a survivor too. Almost 5 years ago my relaxed hair was breaking off and shedding a lot. I discovered a bald spot at the back of my head. I think it was caused by stress and/or not properly rinsed relaxer. I decided to become natural and used rosemary and tea tree oil spritz. Slowly my hair stopped itching and filled in completely.

I am going through it again. This time however, it is different. I've always had fine strands all around and thin (density-wise) hair in the front. My edges are very delicate, tightly coiled and dry. I lost a lot of hair there, but managed to grow it back. Of course I started styling my hair with gels, brushing it back and doing puffs like I was never able to do before. I also wore braids and weaves. My edges took a turn for the worst and started falling again. I think I may have alopecia there. First it starts burning and itching. Then hair falls.

I say things are different this time because rosemary, tea tree or other essential oils irritate my already burning edges. The only thing that provides temporary relief is cold aloe gel. Since it is natural and preservative-free I have to keep the aloe in the fridge. It gives me a nice cooling effect, but that doesn't last.

I went to the Dr. and he is against steroid. He said to try Nizoral shampoo (anti-fungus). I was about to ignore him, but I may try it since I found what looks like a bump on my scalp on the right temple area. Maybe I do have fungus there, who knows.

I want to believe I can fight it again!
Nonie, that was incredible.
Talk about a Survivor!
I found that same remedy when I first began my search for cures. I bought each and every item and used it for a while - I was really new to holistic treatments and essential oils, and I guess I wasn't consistent and didn't notice progress.

My hair loss was profuse, not located in just one spot, so it was harder to gauge what worked and what didn't.

I have taken the liberty of posting the eo oil blend from Curezone.com, which has great resources, btw. Thank you for sharing and reminding me of this, Nonie and congratulations on your success.

Hairloss:Thyme-Lavender-Rosemary-Cedarwood-Grapeseed-Jojaba Oil
The results of one research study suggest that the essential oils of thyme, rosemary, lavender, and cedarwood mixed with an oil and applied on the areas of hair loss may stimulate hair growth. This double blind, placebo-controlled study enrolled 84 people who who massaged either these essential oils or a non-treatment oil into their scalps each night for seven months. Results showed that 44% of people in the treatment group had new hair growth compared to only 15% in the control group.

Date: 4/17/2005 1:26:32 PM ( 4 y ) ... viewed 7059 times
Hair Oil Recipe

3 drops of essential oil of thyme

3 drops of essential oil of lavender

3 drops of essential oil of rosemary

3 drops of essential oil of cedarwood

1/8 cup of grapeseed oil

1/8 cup of jojoba oil

Mix the ingredients together. Cover your pillow with an old towel. Apply several drops of the mixture to areas of hair loss each night, massaging gently into scalp for 3-5 minutes. Store the oil tightly covered. Do not take internally or near the eye area.

I'm a survivor and I share my story here. I added progress pics later on post #34 in that thread.

Right now I'm dealing with something "weird" on my crown. My hair seems not to be growing there and so each time I dust the ends there, I keep getting shorter and shorter hair. My scalp is also very sensitive there and sometimes itchy. As before, I will be going to get a food sensitivity test soon and then I will start again my essential oil massaging program as before. I do tend to have low iron and I've slacked in taking my iron supplement so that might be part of the problem.

I think when you've had alopecia, you learn to count your blessings so that having long hair isn't such a big deal anymore, at least not to me. Yes, I dream of having hair that can be put in pony puff easily at my crown, but healthy hair is more of a priority now than long hair.

Best wishes to everyone dealing with scalp issues. Keeping a positive mental attitude and believing that your hair will grow back really does help. I did, and I know my crown issues will be a thing of the past too. :yep:
Nonie, have you tried mn or neosporin, before? Either of those may work on your crown to calm the itching and sensitivity (soreness?) there. I saw a thread where someone regrew their edges with neosporin...if i find i'll link it. I know you like natural treatments, but you may want to give it a go...or find something natural that works in the same fashion.

I'm a survivor and I share my story here. I added progress pics later on post #34 in that thread.

Right now I'm dealing with something "weird" on my crown. My hair seems not to be growing there and so each time I dust the ends there, I keep getting shorter and shorter hair. My scalp is also very sensitive there and sometimes itchy. As before, I will be going to get a food sensitivity test soon and then I will start again my essential oil massaging program as before. I do tend to have low iron and I've slacked in taking my iron supplement so that might be part of the problem.

I think when you've had alopecia, you learn to count your blessings so that having long hair isn't such a big deal anymore, at least not to me. Yes, I dream of having hair that can be put in pony puff easily at my crown, but healthy hair is more of a priority now than long hair.

