Girl, don't feel bad. I posted a question here, after doing a diligent search and making sure it wasn't asked a gajillion times previously. And I got 2 responses! :ohwell: :lachen:

:hug2: Bump that bad boy up if you must... and come up with some catchy titles to lure us in! It's all love around these parts. :kiss:
OP I felt like you when I joined a few months ago but over the months many of my threads have gotten lots of replies. Like others have said, don't take it personal, it was probably just a slow time of day. Also just bump it yourself, I've done that and it's worked. :)
I personally didn't see your thread.

I think the problem is that most people are too lazy to go back as far as page 3, and if your thread isn't on the first page, its hard to get answers

Added to that sometimes message boards ARE cliquish :look: and that certain posters will get answer no matter what.

Hang in there, as you get more progress, you'll get more feedback :yep:
also, i've noticed that I get less responses during the weekend. I guess because 99.9% of the people are on here while they're at work :lachen:

Now ya'll know it must be bad if I'm posting in the hair forum.:look:

Daephae....it hurts my heart to know that someone don't feel welcomed. I've been slipping seriously on welcoming folx.:perplexed

I'm sorry sweetie....about all I can do is welcome. I've been here quite a while but only knows what works for my hair.:look:


Now ya'll know it must be bad if I'm posting in the hair forum.:look:

Daephae....it hurts my heart to know that someone don't feel welcomed. I've been slipping seriously on welcoming folx.:perplexed

I'm sorry sweetie....about all I can do is welcome. I've been here quite a while but only knows what works for my hair.:look:


So, you said all that to say Welcome?
I personally didn't see your post. It's really difficult to respond to every post especially with my schedule. Don't be discouraged, we're all here to help you achieve your goals :yep:.
Yep! :look:

You would've thought I had some hair advice like Sistaslick or something!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I felt the same way myself and sometimes still do but, I dont take it personal at all as many have said. You are just starting out and its only february... and catchy titles to threads do help. Just know you are not the only one. I know that these women DO care and they give great advice on hair and life. If im not posting, Im reading and learning... but i got to say this board is entertaining as hell! :lachen:
I used to be sad that no one responded to my posts on the forums...but I just kept putting myself out there, again and again and again. I had a fotki and before and after pics and I told people to look and no one did and I deleted all of it:lachen::lachen::lachen:...I haven't had time to take pics since. But I would do searches first and bump up other threads and just keep putting yourself out there. People still don't respond to half of my posts, lol. I still feel like a newbie...
I used to be sad that no one responded to my posts on the forums...but I just kept putting myself out there, again and again and again. I had a fotki and before and after pics and I told people to look and no one did and I deleted all of it:lachen::lachen::lachen:...I haven't had time to take pics since. But I would do searches first and bump up other threads and just keep putting yourself out there. People still don't respond to half of my posts, lol. I still feel like a newbie...

did you have your comments and guestbook enabled? I had a fotki set up for the longest with no comments untill someone finally told me. So I make it a mission to tell people when theirs isn't enabled. I was thinking that my hair looked really bad.

Remember to set those up when you open your fotki in 3 months!!
I notice that some post get lost in the shuffle. If I'm on the board and see a topic that has 2 to zero replies I bump it before it goes the the second page. I'm rarely a 2nd page post reader, unless there's a specific topic I'm looking for. Don't get discourage! Bump your own topic there's nothing wrong with self-promotion.
Don't stress it. Just BUMP!
did you have your comments and guestbook enabled? I had a fotki set up for the longest with no comments untill someone finally told me. So I make it a mission to tell people when theirs isn't enabled. I was thinking that my hair looked really bad.

Remember to set those up when you open your fotki in 3 months!!

LOLLLLLLLLL yep...:lachen::lachen::lachen: But I'll try again later.
OMG...thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who responded to me...I'm feeling the love! LOL. I'm so happy to know that I'm not alone...I was thinking that maybe my screenname wasn't cute enough :lachen::lachen::lachen:. After reading all of your responses, I have to admit, I have a bad case of "Newbie Fever" and I have to realize that this isn't new for everyone. I now realize that many people have looked at my starting point pics, but I don't have a Fotki, or a hair journal, and I don't have any progress pics yet...so there's not a lot to say. A few of you also pointed out that it's all in timing too. So I'm feeling sooooo much better. I think I was a little disheartened because I posted in the Newbie thread today (I had a very trying week with my hair) and no one said anything :ohwell:.

Once again, I appreciate all of your support and advise:yep:. Thanks!
Hey dont feel bad.

I dont have much to add b/c all the ladies pretty much covered it, but if you have a thread with 500 views and only 5 posts, that could mean that lots of lurkers were looking at your thread and couldnt respond. It doesnt mean nobody loves you. I have have lots of thread to get only 2 or 3 responses but I caulk it up to the way it is.

I'm glad you spoke up though!!!

