Ignorant arsed yt'ber

Tae Heckard posted this on IG the other day. Some girl said that Tae has "good" hair because she's mixed and Tae responded:

"I get super sad when I read stuff like that. I don't have good hair cuz I'm mixed. I have awesome hair because I take care of it. Just because I have a different texture than urs doesn't make mine better. *hands u @abeautifulu product and a comb*"

Tae is preaching to the LHCF choir!
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The BEST natural hair gurus with some of themost amazing hair (ie HairCrush) on youtube are almost always from Black women, not mixed ones.

SOME mixed folk are just mad they can't claim long hair against us anymore.

Totally agree with you, I remember one person got very upset, when people starting using Mega tek and got good results. Now especially with all the shrinkage. One black women who grew her relaxed hair to waist length, this black man got so angry and accused her of wanting to be white. People are just funny!
That girl is black. She need to stop playing with me!! :nono2:

I wasn't disagreeing ....she's obviously black I'f she doesn't think so then that's her problem.....as a person of caribean decent if I were to guess without knowing her I would say she was haitian because she " looks"....whatever that means lol

I didn't think you were. I'm just being silly.