Best wishes to everyone dealing with scalp issues. Keeping a positive mental attitude and believing that your hair will grow back really does help. I did, and I know my crown issues will be a thing of the past too. :yep:
I am a survivor too...

I have had my hair fall out several times but, this last time was the worst by far. I have Lupus, Lupus Nephritis is specifically the culprit.

Bad kidneys=severe anemia= hair loss.
Bad Medical Insurance=no lupus medication=continued hair loss
Stressful job+lupus nephritis+no medication= almost completely bald.

My photos are in my album. It is finally growning back. The stress of that much hair loss made the hair loss worse. I was a mess. A bald mess to be more specific. I started with MN then moved to MT/OCT and saw growth, that was before I even started getting my medication again. Once I finally got my insurance to pay for my medicine, I really began seeing the growth. The top spot is still thin but it has completely filled in. The left side is short but it is filled in. Now I am fighting the little short hair pieces and the new growth unevenness. Dont get me wrong, I am not complaining. I feel blessed and highly favored to have my new hair.
Nonie, have you tried mn or neosporin, before? Either of those may work on your crown to calm the itching and sensitivity (soreness?) there. I saw a thread where someone regrew their edges with neosporin...if i find i'll link it. I know you like natural treatments, but you may want to give it a go...or find something natural that works in the same fashion.

No, I am not a fan of steroid creams. Having dealt with fungal issues, I know that they work but only make you more dependent on them and you find you need more of them the next time the issue arises. I had years of dealing with that when I had a fungal skin rash on my hand. It was not until I started using a cream made from hyssop and something else I cannot remember that the rash went away for good. I know natural remedies take forever but from my own experience once they work you never need them again. Steroid creams on the other hand just make you their b****.

Plus I do not even know if my issue is fungal. As I shared in my previous story, it could have been stress, or diet,... Heck, even just poor circulation could cause hair loss. Itching and soreness to me just means follicles are not happy, so I would rather wait and get my food sensitivity test, and then go from there. In the meantime, I will massage like crazy and try to keep my diet clean and avoid "useless" products that have no benefit to my body whatsoever.

Whatever I do, I prefer to use natural remedies than chemical ones. At the time I found my bald spot, Surge was all the rave but I dared not use it because I could not be sure the ingredients in the product would not aggravate my problem. If fungus is my problem, I will use coconut oil or caprylic acid or tea tree oil or garlic...something that I know will not have any side effects, and that I know will fix the problem once and for all. I also believe in treating ailments from the inside out, so if my problem is fungal then I will immediately get on a serious anti-candida diet.
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Br*nze- I am going to make a mixture of coconut+emu oil. I think their properties should work nicely together. I wanted to add that when I was first diagnosed my Doctor wanted to me to try Rogaine/Minoxidil. I tried for a couple of days and it burned my scalp and made my hair so DRY. I did not last on it but for a few days. It just made no sense for me to be on something, that when I stopped using it my hair would fall out.
SS, i tried minoxidil and I got sooo hairy...OMGee, it was freaky. I'm a hairy person already - and I don't have a problem with it- but I was getting TOOOOO hairy. My husband liked it, though :spinning:. TMI, I know. Anyway, when i stopped using rogaine/minox - my hair fell out in DROVES. It was horrible. I'll never use it again bcs if you do, you have to use it for LIFE. I just can't make that commitment to anything.

coconut and emu sounds like a good combo. Let me know how that goes. My emu should come in this week, hopefully.

Br*nze- I am going to make a mixture of coconut+emu oil. I think their properties should work nicely together. I wanted to add that when I was first diagnosed my Doctor wanted to me to try Rogaine/Minoxidil. I tried for a couple of days and it burned my scalp and made my hair so DRY. I did not last on it but for a few days. It just made no sense for me to be on something, that when I stopped using it my hair would fall out.
Grnidmonster~ Heeeey Survivor!

I haven't looked at your album, yet, but I will. I'm glad your hair is growing back, but I'm sorry you had to go through so much stuff.

It's like, people say, "don't stress about your hair," - but you can't really not think of it, bcs you stare at YOU everyday! You can't help but be concerned. I mean, gosh, it's your HAIR!

"I feel blessed and highly favored to have my new hair." So. do I, GM, So do I.

Are you (all of you) a type of person that holds everything in?

I mean, I wonder if those of us who experience this type of hair loss are women who don't explode when stuff is going wrong...instead, we quietly "implode" and take matters in our own hands...Just thinking out loud.