Welcome aboard!!!!
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dang girl, look at all the responses you got to this thread :lachen::lachen::lachen:

just want you to know that we all wuv you :bighug:
I used to be sad that no one responded to my posts on the forums...but I just kept putting myself out there, again and again and again. I had a fotki and before and after pics and I told people to look and no one did and I deleted all of it:lachen::lachen::lachen:...I haven't had time to take pics since. But I would do searches first and bump up other threads and just keep putting yourself out there. People still don't respond to half of my posts, lol. I still feel like a newbie...

awww DreamLife, :bighug:
dont worry...i understand what you mean..but its okay. Our hair is gonna grow grow grow...and the board is gonna help us...just keep bumping bumping bummmmpppiing girl :yep:

Now ya'll know it must be bad if I'm posting in the hair forum.:look:

Daephae....it hurts my heart to know that someone don't feel welcomed. I've been slipping seriously on welcoming folx.:perplexed

I'm sorry sweetie....about all I can do is welcome. I've been here quite a while but only knows what works for my hair.:look:

Klb I'm disappointed in you. You are falling down on the job. :nono2:

I felt that way when I first joined, but I don't care now. :ohwell: I always try to respond to threads that have 0 replies whenever possible for that reason. :yep:

I posed this question to a member here via PM. She said ladies with longer hair seem to be embraced more. :perplexed For the most part, I can be very clichish here.

Just stay focused on your goals and perhaps get a buddy or two for encouragement.
yeah i was thinking this a while ago bcoz i would hardly ever get any responses and i thought it was because i was newer and stuff cuz i would see you know like people who've been here longer having these threads with all these reponses and id be like ok then i heard someone say what i was thinking and someone said maybe its bcoz ur saying stuff thats already been said so lately ive been posting things and getting a lot more responses maybe its bcoz im posting what other people r thinking now.
Aww daephae :hug3: don't take it personally, hon.

I think people don't have much to say when folks are trying to get their regimens together in the beginning phases because it's the same questions over and over. It's all about trial and error. If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them the best of my ability though. :) If someone hasn't answered your question, it's probably because it is something that can found using the search feature that has been asked zillions of times.

Do not let something like folks not responding to your posts get you discouraged about the board.

I second that...and ever since I've joined there are so many ladies here that are sources of encouragement. And some have started out with NL (Neck Length), EL (Ear Length)...and some even shorter than that. :perplexed Everyone starts at different places with their hair and most of us are trying to find a regimen that ACTUALLY works without causing breakage/splitting issues. :look: So don't feel discouraged! If you need any support all of the ladies here are always willing to help because whether their hair is in the middle of their back or up to their ears, they're all on the same journey as you! :yep: By the way, I saw your photo and your hair is very lovely...I was surprised at how beautiful the texture is...you just keep doing what you're doing and remember: You'll won't get where you want to be unless you accept where you're at! Good luck!
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OH MY GAWD Y'ALL!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THE NUMBER OF YOU WHO HAVE REPLIED!!!:blush: I know I'm being a big baby :babyg:and I apologize but I ain't gonna lie, it feels good to hear from all of you!!! I was reading through the posts laughing so hard :lachen::lachen::lachen:!!! It helps to hear people admit that it can be "cliquish" and that "some people will get responses no matter what". That sucks :perplexed but that's life! I feel so much better y'all...I thought it was just me. I won't complain anymore:nono:. I PROMISE! :yep: I'm just gonna sit back and work on making some progress:grin:.
I'm a fairly short haired newbie, but being a Pastor's wife, I guess I have thicker skin:lachen::lachen:. Please feel free to pm me anytime, while my hair isn't long, it is longer and heathier than it was at the beginning. We shorties have to stick together:grin:.
I'm a fairly short haired newbie, but being a Pastor's wife, I guess I have thicker skin:lachen::lachen:. Please feel free to pm me anytime, while my hair isn't long, it is longer and heathier than it was at the beginning. We shorties have to stick together:grin:.

I know that's right! Thanks so much. You're hair is so thick and pretty!
Don't feel discouraged...I've been on here since 2006 and there are plenty of threads that I start that only a few respond too. I can understand how you feel though...it can be sad sometimes, but...I keep pressing on and sometimes...I hit just the right thread and BINGO!!! Posts flood in!

**Hugs to You** and I'm glad you are feeling better.
Don't feel discouraged...I've been on here since 2006 and there are plenty of threads that I start that only a few respond too. I can understand how you feel though...it can be sad sometimes, but...I keep pressing on and sometimes...I hit just the right thread and BINGO!!! Posts flood in!

**Hugs to You** and I'm glad you are feeling better.

Thanks! I do feel worlds better. Who woulda thought that my rant :offrant: would turn into a lovefest! :grouphug3:

I appreciate everyone's kind words and understanding. It helps to know that many have felt as I did at one time or another. I'm just the only one crazy enough to say it :lachen:.
Don't feel discouraged...I've been on here since 2006 and there are plenty of threads that I start that only a few respond too. I can understand how you feel though...it can be sad sometimes, but...I keep pressing on and sometimes...I hit just the right thread and BINGO!!! Posts flood in!

**Hugs to You** and I'm glad you are feeling better.

Yep! This happens to N&W allllllll the time.:yep:
Girlfriend, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling discouraged by a lack of response. Speaking for myself, I'm checking out the site at my job, and this doesn't afford me a lot of time for commentary. But, just to let you know that your hair is BANGING!!!!

I too have short hair; but, when I ran across this board, I was just looking to have my hair be healthy again (especially after I jacked it up this past summer). I put a couple of posts out there, that didn't seem to be received very warmly...so, I just decided to peruse the archives. Talk about a wealth of information!!!!

So, chill-ax and continue to take care of that beautiful head of hair!:grin: