I'm a sick sick PJ!!


New Member
So it's a good thing I live alone and nobody is here to see this. Ever since I've become an "adult" Christmas just hasn't been the same:nono: I usually get like a card with some money from my aunts, nothing from my uncle ever (lol), and my mom basically looks for a gift for me on sale and gives it to me around mid-Jan...lmao.

Anyway, I decided to treat myself to a lil Christmas love this year.... but I've managed to amaze myself today. It's alarming really...lol.
I got all this stuff in ONE DAY! Honestly, it wasn't supposed to me THIS much. A chick just received her loan check (I'm in grad school) so I knew I was gonna splurge on a few things at Ulta, BSS, and Whole Foods today...but when I arrived home, 4 of my packages were all sitting on my door!!! :grin: I expected maybe 1! I was jumping up and down, and hootin and hollering like a crazy woman! A true sick PJ has been born (actually simply enabled! LHCF took an existing "sickness" and magnified times 100!)

Now all I have are 2 thoughts in my head:
1) Conrows are coming out tonite!!:spinning:

2) Where to begin??? :rolleyes:
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"They tried to make me go to rehab, and I said......."..... yall know what I said!:grin:

I know it's bad, but I've managed to justify since I'm new here. I'm still "regimen building" essentially, so I've gotta try lots of stuff till I find my PERFECT products. It's all so trial and error... oh yeah, I also justified by telling myself that I bought an awful lot of lil teeny weeny samples, so i'm just testing them out, and I ain't got no kids to feed! :lachen:
Don't feel bad, that wasn't so bad...then again, I'm a serious PJ so it takes a lot to phase me :giggle: I think u did pretty good!
I can spend $100 at Target on hair products and lipgloss if I don't watch myself, so I really can't talk. :look:

I have the mango cholesterol. I had to add castor oil. YMMV.
Congrats Miss Lava27-ur following in the footsteps of many past (and present) PJs (including myself) have fun!
Oh pls let me know how the komaza hair products are when you try them.

So whatcha gonna try first?
That's not much from what I have seem.....I know what you mean though, I just somewhat clean out my sink, because I'm about to order some indian products and hairveda, I still have to make room.....I just put some stuff in a bag in the attic.....
Oooh, I'm a sick PJ too. Those products look good...in fact...I think I've recently purchased a few of those! :grin:
I think I have that same Clay too, but I use it on my face. Do you plan to use it in your hair? If so, how? Let me know!
LOL! It's ok. every1 has their pj moments. TRUST! But if it makes you feel any better... you have some really good products so far! lol
Maybe you should buy or request sample sizes of things if you want to try so many products. :look: It would take me forever to get through that many products, even assuming I liked and wanted to use all of them.

On second thought, it doesn't look to be too too bad. At least the products all look like they do different things. I'll never forget a thread I saw on here where the OP splurged and bought like 50 bottles of VO5 conditioner when they were on sale, and she had never even tried them before!!
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I can spend $100 at Target on hair products and lipgloss if I don't watch myself, so I really can't talk. :look:

I have the mango cholesterol. I had to add castor oil. YMMV.

Sounds good...I gotta try that one day!

Oh pls let me know how the komaza hair products are when you try them.

So whatcha gonna try first?

I'll let you know. I'm getting tired so I'll probably wash 2moro and maybe use the H20 plus spray b4 drying, and the Shea Butter Hair Lotion (smells divine!!!) as moisturizer and some oil around here to seal. May do something totally diff too cuz I got too much goin on here:spinning:...but whenever I use I'll report!:grin:

Oooh, I'm a sick PJ too. Those products look good...in fact...I think I've recently purchased a few of those! :grin:
I think I have that same Clay too, but I use it on my face. Do you plan to use it in your hair? If so, how? Let me know!

I actually did buy it for my hair, but now I'm getting scared and think it may dry out my hair to much. I'm trying to get lots of moisture in it right now. I saw that Kinkerbelle (fotki name, not sure if it's her name here) used it. She mixed her's with water, applied to all the hair, let dry and rinsed..so im gonna do a little more research and then I'll probably use on hair. But i'm using it on my face tonite! :)

Thanx for the validation everyone! This is truly a "SAFE place"...lol..If my momma saw this she'd try and tackle me to the ground for my check card!

Now....I even feel ok with revealing the rest...............I have like 4 more packages still comin!! Pray for me:grin:
I am the same way and still till this moment tryna figure out how to incorporate it all in my regimen. DH says my hair is a whore.
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OMG are you watching me?! That pic looks like I took it :lachen:

Seriously you are singing my song right now. I create a wishlist, thinking I'm gonna "reward" myself whenever I finally use up my stuff, but then the wishlist turns into a shopping list :wallbash: My rationale: Might as well buy it now, b/c I'm gonna be thinking about the stuff everyday till I buy it. :rolleyes: I've cleaned off my "wishlist" now (stuffs coming in the mail anyday soon) so now I am determined to beat this addiction.

*stands up, clears through*

Hi, my name is Artemis. I am a recovering PJ. :look: Back into rehab I go, lol.

Congrats on getting some great products. I am not familiar with everything but can tell you that HE LTR and RedKen Butter Treat work very well for my hair. I hope they work well for you too. Enjoy!
I did the same thing for Christmas, bought a bunch of hair stuff for myself since I don't get Christmas gifts anymore *sigh*

Glad to hear I'm not the only one
A "recovering" PJ checking in! I loved that aloe vera gel and ooh, is that bentonite clay? I can feel your excitement through the computer..lol Have fun with your new stash!:drunk:
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Have fun with the Bentonite Clay! :grin:

I bought some recently and loved it so much that I gave it as Christms gifts to my friends. Be sure to mix it with Apple Cider Vinegar and feel the pulsation!!

I love, love Dr. Bronner's liquid soap.
OMG are you watching me?! That pic looks like I took it :lachen:

Seriously you are singing my song right now. I create a wishlist, thinking I'm gonna "reward" myself whenever I finally use up my stuff, but then the wishlist turns into a shopping list :wallbash: My rationale: Might as well buy it now, b/c I'm gonna be thinking about the stuff everyday till I buy it. :rolleyes: I've cleaned off my "wishlist" now (stuffs coming in the mail anyday soon) so now I am determined to beat this addiction.

*stands up, clears through*

Hi, my name is Artemis. I am a recovering PJ. :look: Back into rehab I go, lol.


Lol....That's my rationale too! I figured if I don't get I'll just be thinking about buying it...and curiosity killed the cat! Hopefully I've killed my curiosity :yawn:

I see two products from Komaza Care (I think), which ones did you buy?

I bought 3 samples: Shea Butter Hair Lotion, H20 plus spray, and Coconut Hair Pudding. The lotion smells great!!

I did the same thing for Christmas, bought a bunch of hair stuff for myself since I don't get Christmas gifts anymore *sigh*

Glad to hear I'm not the only one

Glad I'm not alone in this either! Life is hard when you grow up :nono: lol

Have fun with the Bentonite Clay! :grin:

I bought some recently and loved it so much that I gave it as Christms gifts to my friends. Be sure to mix it with Apple Cider Vinegar and feel the pulsation!!

I love, love Dr. Bronner's liquid soap.

Did you use the clay on your face? How do u use Dr. Bonner's? I used as shower gel this mornin and loved! This lady that worked at Whole Foods scared me yesterday and told me washing hair with it would be a bad idea...but I've seen people here say they like it. What do you do?