I'm this way. I don't lash out at people when I have an "issue." But I know people who do. They always have lots of hair, LOL.

Am I making sense, here?

I am a survivor too...

I have had my hair fall out several times but, this last time was the worst by far. I have Lupus, Lupus Nephritis is specifically the culprit.

Bad kidneys=severe anemia= hair loss.
Bad Medical Insurance=no lupus medication=continued hair loss
Stressful job+lupus nephritis+no medication= almost completely bald.

My photos are in my album. It is finally growning back. The stress of that much hair loss made the hair loss worse. I was a mess. A bald mess to be more specific. I started with MN then moved to MT/OCT and saw growth, that was before I even started getting my medication again. Once I finally got my insurance to pay for my medicine, I really began seeing the growth. The top spot is still thin but it has completely filled in. The left side is short but it is filled in. Now I am fighting the little short hair pieces and the new growth unevenness. Dont get me wrong, I am not complaining. I feel blessed and highly favored to have my new hair.
Hi Girls! I thought I would tell of my horrible experience with the Dermatologist today.

When I made the appointment, my mother told me she wanted me to see this black woman doctor, but she was not in on the day I wanted. This is a quality practice so I trusted that whoever I saw would be good. Plus I went to this practice one time many year ago for eczema.

As soon as this woman walked in, she was in a hurry and did not take time to really listen to my problem. As soon as I said I had a bald spot she said I had alopeica aterea and that I needed to have cortizone injections. All she really told me is this is auto immune and the body is attacking th hair for some reason. She DID NOT check my entire head or ask me more about my lifestyle, stress etc. I felt uncomfortable and it felt like she knew it all. She gave me cortizone injections so quick that I had no time to think about it. When I came out of the office and told my mother what happened she demanded we go back so she could talk to the Doctor. She calmly told the Doctor that she needed to better explain to me what she did.
Can you believe in the office my mother pulled back my hair to show her the spot and found another bald spot??? My mom had not seen my hair at all because I just got back from college yesterday. My mom asked her if she had seen that second spot and she lied and said yes.
I also asked her about some light hyperpigmentation on my cheecks and she just told me to wear sunscreen and get a peel($100) :nono:

I want to go back to this same firm and see the black derm. I could not believe how little she seemed to care. She did give me a perscription for a thyroid check.

I am too shocked right now. I want to find the root of the problem
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I beg your pardon but I'm about to cuss her out for you. She simply concluded it was an autoimmune disease? Did I also have an autoimmune disease when I had alopecia areata? She needs to GTFOOHWTBS There's a host of things that could cause alopecia and for her to conclude it was autoimmune without doing tests was very careless and scary. I changed my diet and massaged oils only until my hair grew back. A year later, I went back for the food sensitivity test and could eat the foods I'd given up. In other words, the cause for my hair loss was gone, and it had nothing to do with my body attacking itself. Stress was also high in my life and that too causes hair loss. ARGH! The more I type the angrier I get.

I'm so sorry you saw an idiot!
I beg your pardon but I'm about to cuss her out for you. She simply concluded it was an autoimmune disease? Did I also have an autoimmune disease when I had alopecia areata? She needs to GTFOOHWTBS There's a host of things that could cause alopecia and for her to conclude it was autoimmune without doing tests was very careless and scary. I changed my diet and massaged oils only until my hair grew back. A year later, I went back for the food sensitivity test and could eat the foods I'd given up. In other words, the cause for my hair loss was gone, and it had nothing to do with my body attacking itself. Stress was also high in my life and that too causes hair loss. ARGH! The more I type the angrier I get.

I'm so sorry you saw an idiot!

She said Alopecia is a sign of distress of the immune system. But then she said that there is no reason looking for the cause because its usually so hard to find one. She said you just have to find the spots as the pop up and treat them:perplexed
My mom was soooo upset. Especially because she is a nurse and knows that cortizone is no joke. I am still unsure about whether I should go back or not. I don't want to see the doctor but I want to get the treatment. Do I even need this treatment. I would only be able to get one more before I go abroad for spring semester.
And yes, I agree she was being very careless. All she asked me was if I had medical problems. I don't have medical problems but I did have two jaw surgeries and I also have stress from school and my economic situation. She didn't really bother to ask

My mom said she thinks the woman had a problem with touching black people:look: But thats another story. And don't get me started about what she told me to do o my skin:nono: Didn't even check that well uggggg
After all of that, miraculously, my hair grew back to around shoulder length by the time I was 15. Then RIO happened. If anyone doesn't know about RIO, it was an around the clock infomercial that used to come on back in the mid 90s that talked about an alternative straightening system which claimed to have no chemicals in it that would naturally straighten your hair and give it loads of body and that swang. The infomercial was very convincing with using RIO on clients taken from the audience "live" and parting their hair on television to show they were not wearing wigs when they came from back stage with lucious straight hair swanging!

I can definitely sing that song loud and proud...I AM a survivor!

I always wanted RIO when I was kid, when I read that I bugged out for a minute like I ALWAYS wanted RIO. I begged my mom for it, she never gave in. :lachen:

Thank you for your story!
She said Alopecia is a sign of distress of the immune system. But then she said that there is no reason looking for the cause because its usually so hard to find one. She said you just have to find the spots as the pop up and treat them:perplexed
My mom was soooo upset. Especially because she is a nurse and knows that cortizone is no joke. I am still unsure about whether I should go back or not. I don't want to see the doctor but I want to get the treatment. Do I even need this treatment. I would only be able to get one more before I go abroad for spring semester.
And yes, I agree she was being very careless. All she asked me was if I had medical problems. I don't have medical problems but I did have two jaw surgeries and I also have stress from school and my economic situation. She didn't really bother to ask

My mom said she thinks the woman had a problem with touching black people:look: But thats another story. And don't get me started about what she told me to do o my skin:nono: Didn't even check that well uggggg

I had surgery and I experienced hairloss and went to a white dermatologist, she examined my scalp. She used a huge light and worked her fingers through my hair. She said she didn't notice any scarring on my scalp and that I had to ride it out. Point is...SHE EXAMINED it. I would try the black dermatologist, not simply because she is black, but she might be a little more educated to African American skin and our needs.
Cutie, i hate you went through this.

Thank Goodness your Mom was there to follow-up with her to some degree. I would definitely see the other derm. However, when I went to the derm, they weren't very thorough, either. I've seen two AA derms - both male. In their defense, I must say that hair loss is really a big mystery. It is hard to pinpoint 'a' cause. Many times, there's more than one. Or one triggers many others. She could have been much more thorough and professional, no question about that. "Not wanting to touch black skin..." What kinda crap is that? :perplexed

Cortisone, whether in shots or creams is usually the way they go with alopecia. It generally brings about the best results -quickly. It doesn't address the underlying cause(s), though. This is typical of all medicine, really. Treat the symptom.

On the positive side, many have applauded cortisone treatments as being effective. So you'll probably notice a change - soon.

{{BIG HUG}} Thanks for sharing.

Your hair will grow back soon because you're treating it quickly.:yep:

She said Alopecia is a sign of distress of the immune system. But then she said that there is no reason looking for the cause because its usually so hard to find one. She said you just have to find the spots as the pop up and treat them:perplexed
My mom was soooo upset. Especially because she is a nurse and knows that cortizone is no joke. I am still unsure about whether I should go back or not. I don't want to see the doctor but I want to get the treatment. Do I even need this treatment. I would only be able to get one more before I go abroad for spring semester.
And yes, I agree she was being very careless. All she asked me was if I had medical problems. I don't have medical problems but I did have two jaw surgeries and I also have stress from school and my economic situation. She didn't really bother to ask

My mom said she thinks the woman had a problem with touching black people:look: But thats another story. And don't get me started about what she told me to do o my skin:nono: Didn't even check that well uggggg
Cutie, i hate you went through this.

Thank Goodness your Mom was there to follow-up with her to some degree. I would definitely see the other derm. However, when I went to the derm, they weren't very thorough, either. I've seen two AA derms - both male. In their defense, I must say that hair loss is really a big mystery. It is hard to pinpoint 'a' cause. Many times, there's more than one. Or one triggers many others. She could have been much more thorough and professional, no question about that. "Not wanting to touch black skin..." What kinda crap is that? :perplexed

Cortisone, whether in shots or creams is usually the way they go with alopecia. It generally brings about the best results -quickly. It doesn't address the underlying cause(s), though. This is typical of all medicine, really. Treat the symptom.

On the positive side, many have applauded cortisone treatments as being effective. So you'll probably notice a change - soon.

{{BIG HUG}} Thanks for sharing.

Your hair will grow back soon because you're treating it quickly.:yep:

Thank you so much for this. Now I feel more comfortable about the treatment. I agree that it can be hard to determine the cause but I wish she would try harder. At the same time there is so much info from this board. Thank God for you all!!! I would be lost and in the dark.

I am just going to try and move forward from this. Today I will take good pics with my mom's camera and try to track my progress