
Well-Known Member
That I haven't been getting that much support on the board. It seems like everyone was really friendly when I first joined (before I posted a pic). Last week I posted pics and I hardly got any responses. I know this is the "Long Hair Care Forum" but what about the newbies that are starting out with shorter hair, tryna get to Long Hair?

I'm surprised at the lack of encouragement. Everyone who starts out on the board doesn't have SL, APL or BSL hair. We short haired ladies need the same type of encouragement as everyone else. If you have long hair and you made the journey, help a sistah out! :yep:

It's so frustrating:wallbash:...Has anyone else felt this way? Makes me want to stop participating until I get some length.
I've never noticed a lack of encouragement - esp. for the sisters who have shorter hair. Perhaps you just posted at a quieter time on the board, and your posts got lost in the shuffle.

Usually, pics posted don't get a huge response unless it's a pretty clear bit of progress - did you have questions, or just pictures?
Aww daephae :hug2: don't take it personally, hon.

I think people don't have much to say when folks are trying to get their regimens together in the beginning phases because it's the same questions over and over. It's all about trial and error. If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them the best of my ability though. :) If someone hasn't answered your question, it's probably because it is something that can found using the search feature that has been asked zillions of times.

Do not let something like folks not responding to your posts get you discouraged about the board.
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Also check out the Support Threads they're very helpful. (there's a compilation sticky at the top). Don't be discouraged.
Don't be discouraged, it's easy for threads to get pushed off the first page b/f they get a response. There are ladies here who started with really short hair and grew it out. Everyone here has a journey and a story. I started with chewed up ear length/neck length hair and I'm almost APL. And I didn't post a thread with my comparison pics for a minute. I'd just hang in there :grin:
That I haven't been getting that much support on the board. It seems like everyone was really friendly when I first joined (before I posted a pic). Last week I posted pics and I hardly got any responses. I know this is the "Long Hair Care Forum" but what about the newbies that are starting out with shorter hair, tryna get to Long Hair?

I'm surprised at the lack of encouragement. Everyone who starts out on the board doesn't have SL, APL or BSL hair. We short haired ladies need the same type of encouragement as everyone else. If you have long hair and you made the journey, help a sistah out! :yep:

It's so frustrating:wallbash:...Has anyone else felt this way? Makes me want to stop participating until I get some length.

2 weeks ago I posted update and I got 5 or 6 responses like I always do...I mentioned I was hurt by this in the thread and yes people did respond and I was thankful but it didn't seem sincere because I whined about it first...

No your not alone and because of this....Try I to give compliments whenever theres an opportunity ....Because this really discouraged me I choose not to announce my updates....My updates just go to my Fotki now....There are women here that has been very motivating to me and have been and inspiration me....

I notice that some post get lost in the shuffle. If I'm on the board and see a topic that has 2 to zero replies I bump it before it goes the the second page. I'm rarely a 2nd page post reader, unless there's a specific topic I'm looking for. Don't get discourage! Bump your own topic there's nothing wrong with self-promotion.
Girl im with you to a point, yesterday i made a post about some twists that i did for the first time. For me it was exciting and i wanted to share, but i barely got a response. I just put it down to the fact that the girls have probably seen enough twists in their lifetime and yes like Nappywmyn said, posts to get pushed along very quickly here.

However, i wouldn't say it's a lack of support, the girls here are really helpful and there will always be someone who answers your question. If im honest sometimes i can read a post and feel too lazy to respond and it's usually because i don't feel like i have much advice to give. So don't let it get to you, everyone here truely are friendly and would really help you out in a crisis.

Focus on acheiving your hair goals and use the board for its wealth of information to help you along.
I'm sorry you all are not feeling the support. It could be due to many factors but dont get discouraged :yep:
Don't be discouraged. When I first joined I felt really supported but then a lot of the ladies who welcomed me left the board and I was like:look:, where'd ya'll go? But the thing is their support helped me go natural. It took a long time for me to feel comfortable again, like a couple years.

I would suggest that you post often on other people's threads and that you pm people whom you think you have something in common with or you admire. Overtime the relationships will develop. PM me anytime, okay? About anything. I started out with short, severly damaged, relaxed hair, I went natural, relaxed, and went natural again. I pretty much stay away from negative people and negative threads and focus on the postive.
That I haven't been getting that much support on the board. It seems like everyone was really friendly when I first joined (before I posted a pic). Last week I posted pics and I hardly got any responses. I know this is the "Long Hair Care Forum" but what about the newbies that are starting out with shorter hair, tryna get to Long Hair?

I'm surprised at the lack of encouragement. Everyone who starts out on the board doesn't have SL, APL or BSL hair. We short haired ladies need the same type of encouragement as everyone else. If you have long hair and you made the journey, help a sistah out! :yep:

It's so frustrating:wallbash:...Has anyone else felt this way? Makes me want to stop participating until I get some length.

well show us the photos now! Probably just an oversight on our part.
Please don't feel discouraged. :wave:

Honestly, in the beginning, I felt like that at times - I thought, "I post a question and it takes so long to get a response. However, when someone has a negative post/experience it received all the love:perplexed. "

My conclusion, the folks that can really help you "have lives" and are not on the board as often as us newbies. Generally, they come through a couple times a week and respond.

Unfortunately, by the time they came through, my posts were several pages back and they just didn't see it.

So, if it's something I really need help with, I come back a couple days later and bump my question back to page 1...and my questions get answered.

No worries...we're all in the same game together...growing hair. We (realistically most, not all) are happy when we see a sista inching ever closer to her goals. We enjoy hearing about the progress, and seem genuinely concerned when setbacks occur and offer great advice and solutions to correct the problem.

I had to remember, since this is a free forum, no one receives a salary and therefore is not obligated to be at my beck and call :yep: with responses.

So, again, don't feel discouraged...'delayed is not denied' :grouphug:


As for photos. If photos aren't in the thread most of the time people will click out. If they do take the time to look at your fotki they usualy don't come back to the thread. So i would just pay attention to your fotki hits or how many people actually went into the thread.

Like someone else said, a lot of comments won't be made unless there is a huge difference, not someone going from SL to BSL persay..sometimes it can just be someone who really thickened up their thin hair.

I wouldn't feel discouraged--this is a very fast moving forum!!
If you're reading a thread and you see a post by someone and you have a specific question related to their post or you would like more information on their regime, experience, etc. - go ahead and PM them. I've never had a PM ignored b/c I'm always looking for specific information.

LHCF'ers are really helpful but sometimes you have to look for the help, because it can't always come to you.

Be encouraged!!!:yep:
Girl do feel bad. I just posted a thread here and I got like 8 replies and last time I look about 200 people had read it. It's just the way it is here. I post not so much for the replies but to get things off of my chest and maybe help someone else.
Girl do feel bad. I just posted a thread here and I got like 8 replies and last time I look about 200 people had read it. It's just the way it is here. I post not so much for the replies but to get things off of my chest and maybe help someone else.

I see this a lot. This happened to me too but like someone else said, folks have lives outside of LHCF and just get lost in the sauce girl. I posted a thread one Friday and came back on Monday (because my computer was down) to find out all kinds of folks had stopped by. Some left comments, most didn't. I just appreciate the folks who do come by.

And if all else fails...just bump the thread :bump:. It probably got pushed down to fast.

Keep ya head up sista :sneakyhug:
I think a lot of times Newbies come here all extra excited and when the excitement isn't reciprocated, they get discouraged. I say this, because it happened to me, too. You feel like no one is paying attention to you. Well, I am here to tell ya (and others) that folx ARE paying attention, whether you realize it or not.

Stay encouraged! You've only been posting since January! We really are here to support, encourage and help each other.

You are brave to post your feelings. I never did. I just soaked up what I could and kept it growing.

Sometimes you have to let your progress do the talking.

And I know for me personally, I try to comment on all progress announcements/posts. But since I don't frequent the board(s) as much as I used to, I miss a lot, I am sure.

Stay encouraged and please don't take it personally, hun!

See you at WL!!

Happy Hair Growing!
With the wealth of info on the board, I am disappointed that some actually can't acknowledge that. Most of what you get from this board you have to do on your own. You can find info on almost ANY method or product out here.

Also, keep in mind that when school starts back up you get more regular lurking and people with less time to post and respond to private messages.

But, the info is here and so are the people who have a common interests in healthy hair, something you will not find just walking down the street.

The site is all that, sorry.
OMG...thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who responded to me...I'm feeling the love! LOL. I'm so happy to know that I'm not alone...I was thinking that maybe my screenname wasn't cute enough :lachen::lachen::lachen:. After reading all of your responses, I have to admit, I have a bad case of "Newbie Fever" and I have to realize that this isn't new for everyone. I now realize that many people have looked at my starting point pics, but I don't have a Fotki, or a hair journal, and I don't have any progress pics yet...so there's not a lot to say. A few of you also pointed out that it's all in timing too. So I'm feeling sooooo much better. I think I was a little disheartened because I posted in the Newbie thread today (I had a very trying week with my hair) and no one said anything :ohwell:.

Once again, I appreciate all of your support and advise:yep:. Thanks!
With the wealth of info on the board, I am disappointed that some actually can't acknowledge that. Most of what you get from this board you have to do on your own. You can find info on almost ANY method or product out here.

Also, keep in mind that when school starts back up you get more regular lurking and people with less time to post and respond to private messages.

But, the info is here and so are the people who have a common interests in healthy hair, something you will not find just walking down the street.

The site is all that, sorry.

Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not saying that it isn't. I've certainly learned a lot (you mustn't have seen my intro, sorry)...I was just disheartened that I wasn't getting any feedback. There are also some things that are confusing or overwhelming for a person just starting.
Just like hopeful, I would also suggest that you post often on other people's threads and that you pm people whom you think you have something in common with or you admire.

This forum is very exciting and especially when you are new, the desire to seek attention is elevated. You may also want to start a fotki. Even if you don't have many photos for it yet, you will really enjoy leaving comments for other people and messages in their guest book, sometimes you can build good relationships in fotki that will carry over into this forum too.
I don't think it is a lack of support or anything like that. I know I don't check all the threads because there are just so many and I don't want to go in and out and in and out of threads.
But I am sure if you had a specific question or concern people would chime in to help you out. JMHO.
That I haven't been getting that much support on the board. It seems like everyone was really friendly when I first joined (before I posted a pic). Last week I posted pics and I hardly got any responses. I know this is the "Long Hair Care Forum" but what about the newbies that are starting out with shorter hair, tryna get to Long Hair?

I'm surprised at the lack of encouragement. Everyone who starts out on the board doesn't have SL, APL or BSL hair. We short haired ladies need the same type of encouragement as everyone else. If you have long hair and you made the journey, help a sistah out! :yep:

It's so frustrating:wallbash:...Has anyone else felt this way? Makes me want to stop participating until I get some length.

Awwwww, don't take it like that. There's plenty of love here. If, you post a question and nobody replies, keep bumping it. darn it:lachen: someone will reply. I started out on the board with SL hair and gradually I'm making it towards my goal and there's definitely love here. Remember for every 1 person that don't care on here, there's 20 that do. Girl, you got people's:yep:. Ya HEARD!!!!! :lots:
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I've been here for years and some threads I've started have gotten like 5 responses. But I know it's not me, people just get busy sometimes. This board of women is known for their support and you don't have to have long hair to get it. :yep:

Hugs to you. Don't get disappointed so easily.
Wow!! I have been meaning to comment on this for sometime now but haven't had the chance. I have'nt been here long but I notice when u-hopeful post answers to questions/threads your responses are always so positive, encouraging and uplifting:yep: Really, keep it up! Us new folks really appreciate that. Just have been noticing this since I started. Thought you would like to know:grin:

I pretty much stay away from negative people and negative threads and focus on the postive.
Don't be discouraged. When I first joined I felt really supported but then a lot of the ladies who welcomed me left the board and I was like:look:, where'd ya'll go? But the thing is their support helped me go natural. It took a long time for me to feel comfortable again, like a couple years.

I would suggest that you post often on other people's threads and that you pm people whom you think you have something in common with or you admire. Overtime the relationships will develop. PM me anytime, okay? About anything. I started out with short, severly damaged, relaxed hair, I went natural, relaxed, and went natural again. I pretty much stay away from negative people and negative threads and focus on the postive.

Is this woman not the best? I just love you hopeful.:yep:
Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not saying that it isn't. I've certainly learned a lot (you mustn't have seen my intro, sorry)...I was just disheartened that I wasn't getting any feedback. There are also some things that are confusing or overwhelming for a person just starting.

I understand. When I first joined, I did not know how to start a thread, use the search feature, etc. It takes some time to figure things out around here. If you need help developing a regimen or have any ?'s. Holla @ ya girl:yep:
Wow!! I have been meaning to comment on this for sometime now but haven't had the chance. I have'nt been here long but I notice when u-hopeful post answers to questions/threads your responses are always so positive, encouraging and uplifting:yep: Really, keep it up! Us new folks really appreciate that. Just have been noticing this since I started. Thought you would like to know:grin:

dlewis said:
Is this woman not the best? I just love you hopeful.:yep:

I heart :infatuated: you guys, thanks for the sweet comments :kiss:.
That I haven't been getting that much support on the board. It seems like everyone was really friendly when I first joined (before I posted a pic). Last week I posted pics and I hardly got any responses. I know this is the "Long Hair Care Forum" but what about the newbies that are starting out with shorter hair, tryna get to Long Hair?

I'm surprised at the lack of encouragement. Everyone who starts out on the board doesn't have SL, APL or BSL hair. We short haired ladies need the same type of encouragement as everyone else. If you have long hair and you made the journey, help a sistah out! :yep:

It's so frustrating:wallbash:...Has anyone else felt this way? Makes me want to stop participating until I get some length.

Hang in there girl. This may have been said but, I know some people get tired of the same questions getting asked. I don't. Sometimes the search feature doesn't work right. When I start a thread I try to say "im sorry if this has been asked before but, the search feature isn't working for me right now..." I was frustrated when I first joined too. I felt like an outcast. I felt the exact same way about the bolded.
I think before and afters sometimes help too. You can see your progress but it helps if we have something to compare it to.

I think your hair looks great by the way. ;)